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After a decade of building the best known Roleplay script out there. The OwlGaming community has been the last large community that has maintained (and publicly released) the Valhalla Gaming Roleplay script, with all its resources ready for anyone to create their own server. However, before the release of the script that is now available on github. The developers have cleared some specific resources, files, and possibly certain configurations, which ultimately resulted in a untested , and often difficult to install gamemode. Even if you managed to get the server running, you already get faced with various challenges to get your account operational. And when you do get your character created, and you can roam around the map. Many features (such as chat) are not functional. This seems a disservice to what the initial gamemode, its growth, and dedication of many developers actively working on it to leave such a prominent gamemode broken on a public service. Therefore I have made a 69th fork of the gamemode, with the intention to get the gamemode in working condition. But I cannot do it alone. This is where I ask the community to band together, and give this gamemode the care it deserves. Github Repo: MittellBuurman/MTA-Roleplay-Community Discord: SourPatch GC If you're interested in participating or contributing. Feel free to send me a PM on discord, or join the server and get the ideas flowing. Hope to see you there!
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- gamemode
- owl gamemode
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After 6 years and long time of myself being bored, I've decided to stop being bored and (re)do my old idea of Stargate gamemode for MTA:SA, because why not. The old post with description is here: Stargate gamemode for MTA:SA resurrected A gamemode for MTA:SA based on STARGATE: Horizon of the universe - GTA:SA mod (; will be referred to as HoTU) and Stargate Carter's Addon Pack - Garry's Mod addon (; will be referred to as CAP) and of course the franchise Stargate (SG-1;Atlantis;Universe; see: This gamemode will (probably) contain most of, or at least many of elements from these two gamemodes and the franchise - Stargates (with all their beauty - dialling, transporting all elements, time travel, wormhole jumping, other physics), transport rings, planets (Earth/SGC, San Andreas, Atlantis, Destiny, Custom maps, ...) & atmosphere, energy system and more. Where is the gamemode from 2017? In void. All source files were deleted. This is however not a bad thing, because the source code was ugly, a one big non-effective spaghetti code (with exactly 0 cycles) that did not work nicely and performed poorly. That was the main reason alongside the high time consumption, why this gamemode/project was abandoned in 2017 (it took me many weeks to create just a one working stargate with not the best effects, results and physics - what I have completed now took me maybe 2 days in total). Current progress Q: When it will be done, final, completed? A: A little free time, coding only in free time, only when it's wanted, wanna speed up progress? Contribute. Q: Can I see some preview (trailer, demo) of the gamemode (current and previous)? A: If you want screenshots from the old gamemode, look in the old (2017) post. There are also some demos (videos, screenshots) from current gamemode at GitHub repository in branch previews (usually progress made in given release). For real-time updates about progress or changelogs, see GitHub repository (file; differs across branches). What's needed to be done and is not completed? Everything that is unfinished or looks like it. It's found in GitHub repository in file (separate branches contain their own file). Availability - Download, Contribute or Share This project is open-source. Gamemode with its updates, progress and source code is available at GitHub for everyone (even to contribute) at: Main (release) branch represents the final gamemode. There are other branches, which are used for development of the gamemode. As the project is open-source, you can contribute to anything you want, as long as you: Create pull request with necessary information Use the (almost) same conventions for code Wait for the supreme court (me) to approve the pull request
