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function giveMoney(cmd)
	if (moneyChances == nil) then ------if moneyChances == nil | moneyChances doesn't appear before in the function, the value it's nil
		givePlayerMoney(source, 50000) ------50.000 the amount of money the player get with the command. (You can edit this number)
		moneyChances = 1 -------moneyChances = 1, so the first variable now it's NOT nil, that should block the option of giving the money to the player
		outputChatBox("You already used this command.", source, 255, 0, 0) --------if moneyChances == 1 then this text shows  up
addCommandHandler("money", giveMoney) 


PD: Not tested, but this could give you an idea on how to make it, I hope it help you

note: I'm new trying to help in this section, if I'm wrong or I missed something please tell me and I'll learn about my mistake :D


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7 hours ago, Cronoss said:
function giveMoney(cmd)
	if (moneyChances == nil) then ------if moneyChances == nil | moneyChances doesn't appear before in the function, the value it's nil
		givePlayerMoney(source, 50000) ------50.000 the amount of money the player get with the command. (You can edit this number)
		moneyChances = 1 -------moneyChances = 1, so the first variable now it's NOT nil, that should block the option of giving the money to the player
		outputChatBox("You already used this command.", source, 255, 0, 0) --------if moneyChances == 1 then this text shows  up
addCommandHandler("money", giveMoney) 


PD: Not tested, but this could give you an idea on how to make it, I hope it help you

note: I'm new trying to help in this section, if I'm wrong or I missed something please tell me and I'll learn about my mistake :D


Or like this:

local used = false

function givecash(command, thePlayer)
  if used == false then
    givePlayerMoney(thePlayer, 5000)
    used = true
    elseif used == true then
    outputChatBox("Already used this command", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true)
addCommandHandler("cash", givecash)


Edited by Hydra
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