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[Help] Making a radar from scratch


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I have the following problem, I need the blip to be stuck to the edge of the radar.



function drawBlip(posX, posY, size, texture, color, visibleDistance)
	-- @description: Draw a blip
	-- @implementation version: Alpha

	-- @param: {posX} (Float) Blip X position.
	-- @param: {posY} (Float) Blip Y position.
	-- @param: {size} (Int) Blip size.
	-- @param: {texture} (Texture) Blip texture.
	-- @param: {color} (Color) Blip color.
	-- @param: {visibleDistance} (Float) Maximum distance the blip should be rendered.

	-- @return: No return.
	-- @example: createCustomBlip(50,0, 10, nil, tocolor(0,255,0,255), 300)

	local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(posX, posY, playerPosition.x, playerPosition.y)
	--Avoid rendering blips that are not in the player's view.
	if distance > visibleDistance then return end 

	local radarCenter = getRadarCenter()
	local radarFix = 2.5
	local blipDistance = Vector2((posX - playerPosition.x), (posY - playerPosition.y))
	local x,y = ( blipDistance.x / radarFix), ( blipDistance.y / radarFix ) 
	local position = Vector2(
		radarCenter.x - (size/2) + x,
		radarCenter.y - (size/2) - y

	dxDrawImage(position.x, position.y, size, size, texture, camRot, -x, y, color)

I know I need to do some sort of math.clump, to prevent the blip from rendering outside of the minimap's border

function math.clamp( _in, low, high )
	return math.min( math.max( _in, low ), high )

I performed some tests and almost succeeded, however, I'm not sure if the way I implemented to position the blips was the most efficient.

How does the radar work?
It is based on shader_hud_mask, and it is rendered like this:

local radar = {
	currentShape = "circle",
	zoom = 8,
	arrowSize = 16,

radar.square = {}
radar.square.size = Vector2(300, 200)
radar.square.position = Vector2(10, SH - radar.square.size.y - 10)

radar.circle = {}
radar.circle.size = Vector2(300, 300)
radar.circle.position = Vector2(10, SH - radar.circle.size.y - 10)

function drawMinimap()
	playerPosition = Vector2(getElementPosition(localPlayer))
	_,_,camRot = getElementRotation(getCamera())
	_,_,playerRot = getElementRotation(localPlayer)

	-- Transform world x,y into -0.5 to 0.5
	local x,y = playerPosition.x, playerPosition.y
	x = ( x ) / 6000
	y = ( y ) / -6000
	dxSetShaderValue( SHADER_MASK, "gUVPosition", x,y )

	local radarCenter = getRadarCenter()

	if radar.currentShape == "circle" then 
		dxSetShaderValue( SHADER_MASK, "gUVScale", 1/radar.zoom, 1/radar.zoom )

		dxDrawImage( radar.circle.position.x, radar.circle.position.y, radar.circle.size.x, radar.circle.size.y, SHADER_MASK, camRot,0,0)
		dxDrawImage(radar.circle.position.x, radar.circle.position.y, radar.circle.size.x, radar.circle.size.y, TEXTURE_OUTLINE_CIRCLE)
		dxDrawImage(radarCenter.x - (radar.arrowSize/2), radarCenter.y - (radar.arrowSize/2), radar.arrowSize, radar.arrowSize, TEXTURE_ARROW, camRot - playerRot)
	else -- Square
		dxSetShaderValue( SHADER_MASK, "gUVScale", 1/radar.zoom, 0.667/radar.zoom )
		dxSetShaderValue( SHADER_MASK, "gUVRotAngle", math.rad(-camRot) )

		dxDrawImage(radar.square.position.x, radar.square.position.y, radar.square.size.x, radar.square.size.y, SHADER_MASK, 0,0,0)
		dxDrawImage(radar.square.position.x, radar.square.position.y, radar.square.size.x, radar.square.size.y, TEXTURE_OUTLINE_SQUARE)
		dxDrawImage(radarCenter.x - (radar.arrowSize/2), radarCenter.y - (radar.arrowSize/2), radar.arrowSize, radar.arrowSize, TEXTURE_ARROW, camRot - playerRot)


Any idea how I can do this?

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