Project Las Venturas Cześć chciałbym ci przedstawić serwer o nazwie ,,Project Las Venturas'', chcielibyśmy być serwerem godnym twojej uwagi, cała ekipa serwera tworzy serwer z pasji, mikropłatnośći będą jeśli dla nas koszt serwera będzie zadurzy będziemy starali się aby było ich jak najmniej nie możemy się pochwalić autorską paczką ponieważ serwer ma być w połowie autorski lub w 25% zobaczymy z czasem bardzo chcielibyśmy abyś wsparł nas twoją obecnością ponieważ motywuje to nas do dalszej pracy nad serwerem na dole krótkie informacje o serwerze: [ ] Miejsce rozgrywki -> Jak sama nazwa mówi będzie to Las Venturas. [ ] Zarobki -> Zarobki są średnie (w pracy dla początkujących okolice 1000PLN) [ ] Właściciele -> U nas właściciele i twórcy serwera są zawsze zwarci i gotowi pomóc ci lub odpowiedzieć na pytanie możesz się zlecić bezpośrednio do nich w razie pytania bądź pomocy. [ ] Serwer -> Będziemy starali się aby serwer był dopracowany oraz wolny od jakichkolwiek błędów . [ ] Prace -> Prac z początku nie planujemy za dużo, ponieważ będziemy chcieli aby były one w pełni autorskie lecz są to plany a plany lubią się sypać. [ ] Nowości -> Każda nowość będzie pod was graczy bo serwer jest tworzony z myślą o graczach. ** Mamy nadzieję że ta reklama choć trochę was zachęciła, prosimy o nie kopiowanie jej ponieważ została napisana przez właściciela( Pieski#2115) któremu zajęło wymyślenie tekstu oraz wyglądu emotek itd. Spis właścicieli w razie pytań: GroXi#1983 JacobeQ#1806 Pieski#2115 Discord:
Hello there, I'm looking for an intermediate (or above) scripter with a bit of graphics design experience and yes this is going to be paid work. It's a medium to small size project. Please be/have Good time management Ready to work daily Good vocabulary Respectful Available Patient Contact Feel free to reach out to me on Steam or pm me here, thanks for checking out my post and please get vaccincated. Yours (post covid), Vseven
عن آرينا للعب الأدوار آرينا، خادم لعب أدوار بدأ في مايو عام 2019 كـفكرة ودية يتم مناقشتها مع مُمثليها، حتى وصلنا إلى شهر مارس عام 2020، وبدأنا نفكر مرة أخرى وبشكلٍ جدي حتى نبدأ في العمل على الخادم، ونستعيد الفكرة التي طرحناها بيننا عام 2019، نحن لم نفعل ذلك عبساً، حدث ذلك بعد محاولات لتجربة العديد من الخوادم التي كانت من المفترض أن توفر لعب الأدوار "المُحترف" والغير تقليدي. ولكن لم نجد البيئة المناسبة للعب الأدوار، لذا دعوني آخذكم في جولة عن آرينا، وبشكل مبسط، آرينا للعب الأدوار خادم مبني على لعب الأدوار النصي بالنمط الكلاسيكي في غالبية تعاملاته مع اللاعبين. مع بعض واجهات المستخدم الإستثنائية. ماذا نقدم؟ توفير لعب الأدوار الغير تقليدي ولكن بالنمط الكلاسيكي، على مدار ثلاثة سنوات من لعب الأدوار شبه المُنظم داخل الخوادم العربية، لم نجد أي خادم مُنظم بشكلٍ كافٍ حتى يطرح للاعبين مسألة إستمراريته ومتى قد يبقى الخادم مستقراً، لذلك كنا نفكر في الأسباب وكيفية تحويل المشكلة إلى حلٍ منطقي بشكل يضمن تميز الخادم عن غيره مثل ضمان الإستمرارية، إعطاء الخادم الجهد المطلوب حتى نضمن أعلى جهد مُمكن أن يُبذل. وبعد الكثير من المناقشات حول كيفية ضمان حدوث ذلك، سنوفر حلول غير تقليدية بشكلٍ راقي ومن طاقم محترف. لطالما أراد الجميع فرصة التطلع والمضي قدماً حتى يعمل مع طاقم ذكي له خبرات سابقة متعددة المجالات حول لعب الأدوار، وطاقم يتحلى بالمسؤولية ولديه القدرة على إدارة خادم، ويتفاهم ويحترم عقليات اللاعبين. أهدافنا تسعي بعض الخوادم وراء تحقيق نجاح وهمي مبني علي أسس خاطئه من خلال عرض خدماتها في سبيل الحصول علي مميزات شخصية، لكن نحن نعتبر ذلك غير جدير بالإحترام فهدف كذلك لن يكون له اي مردود يذكر علي المدي البعيد. وبشكل مُبسط، نتمنى أن نترك بصمة في مجال لعب الأدوار العربي في إم تي أي للمدى البعيد. الروابط الرسمية للخادم الموقع الرسمي : ألديسكورد : المنتدى الرسمي : - منتدى الشرطة : - منتدى ألحكومة : منتدى قسم ألانقاذ : إفعل الشيء الصحيح في الوقت الصحيح بالطريقة الصحيحة لتتميّز أطيب الأمنيات، - مجتمع آرينا للعب الأدوار
