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[BUG] DuplicatingDGS windows.

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My issue is that for some reason after pressing the corresponding button to call the function, two windows pop up one on another. One of the is responsive (as in - you can press the buttons and they work), the other one can be moved around but the buttons don't lead anywhere. Any ideas why?

The code is redesigned older code for the OwlGaming roleplay gamemode (from 2015. if I  remember correctly).

function showConfirmDelete(id, brand, model, createdby)

    local w, h = 400,150
    ConfirmDeleteWin = dgsCreateWindow((screenwidth-w)/2,(screenheight-h)/2,w,h,"Transportlīdzekļa dzēšana",false, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, true)
    dgsSetAlpha(vehLib, 0.1)

    local bty, bth = 0.6, 0.2

    labels[8] = dgsCreateLabel(0.0254,0.2072,0.9645,0.1982,"Tu čista gribi dzēst #"..id.."("..brand.." "..model.."), ko veidojis "..createdby.."?",true,ConfirmDeleteWin)

    labels[9] = dgsCreateLabel(0.0254,0.4054,0.9492,0.2162,"Šī rīcība ir neatgriezeniska!",true,ConfirmDeleteWin)

    buttons[10] = dgsCreateButton(0.0254,bty,0.4695,bth,"Atcelt",true,ConfirmDeleteWin, _, _, _, _, _, _, 0x99FF0000)
    addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", buttons[10], function()
        if source == buttons[10] then

    buttons[11] = dgsCreateButton(0.5051,bty,0.4695,bth,"Apstiprināt",true,ConfirmDeleteWin,  _, _, _, _, _, _, 0x9900FF00)
    addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", buttons[11], function()
        if source == buttons[11] then
            triggerServerEvent("vehlib:deleteVehicle", localPlayer, id)


If required, can provide more parts that could be linked to this bit of code.


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The reason one of the copies don't work is because you check if the click event's source is the element in the table buttons and override the values in that table when creating a duplicate copy. If you want both windows to work properly, you should avoid the if source == [some element] then and instead add a false argument after the handler function in addEventHandler. For example

addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", buttons[11], function()
    triggerServerEvent("vehlib:deleteVehicle", localPlayer, id)
  end, false)

That false means the function should not be called for any element other than the element the event is bound to, button[11] at the time the handler was attached; the binding does not change if you later change what buttons[11] references.

Edited by Addlibs
  • Confused 1
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11 minutes ago, Addlibs said:

The reason one of the copies don't work is because you check if the click event's source is the element in the table buttons and override the values in that table when creating a duplicate copy. If you want both windows to work properly, you should avoid the if source == [some element] then and instead add a false argument after the handler function in addEventHandler. For example

addEventHandler("onDgsMouseClick", buttons[11], function()
    triggerServerEvent("vehlib:deleteVehicle", localPlayer, id)
  end, false)

That false means the function should not be called for any element other than the element the event is bound to, button[11] at the time the handler was attached; the binding does not change if you later change what buttons[11] references.

Thank you for you answer, I think I understood the idea, but in my case, I need to get rid of the duplicate window, so there is only one.

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In that case, you should double check you're not calling showConfirmDelete twice; you can either inspect / show your code for that, or you could add an outputDebugString call at the beginning of the function to see how many times its output. You could use outputDebugString(debug.traceback()) to get information on where exactly the function was called from. If it's being called from a function that handles an event, perhaps the event is triggered multiple times, once per player, perhaps.

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14 minutes ago, Addlibs said:

In that case, you should double check you're not calling showConfirmDelete twice; you can either inspect / show your code for that, or you could add an outputDebugString call at the beginning of the function to see how many times its output. You could use outputDebugString(debug.traceback()) to get information on where exactly the function was called from. If it's being called from a function that handles an event, perhaps the event is triggered multiple times, once per player, perhaps.

I checked already and there is no trace to the function being called twice. This issue also arouse, when I "translated" the code from the original GUI to DGS. The output from the outputDebugString(debug.traceback(ConfirmDeleteWin) me one result when it is placed in the start of function and 2 results when in the end of it. DGSDebug also shows them both as different. What can I do with the ID's I get (how/where do I use them to track down where the window was called from)?

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One of the parameters of the dgs mouse click event:


state: the state of the mouse button, will be down if the mouse button was pushed, or up if it was released. Please note currently both up and down state are supported, which is different from onClientGUIClick. For only up or down, see onDgsMouseClickUp/onDgsMouseClickDown

In other words, the equivalent of onClientGUIClick is onDgsMouseClickUp, not onDgsMouseClick. The latter is indeed triggered for every mouse button activity (for the press and for the release) while the cursor is over the element. CEGUI click is registered when you release the mouse button while over the element, giving the user an option to cancel a misclick by holding the mouse button, dragging the cursor off the element and releasing.

Edited by Addlibs
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