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[HELP] Consecutive login


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There's a few ways you can accomplish this. You could maintain a log of when the player has logged in and compare against that to see if they logged in 3 consecutive days. Another way is only keeping track of the last login and a counter of consecutive days thus far. If the user logs in and their last login wasn't the day before you reset the counter, otherwise if they did you increase it. Obviously if they logged in earlier on that same day you don't modify the counter.

Edited by Megadreams
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@Hydrai only ask about the calculation method not store method



how can i create this function

isPlayerLoggedYesterday ( LastLogin , todayDate )

if LastLogin  = "2022-01-20" and todayDate "2022-01-21"

how can i know if that the day next or not ?


for example lastlogin may be 31 and today ma by day 1 its consecutive days

if LastLogin  = "2022-01-31" and todayDate "2022-02-1"


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you can use getTimestamp() function to find previous day and current day this will return instant timestamp in seconds.


Since 1 day is 86400 seconds, you will subtract this from the present

addCommandHandler("times", function()
   local time = getTimestamp()
   local beforeDay = time - 86400
   outputDebugString("before day:"..beforeDay)
   outputDebugString("now: "..time)

this way you can access previous time and current time i'm not sure if this is what you want

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You don't need to know the algorithm if you can make use of the getRealTime function. By giving it the seconds of current day you can fetch the datetime description of the next day by adding the amount of seconds that eoL|Shady has described. Then you can reconstruct the datestring from that time description. But I guess that eoL|Shady's answer might be enough to get you in the right direction.

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