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Server-side or client-side for this?


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I want to make a "damage system", but I just realized that I'm triggering a serverEvent everytime the player """"dies"""", the event only contains setPedAnimation 

So... i don't know if this is necessary, I know I could make the same system on server side using "onPlayerDamage"(that way I'm not triggering an event just for animation), but i want to optimize this as much as i can.

function playerWasted(attacker, damage)
	local health = getElementHealth(localPlayer) or 1
	if health - damage <= 1 then
		if getElementData(localPlayer, "wasted.player") ~= 1 then 
			setElementData(localPlayer, "wasted.player", 1, false)
			setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
			triggerServerEvent("wastedEvent", localPlayer, localPlayer) -- necessary?

The final question is; I should make the script again on server side, or keep it like this?(client-side) ^

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actually everything looks right here, if you want to cancel this event, I say go to the client side, but the onPlayerDamage event cannot be canceled and will be ineffective when you animate the player, so your code looks correct, but you can delete the second localPlayer parameter in the triggerServerEvent, instead use the source inside the server event

triggerServerEvent("wastedEvent", localPlayer) --use source on server side so no second localPlayer parameter is required


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In this case, I made the animation part in server-side so all the players can see the animation but for some reason the player can "cancel" the animation even if I set FALSE the interruptable part. What's the problem in this?

setPedAnimation(source, "crack", "crckdeth1", -1, false, false, false, true)
								--should make it interruptable


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What you can do is:

On server side

  1. Make a temporary ped using event "wastedEvent".
  2. Make this ped have the same features of the player dieing (skin, rotation) etc.
  3. Make ped collison disabled. (makes ped free from damage from other elements)
  4. Set the alpha of player to 0 and make him froze.
  5. Perform the animation on the ped.
  6. Afterwards destroy ped and reset alpha on player respawn.


Edited by Ayush Rathore
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