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How to save the objects attached


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What I wanted to do, was that the user to buy a certain accessory color and object, that is saved and at the beginning, not only can see it, but also can see others.


function Cortina1(paintjobID, color)
 	local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( client ) 
	local player = client
    if ( vehicle ) then 
		local pos = {getElementPosition( vehicle )}
        Cortinapuesta = createObject( 1000, pos[1], pos[2], pos[3] )
        attachElements( Cortinapuesta, vehicle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
	triggerClientEvent (root, "setShader", resourceRoot, paintjobID, color)
end end
addEvent("PonerCortina", true)
addEventHandler("PonerCortina", resourceRoot, Cortina1)

function CancelarCortina()
    local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( source ) 
    if ( vehicle ) then 
    end end
addEvent("SacarCortina", true)
addEventHandler("SacarCortina", root, CancelarCortina)


function addPJfction (player)
     triggerClientEvent (getRootElement(),"addPJ2", getRootElement(), player )
addEvent( "addPJ", true )
addEventHandler( "addPJ", resourceRoot, addPJfction )

function removePJfction (player)
     triggerClientEvent (getRootElement(),"removePJ2", getRootElement(),player )
addEvent( "removePJ", true )
addEventHandler( "removePJ", resourceRoot, removePJfction )



Ventana1 = createMarker (2194.4677734375, 1440.5966796875, 10.8203125-1, "cylinder", 1.5, 0, 255, 0, 170 )
local NormalTextColour = "FFFB0202"

function mapLoad ( Bondi2018OBJETOS )
    local txdCortinas1518 = engineLoadTXD( "objetos/metalpar1518/vehicle.txd" ) 
    local dffCortinas1518 = engineLoadDFF( "objetos/metalpar1518/spl_b_mar_m.dff", 0 )   
    engineImportTXD( txdCortinas1518, 1000 ) 
    engineReplaceModel( dffCortinas1518, 1000 ) 
addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, mapLoad )

addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", Ventana1,
					if localPlayer == getLocalPlayer() then 
Ventana = guiCreateWindow(997, 226, 228, 743, "BONDI 2018 - Taller \"Libertad\"", false);guiSetVisible(Ventana, true)
guiWindowSetSizable(Ventana, false)
guiSetProperty(Ventana, "CaptionColour", "FF0EF1E3")
veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer )

Boton1 = guiCreateButton(15, 66, 108, 31, "     CORTINAS", false, Ventana); guiSetProperty(Boton1, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
Boton2 = guiCreateButton(15, 107, 108, 31, "  Parachoques", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(Boton2, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
Boton3 = guiCreateButton(15, 148, 108, 31, "    ASIENTOS", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(Boton3, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton4 = guiCreateButton(15, 189, 108, 31, "      VIDRIOS", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(Boton4, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
Boton5 = guiCreateButton(15, 230, 108, 31, "      OPTICAS", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(Boton5, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
Boton6 = guiCreateButton(15, 271, 108, 31, "", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(Boton6, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton7 = guiCreateButton(15, 312, 108, 31, "", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(Boton7, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton8 = guiCreateButton(15, 353, 108, 31, "", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(Boton8, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton9 = guiCreateButton(15, 394, 108, 31, "", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(Boton9, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
BotonCERRAR = guiCreateButton(15, 700, 108, 31, "CERRAR", false, Ventana);guiSetProperty(BotonCERRAR, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")

end end )

