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[HELP] How to fix this dx issue?


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My dx elements appear perfectly on my FHD resolution, but on smaller resolutions they do not look very good :/

This is my problem: 

On my resolution:


On a smaller (1366x768) resolution:



The dx elements slip a little... this is my code:

local sx_, sy_ = guiGetScreenSize()
local sx, sy = sx_/1920, sy_/1080

local scale = sy

function teszt()
	dxDrawRectangle(140*sx, 200*sy, 500 * scale, 685 * scale,tocolor(0,0,0,145))
	dxDrawRectangle(150*sx, 235*sy, 480 * scale, 600 * scale,tocolor(0,0,0,145))
	dxDrawImage(595*sx, 845*sy, 30 * scale, 30 * scale,"kuld.png",0,0,0,(isMouseInPosition(595*sx, 845*sy, 30 * scale, 30 * scale) and tocolor(255,181,64,255) or tocolor(255,255,255,255)))
	dxDrawText("Lobby Chat",283*sx, 205*sy, 500 * scale, 700 * scale,tocolor(255,255,255,255),0.7*sy,vekony,"center")

	local x = 0

	for k, v in ipairs(uzenetek) do
		x = x + 1
		if getElementData(getPlayerFromPartialName(v[2]),"adminrang") == false then
			dxDrawText(v[1],160*sx, 210*sy+(x*30), 500 * scale, 700 * scale,tocolor(255,255,255,255),0.7*sy,vastag,"left",_,_,_,_,true)
			dxDrawImage(160*sx, 209*sy+(x*30), 20 * scale, 20 * scale,"moderator.png",0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255,255))
			dxDrawText(v[1],190*sx, 210*sy+(x*30), 500 * scale, 700 * scale,tocolor(255,255,255,255),0.7*sy,vastag,"left",_,_,_,_,true)

What wrong with the calculations? How to fix this?

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Hello, you should look in the MTA wiki for the syntax of the functions that you are using (dxDrawRectangle, dxDrawImage, 

dxDrawText) to understand how they are drawn on the screen (x and y positions, width, height, etc).
Edited by FernandoMTA
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