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Two GUI panels in one function?


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Well, I'm trying to make two different GUI panels, one of them opens when the player is in "Jefferson" and types the command "buy", and the other one opens when the player is in "Rodeo". Inside this panels there is a gridlist that is using two different tables:

vehCS = {
{"Manana", 10000, 410},

vehGT = {
{"ZR-350",230000, 477},

local distancePickup = 3

function detectPanel()
	local x,y,z = getElementPosition(localPlayer)
	local px1, py1, pz1 = 2131.8557128906,-1150.8621826172,24.111211776733
	local px2, py2, pz2 = 562.91925048828,-1293.4617919922,17.248237609863
	local gps = getZoneName(x,y,z)
	if (gps=="Jefferson") then
		if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( px1, py1, pz1, x,y,z) <= distancePickup then
		if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D ( px2, py2, pz2, x,y,z) <= distancePickup then
addCommandHandler("buy", detectPanel)
addCommandHandler("BUY", detectPanel)

function CScns()

	screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
	setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
    windowCS = guiCreateWindow(10, (screenH - 527) / 2, 330, 527,"Test1", false) 
    guiWindowSetSizable(windowCS, false)

    list = guiCreateGridList(12, 28, 304, 437, false, windowCS)
    guiGridListAddColumn(list, "vehicle", 0.5)
    guiGridListAddColumn(list, "price", 0.5)
    for i=1,#vehCS do
        guiGridListAddRow(list, vehCS[i][1], vehCS[i][2])
    buybtn = guiCreateButton(30, 474, 120, 39, "buy", false, windowCS)
    guiSetProperty(buybtn, "NormalTextColour", "FF0AF415")
    closebtn = guiCreateButton(174, 474, 120, 39, "close", false, windowCS)
    guiSetProperty(closebtn, "NormalTextColour", "FFFE0000")

    addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", list, verVehiculo, false)
    addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", list, buyVehCS, false)
    addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", buybtn, buyVehCS, false)
    addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closebtn, closeGUIcs, false)


function GTcns()

	screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize()
	setElementFrozen(localPlayer, true)
    windowGT = guiCreateWindow(10, (screenH - 527) / 2, 330, 527,"Test2", false) 
    guiWindowSetSizable(windowGT, false)

    listGT = guiCreateGridList(12, 28, 304, 437, false, windowGT)
    guiGridListAddColumn(listGT, "vehicle", 0.5)
    guiGridListAddColumn(listGT, "price", 0.5)
    for i=1,#vehGT do
        guiGridListAddRow(listGT, vehGT[i][1], vehGT[i][2])
    buybtn = guiCreateButton(30, 474, 120, 39, "Buy", false, windowGT)
    guiSetProperty(buybtn, "NormalTextColour", "FF0AF415")
    closebtn = guiCreateButton(174, 474, 120, 39, "Close", false, windowGT)
    guiSetProperty(closebtn, "NormalTextColour", "FFFE0000")

    addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", listGT, watchVehicleGT, false)
    addEventHandler("onClientGUIDoubleClick", listaGT, buyVehicleGT, false)
    addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", buybtn, buyVehicleGT, false)
    addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", closebtn, closeGUIGT, false)


This is not efficient, isn't there a better way to make something like this? I don't want to clone every function that the GUI calls with a certain button or action

Edited by Cronoss
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11 hours ago, Cronoss said:
addCommandHandler("buy", detectPanel)
addCommandHandler("BUY", detectPanel)

You can reduce this code btw, by disable caseSensitive.

bool addCommandHandler ( string commandName, function handlerFunction [, bool caseSensitive = true ] )
addCommandHandler("buy", detectPanel, false)


11 hours ago, Cronoss said:

Well, I'm trying to make two different GUI panels, one of them opens when the player is in "Jefferson" and types the command "buy", and the other one opens when the player is in "Rodeo". Inside this panels there is a gridlist that is using two different tables:

As for your initial question.

local zones_CScns = {["Jefferson"] = true}
local zones_GTcns = {["Rodeo"] = true}

--- ...

if zones_CScns[gps] then
elseif zones_GTcns[gps] then


-- !Order matters

local zones

--- ...

local theFunc = zones[gps]
if theFunc then
	-- do something else...

-- ... functions CScns and GTcns here

zones = {["Jefferson"] = CScns, ["Rodeo"] = GTcns}




  • Thanks 1
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