Hello community! This is my first topic on Global Forum. So, if I commit some kind of infringement, please notify me, and forgive me for bad English. I'm looking for members to our development team for a server based on Star Wars, most precisely on the Episode VII. The project is in a initial stage. Mappers, Programmers, Modelers, all the help is welcome and appreciate. If you are interested, feel free to reply or contact me on Discord: Volkov#8171 Currently, all the project has been managed by me and a friend, both beginners on Lua Programming. I hope the community like the idea of a thematic server! ? May the Force be with you!
It is with great pride that I recognize Project Redivivus for nine years of dedicated work and effort to the Multi Theft Auto project for our much beloved Grand Theft Auto III and Vice City games! Over the years, we have seen numerous people come and go, contributing massively to a project that has had deep meaning to many of the people in this community and others. Throughout this time, I have also met some of the kindest, funniest, and most-skilled people in my life. Having the chance to work alongside some of Multi Theft Auto's original developers has opened my eyes to some of the history of MTA and many other GTA multiplayer mods, and how they are what they are today. (The dedication put forth by the MTA team is nothing short of impressive). In the process, I've also seen quite a few of our own developers go on to officially work alongside the MTA team in multiple different capacities, thus helping to continue what we all know and love even more. To celebrate this long-standing group's birthday, I was hoping to officially release MTA 0.6 Nightly 2 to everyone. The plan was to push back the Windows XP/Boost fixes to 0.6 Nightly 3 so everyone could have something to play with in the mean time. Unfortunately our development team has run into an issue with compiling the Linux version of MTAServer, which is currently holding back this release. Fear not, though! We are still actively working on this, and hope that a resolution will be found within the coming days so everyone can have a late birthday gift from the PR team! Things are just around the corner, boys and girls. While 0.6 still has quite a bit of work left to be done on it before it can be open-sourced and released, significant progress has been made, and we are getting much closer to the end of it than ever before. This means that we'll hopefully be seeing releases to 0.7 and Blue also coming in the near future once the 0.6 base has been finalized for public use and view. Good things are coming. We just need a little more of your patience as we prepare them!
Hello dear users of this forum! The project "American History" need the lua programmers. The form of wage: We will pay from donations. And somtimes will give bonuses. Information about the project: The project will be multi-language. English, Russian and Azerbaijani. It will help for our profit. We make a map of America. On the project will be history of player. It will add atmosphere to the server. All actions on the server will unfold in the 90s. As in the original GTA San Andreas. You can get broad information in: & in the messenger of this site. Good bye!
- lua
- programmer
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Hello dear users of this forum! The project "American History" need the lua programmers. The form of wage: We will pay from donations. And somtimes will give bonuses. Information about the project: The project will be multi-language. English, Russian and Azerbaijani. It will help for our profit. We make a map of America. On the project will be history of player. It will add atmosphere to the server. All actions on the server will unfold in the 90s. As in the original GTA San Andreas. You can get broad information in: & in the messenger of this site. Good bye!
In case anyone is interested in following our development or discussions regarding MTA 0.x through another medium, a Discord server has been opened up. You can find it here: