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Problem with dxDrawTextOnElement


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Hello, I was trying to make script that would show the name of bus stop in front of bus.


I started by trying this example from wiki:

local randomPed = createPed(285, 2476.91406, -1665.31799, 13.32435)

addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), 
	dxDrawTextOnElement(randomPed, "SWATTEAM Officer", 1, 20, 0, 0, 255, 255, 1, "pricedown")

but it throws me this error: client.lua:5 attempt to call global 'dxDrawTextOnElement' (a nil value)


Was the function removed from MTA or what can be problem please? Thank you for reply.

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No, it's just that Useful functions are functions made by the community and that are not built-in into MTA.


To use them, you have to copy the function code first. And then you can call it (the function source code is lower on the wiki page: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawTextOnElement

local randomPed = createPed(285, 2476.91406, -1665.31799, 13.32435)

addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), 
	dxDrawTextOnElement(randomPed, "SWATTEAM Officer", 1, 20, 0, 0, 255, 255, 1, "pricedown")

-- Function source copied from wiki https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DxDrawTextOnElement
function dxDrawTextOnElement(TheElement,text,height,distance,R,G,B,alpha,size,font,...)
	local x, y, z = getElementPosition(TheElement)
	local x2, y2, z2 = getCameraMatrix()
	local distance = distance or 20
	local height = height or 1

	if (isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z+2, x2, y2, z2, ...)) then
		local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+height)
		if(sx) and (sy) then
			local distanceBetweenPoints = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2)
			if(distanceBetweenPoints < distance) then
				dxDrawText(text, sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(R or 255, G or 255, B or 255, alpha or 255), (size or 1)-(distanceBetweenPoints / distance), font or "arial", "center", "center")

^ Like this, your script will work

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