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[Release] Berkshire Apocalypse (Zombie-Gamemode)


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15 hours ago, Peti said:

Why would you be such an as*hole?


I'm not being negative. Clearly it says it does not tested.

On 13/02/2019 at 06:31, Xendom said:

The actual version is 1.0.2 (Beta - It was not tested with more than one player yet.)


The gamemode concept as well is pretty good. Keep it going dude :)

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It says the gamemode wasn't tested with more than one player. That doesn't mean it wasn't tested at all. For sure I tested my systems, but you can't find all bugs when you test a Multiplayer-Gamemode allone. So it's a beta until enough people tested it and it's certain that there are no more bugs.

Thank you.

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  • 1 year later...

v.1.0.4 - v.1.1.0

- Uniform images for the items in the inventory.
- The chance of a zombie doctor dropping a medication has been reduced.
- You can now only have a maximum of two medications with you a the same time.
- It is now possible to get a key, if you kill a zombie with a headshot. With a key you can open a safe in the new protection zone, which has a random weapon in it.
- The password is now encrypted more securely.
- Team mebers can now write publicly with /o and internally with /a.
- If you are in a team, members of this team can now also drive your private vehicles.
- With the command /admincommands, team members can now see which commands they can use.
- Fixed /park.
- A player's private vehicles now will only created after he has logged in.
- Added a housesystem (More informations can be found iht the help menu)
- Team members now have the [BA] clan tag in front of their name on the scoreboard.
- Added newssystem.
- Team chat added (usable via y or /t [message]).
- Wang Cars and the weapon shops are now shown on the map.
- An infobox now appears when you buy a weapon.
- A happy hour now takes place between 8:00 p.m and 9:00 p.m. In this time you receive double experience points and double money.
- Players with an active premium status can now get two bonuspoints, when they collect a bonuspoint.
- You can passed money to others players now with /pay [amount].


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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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