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No Cache


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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team

Depends on what you mean; the TXD and DFF files will always be on disk, but you can avoid players from noticing it's downloading (no download progress dialog) by using


I am saying because often this (and not security of the files being available on disk) is the reason for "no caching" things.

If the reason is security, then there are other options, such as model encryption (to avoid people from editing) or even more advanced scripts that manage to prevent loading specially adapted model files if it's not by a server that has access to those scripts, basically so that trying to grab and use the files simply as DFF and TXD without additional steps would be useless. But i called that "advanced" for a reason, and unfortunately I can't start you on that.


Also note that if you change the extension of binary files (such as models; TXD and DFF, also PNG etc) by renaming them, they will still load as intended. By giving all of your non-script files a;

- new extension (for example, model.dff becomes model.xzc) and edit your loading scripts for that

- filename that doesn't reveal which model it's for

- different filename (as above) for the TXD and DFF's that belong to the same model, so they will also need to match that after identification

.. you will make it harder for players to identify what is what when they are grabbing it to steal it.


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2 hours ago, Dutchman101 said:

- new extension (for example, model.dff becomes model.xzc) and edit your loading scripts for that

- filename that doesn't reveal which model it's for

- different filename (as above) for the TXD and DFF's that belong to the same model, so they will also need to match that after identification

.. you will make it harder for players to identify what is what when they are grabbing it to steal it.

Yes this how can i do it , as i see sometimes in huge servers i download atleast 600 mb but i never actually see what it is,
that is what i wish, either changing the extension or something

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  • MTA Anti-Cheat Team
5 hours ago, Dutchman101 said:

But i called that "advanced" for a reason, and unfortunately I can't start you on that

Even though I said this, ill just throw some random stuff together (without thinking about its implementation) that you can review:



local RW_TYPE = { -- print(decToHex(bytesToData("ui",string.char(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x18))))
	[1] 		= 'rwDATA',
	[2] 		= 'rwSTRING',
	[3] 		= 'rwEXTENSION',
	[6] 		= 'rwTEXTURE',
	[7] 		= 'rwMATERIAL',
	[8] 		= 'rwMATERIALLIST',
	[14] 		= 'rwFRAMELIST',
	[15] 		= 'rwGEOMETRY',
	[16] 		= 'rwCLUMP',
	[20] 		= 'rwATOMIC',
	[26] 		= 'rwGEOMETRYLIST',
	[1294] 		= 'rwMATERIALSPLIT',
	[39056126] 	= 'rwFRAME',

local lBytesToData 		= bytesToData
local lDecToHex 		= decToHex
local lCreateCipher 	= createCipher
local lCipher 			= cipher

local function readChunkHeaderInfo(file, c) -- an exception is needed so that you are at the beginning of the chunk @c = current_position
	local c = c and c or 0
	local ChunkHeaderInfo 		= { rwType = ''; bytes  = ''; version = 0; buildings = '' };
	ChunkHeaderInfo.rwType 		= lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)); 				file:setPos(c+4)
	ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes 		= lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)); 				file:setPos(c+8)
	ChunkHeaderInfo.version 	= lDecToHex(lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4))); 		file:setPos(c+12)
	ChunkHeaderInfo.buildings 	= lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4));
	local rwString = RW_TYPE[ChunkHeaderInfo.rwType]
	if rwString then
		ChunkHeaderInfo.rwType = rwString
	return ChunkHeaderInfo
local function readGeometryInfo(file, c) -- an exception is necessary for you to be at the beginning of RWDATA GEOMETRY @c = current_position
	local c = c and c or 0
	local rwGeometryInfo 	= { rwType = ''; bytes  = ''; version = 0; FACES = 0, VERTEX = 0 };
	rwGeometryInfo.rwType	= lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)); 				file:setPos(c+4)
	rwGeometryInfo.bytes 	= lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4));  				file:setPos(c+8)
	rwGeometryInfo.version 	= lDecToHex(lBytesToData('ui', 						file:read(4))); 
	-- skipping flags and some bull:~
	rwGeometryInfo.FACES = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4))
	rwGeometryInfo.VERTEX = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4))
	local rwString = RW_TYPE[rwGeometryInfo.rwType]
	if rwString then
		rwGeometryInfo.rwType = rwString
	return rwGeometryInfo

local function ENCODE(path, key)
	local file = fileOpen(path)
	local buffer 	= ''
	local pos 		= 48 + (readChunkHeaderInfo(file, 36).bytes) + 12 + 16 -- skip some initial data as well at FrameList.
	local data		= { key = key, start = 0, size = 512, blocks = {} } -- encryption data
	fileSetPos(file, 0)
		buffer = fileRead(file, pos + 12 + 4) -- we read everything until the first geometry
	local newpos = pos
	local i = 1
	local t = getTickCount()
	data.start = newpos+12+4
	while true do
		local ChunkHeaderInfo = readChunkHeaderInfo(file, newpos)
		if ChunkHeaderInfo.rwType ~= 'rwGEOMETRY' then
			fileSetPos(file, newpos)
			if ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes >= 512 then
				local part = fileRead(file, 512)
					-- part=encodeCaesarXor(part, 128)
					local self = lCreateCipher('rc4')
					part = lCipher(self, part)
				buffer = buffer..part
					fileSetPos(file, newpos+512+12+4)
				buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, (ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes+12)-512)
				buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes+12)
			table.insert(data.blocks, { newpos, ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes })
	buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, file.size-newpos)
	local file = fileCreate('1.dff')
		fileWrite(file, buffer)
	local file = fileCreate('file.key')
		fileWrite(file, inspect(data))
	print('ms: '..(getTickCount()-t))

ENCODE('infernus.dff', '1')

-- table from file
data = {
  blocks = { { 8287, 492453 }, { 500752, 164001 }, { 664765, 88344 }, { 753121, 52054 }, { 805187, 356965 }, { 1162164, 1675 }, { 1163851, 521 }, { 1164384, 2997 }, { 1167393, 6039 }, { 1173444, 18268 }, { 1191724, 1519 }, { 1193255, 88956 }, { 1282223, 21275 }, { 1303510, 12068 }, { 1315590, 48581 }, { 1364183, 12180 }, { 1376375, 90521 }, { 1466908, 48349 }, { 1515269, 17305 }, { 1532586, 9920 }, { 1542518, 8002 }, { 1550532, 1342 }, { 1551886, 1339 }, { 1553237, 7030 }, { 1560279, 4238 }, { 1564529, 7986 }, { 1572527, 7986 }, { 1580525, 41149 }, { 1621686, 42308 }, { 1664006, 89259 }, { 1753277, 89259 }, { 1842548, 32581 }, { 1875141, 120775 }, { 1995928, 106716 }, { 2102656, 192384 }, { 2295052, 2858 }, { 2297922, 195903 }, { 2493837, 2857 }, { 2496706, 199616 }, { 2696334, 2858 }, { 2699204, 186695 }, { 2885911, 57242 }, { 2943165, 162669 }, { 3105846, 148930 }, { 3254788, 3673 }, { 3258473, 47286 }, { 3305771, 29240 }, { 3335023, 3498 }, { 3338533, 200358 }, { 3538903, 39399 }, { 3578314, 99764 }, { 3678090, 75284 }, { 3753386, 99764 }, { 3853162, 75284 }, { 3928458, 5839 }, { 3934309, 5958 }, { 3940279, 1778 } },
  key = "1",
  size = 512,
  start = 8303

local function DECODE(path, key)
	local file = fileOpen(path)
	local buffer = fileRead(file, data.start) -- we read everything until the first geometry
	local newpos = data.blocks[1][1]
	local i = 1
	local t = getTickCount()
	data.start = newpos+12+4
	for i, v in ipairs(data.blocks) do
		fileSetPos(file, newpos)
		if v[2] >= 512 then
			local part = fileRead(file, 512)
				-- part=decodeCaesarXor(part, 128)
				local self = lCreateCipher('rc4')
				part = lCipher(self, part)
			buffer = buffer..part
				fileSetPos(file, newpos+512+12+4)
			buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, (v[2]+12)-512)
			buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, v[2]+12)
			-- fileSetPos(file, newpos+12+4)
	buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, file.size-newpos)
	local file = fileCreate('2.dff')
		fileWrite(file, buffer)
	print('ms: '..(getTickCount()-t))

DECODE('infernus.dff', '1')



  • Thanks 1
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