Ventana2 = guiCreateWindow(997, 226, 228, 743, "BONDI 2018 - Taller \"Libertad\"", false);guiSetVisible(Ventana2, false);guiWindowSetSizable(Ventana2, false);guiSetProperty(Ventana2, "CaptionColour", "FF0EF1E3")
Boton1 = guiCreateButton(60, 66, 108, 31, "Cortinas Simples", false, Ventana2); guiSetProperty(Boton1, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
Boton2 = guiCreateButton(15, 107, 108, 31, "  Turquesas", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton2, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
Boton2b = guiCreateMemo(150, 107, 64, 31, "2500", false, Ventana2); guiSetProperty(Boton2b, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202");guiMemoSetReadOnly( Boton2b, true )
Boton3 = guiCreateButton(15, 148, 108, 31, "    2", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton3, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202"); 
Boton4 = guiCreateButton(15, 189, 108, 31, "      3", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton4, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
Boton5 = guiCreateButton(15, 230, 108, 31, "      4", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton5, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
Boton6 = guiCreateButton(15, 271, 108, 31, "5", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton6, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton7 = guiCreateButton(15, 312, 108, 31, "6", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton7, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton8 = guiCreateButton(60, 353, 108, 31, "Cortinas Completas", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton8, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton9a = guiCreateButton(15, 394, 108, 31, "Turquesas", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton9a, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton10a = guiCreateButton(15, 435, 108, 31, "Rojas", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton10a, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton11a = guiCreateButton(15, 476, 108, 31, "Azules", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton11a, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton12a = guiCreateButton(15, 517, 108, 31, "Blancas", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton12a, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
Boton13a = guiCreateButton(15, 558, 108, 31, "Celestes", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(Boton13a, "NormalTextColour", "	FFFB0202")
BotonTOTAL = guiCreateMemo (15, 650, 60, 31, "Total:", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(BotonTOTAL, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202");guiMemoSetReadOnly( BotonTOTAL, true )
BotonTOTAL2 = guiCreateMemo (75, 650, 60, 31, "0", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(BotonTOTAL2, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202");guiMemoSetReadOnly( BotonTOTAL2, true )
BotonCOMPRAR = guiCreateButton (135, 650, 65, 31, "COMPRAR", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(BotonCOMPRAR, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")
BotonCERRAR2 = guiCreateButton(15, 700, 108, 31, "CERRAR", false, Ventana2);guiSetProperty(BotonCERRAR2, "NormalTextColour", "FFFB0202")

addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, --VENTANA
		local getGui = guiGetVisible(Ventana)
		if source == BotonCERRAR then	
			if getGui then 
				guiSetVisible(Ventana, false)
				veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer )
	end )


addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, --VENTANA
		local getGui = guiGetVisible(Ventana2)
		if source == BotonCERRAR2 then	
			if getGui then 
				guiSetVisible(Ventana2, false)
				veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer )
				triggerServerEvent("SacarCortina", localPlayer, localPlayer)
	end )	
	addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, --VENTANA2 = CORTINAS
		local getGui = guiGetVisible(Ventana)
		if source == Boton1 then	
			if getGui then 
				guiSetVisible(Ventana, false)
				guiSetVisible(Ventana2, true)
				veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle( localPlayer )
	end )
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, --VENTANA2 = CORTINAS > Completas > Turquesas
	function ()
local getGui = guiGetVisible(Ventana2)
if source == Boton9a then	
			local color = "nada"	
		triggerServerEvent("PonerCortina", resourceRoot, paintjobID, color)
			PrecioCortinasCompletas = 3500
			PrecioTotal = PrecioCortinasCompletas
			guiSetText(BotonTOTAL2, PrecioCortinasCompletas)
if source == Boton10a then	--ROJAS
			local color = "red"
		triggerServerEvent("PonerCortina", resourceRoot, paintjobID, color)
			PrecioCortinasCompletas = 3500
			PrecioTotal = PrecioCortinasCompletas
			guiSetText(BotonTOTAL2, PrecioCortinasCompletas)										
 end end end ) 
addEvent( "addPJ2", true )
addEventHandler( "addPJ2", getLocalPlayer(), CortinasCompletas )

function addPaintjob2(paintjobID, color)
	outputChatBox("the color is:" .. color)  
	if color == "red" then
		CortinasRojas = dxCreateTexture ( "CortinasRojas.png" )   
					engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture  (shader_cars,"cortinas", getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ))   
					shader_cars , tec = dxCreateShader ( "shader.fx" )    
					engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture  (shader_cars,"cortinas", getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ))   
					dxSetShaderValue  (shader_cars,"TX0",CortinasRojas) 
	elseif color == "blue" then
		CortinasAzules = dxCreateTexture ( "CortinasAzules.png" )   
					engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture  (shader_cars,"cortinas", getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ))   
					shader_cars , tec = dxCreateShader ( "shader.fx" )    
					engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture  (shader_cars,"cortinas", getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player ))   
					dxSetShaderValue  (shader_cars,"TX0",CortinasAzules)  
	elseif color == "Nada" then
	outputChatBox ("Asi como está")

addEvent( "setShader", true )
addEventHandler( "setShader", resourceRoot, addPaintjob2 )


addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", guiRoot, --VENTANAS > BOTON COMPRAR
		local getGui = guiGetVisible(Ventana2)
		local money = getPlayerMoney (localPlayer)
				if source == BotonCOMPRAR then
				if (money > PrecioTotal) then		
					outputChatBox ("Dinero CALCULADO")
					takePlayerMoney ( PrecioTotal ) 
					outputChatBox ("Usted ha comprado las cortinas")
					guiSetVisible(Ventana2, false)
					showCursor (false)
					outputChatBox ("No tiene el dinero suficiente para comprarlas!!")
 end end end)


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