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random checks

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local Cortando = math.random(50,125) 

local locations = { 

		{ 1175.446, -2364.027, 12.318 },
		{ 1214.335, -2344.706, 13.925 },
		{ 1245.387, -2339.776, 13.828 },
		{ 1267.052, -2300.626, 12.216 },
		{ 1313.299, -2285.248, 13.51 },
		{ 1268.388, -2274.247, 13.451 },
		{ 1268.388, -2274.247, 13.451 },
		{ 1223.237, -2282.027, 13.482 },
		{ 1204.502, -2319.271, 14.705 },
		{ 1180.061, -2339.961, 13.623 },
		{ 1143.323, -2359.932, 12.081 },
		{ 1165.128, -2386.746, 11.187 },
		{ 1191.322, -2338.888, 13.996 },
		{ 1217.812, -2329.446, 14.565 },
		{ 1246.38, -2292.822, 12.783 }

atualrotnumberJORNAL = {}
ppcikJORNAL = {}
blips = {}

rotasJORNAL = {
	["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (1) - 20 Entregas - $2500"] = {
		{1175.446, -2364.027, 12.318},
		{1214.335, -2344.706, 13.925},
		{1245.387, -2339.776, 13.828},
		{1267.052, -2300.626, 12.216},
		{1313.299, -2285.248, 13.51},
		{1268.388, -2274.247, 13.451},
		{1268.388, -2274.247, 13.451},
		{1223.237, -2282.027, 13.482},
		{1204.502, -2319.271, 14.705},
		{1180.061, -2339.961, 13.623},
		{1143.323, -2359.932, 12.081},
		{1165.128, -2386.746, 11.187},
		{1191.322, -2338.888, 13.996},
		{1217.812, -2329.446, 14.565},
		{1246.38, -2292.822, 12.783},
	["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (2) - 20 Entregas - $3250"] = {
                  (locations [ math.random ( 1, #locations ) ] ) 

pay = {
	["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (1) - 20 Entregas - $2500"] = 500,
	["Entregas de Jornais - Los Santos (2) - 20 Entregas - $3250"] = 500,

function ifPlayerEnterOnMarker(markerHit,matchingDimension)
	if isPedInVehicle(source) then
		if markerHit == ppcikJORNAL[source] then
			if (matchingDimension) then
				if isElement(ppcikJORNAL[source]) then
					local rname = getElementData(source,"rtnameJornal") or nil
					if rname == nil then return end
					local vh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)
					--toggleAllControls ( source, false )
					--setControlState ( source, "handbrake", true )
					if atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] <= #rotasJORNAL[rname] then
					    --exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Entregando Jornais... Aguarde 2 Segundos!", "info")
						setTimer(function(source) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Você Recebeu + $ e Exp", "success") end,1,1,source)
					elseif atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] == #rotasJORNAL[rname]+1 then
						atualrotnumberJORNAL[source] = 1
						local rec = pay[rname]
						local vh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)
						setTimer(function(source) exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx(source, "Você Recebeu um Valor de $"..rec.." Por Finalizar as Entregas de Jornais!", "success") end,1,1,source)
						--setTimer(function(source) toggleAllControls ( source, true ) end, 2500,1, source )
						--setTimer(function(source) setControlState ( source, "handbrake", false ) end, 2500,1, source )



Olá, alguem poderia me ajudar com esse script?

eu queria os check do emprego aleatorios,
ent criei o local locations, porem cria apenas
1 check, e quando entro nele finaliza as entregas
ao invez se aparecer outro

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