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  1. Cuyi


    Hola, soy nuevo en todo lo que sea de mta dayz y pues en el servidor que tengo descargue un recurso de Gang_System y pues lo puse en ...mods\deathmatch\resources y pues puse luego "start Gang_System y me sale que cargo todo correcto pero cuando entro al sv para crear clan osea presione T y luego escribo /creategang no sale nada ¿Porque? AYUDA. Hello, I am new to everything that is Mta Dayz and since on the server I have downloaded a Gang_System resource and then I put it in ... mods \ deathmatch \ resources and then I put "start Gang_System and I get it I charge everything Correct but when I enter sv to create clan osea press T and then write / creategang nothing comes out Why? HELP.
  2. --client local beszelget = { } local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer () local root = getRootElement () local w,h = guiGetScreenSize() local y = h-35-340 local gomb = guiCreateButton ( w*0.275,h-35, 100, 35, "Privát üzenetek", false ) guiSetAlpha ( gomb, 1 ) local options = { colorCode=false, chatbox=true, noti=true, bind=false, bindbutton="" } local players local img_default = { w=30, h=75, x=w*0.275 + 120, y=h} local img local speed_default = 0.09 local speed local hideTimer local refreshTimer local lastSearch = "" local backTimer local wrongTable = { "mouse1", "mouse2", "mouse3", "mouse4", "mouse5", "mouse_wheel_up", "mouse_wheel_down", "arrow_l", "arrow_u", "arrow_r", "arrow_d", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "num_0", "num_1", "num_2", "num_3", "num_4", "num_5", "num_6", "num_7", "num_8", "num_9", "num_mul", "num_add", "num_sep", "num_sub", "num_div", "num_dec", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12", "backspace", "tab", "lalt", "ralt", "enter", "space", "pgup", "pgdn", "end", "home", "insert", "delete", "lshift", "rshift", "lctrl", "rctrl", "[", "]", "pause", "capslock", "scroll", ";", ",", "-", ".", "/", "#", "\\", "=" } local keyTable = {} function togglePM ( ) if isElement ( ablak ) then if guiGetVisible ( ablak ) then guiSetVisible ( ablak, false ) guiSetInputEnabled(false) else guiSetVisible ( ablak, true ) end end end function loadSettings () for i, v in ipairs ( wrongTable ) do keyTable[ v ] = true end if fileExists ( "settings.xml" ) then local file = xmlLoadFile ( "settings.xml" ) for i, v in ipairs ( xmlNodeGetChildren ( file ) ) do if xmlNodeGetValue ( v ) == "true" or xmlNodeGetValue ( v ) == "false" then options [ xmlNodeGetName ( v ) ] = loadstring ( "return " .. xmlNodeGetValue ( v ) )() else options [ xmlNodeGetName ( v ) ] = xmlNodeGetValue ( v ) end end if options.bind then bindWindowTo ( options.bindbutton ) end xmlUnloadFile ( file ) end end function saveSettings () local file = xmlLoadFile ( "settings.xml" ) or xmlCreateFile ( "settings.xml", "settings" ) for k, v in pairs ( options ) do local child = xmlFindChild ( file, k, 0 ) or xmlCreateChild ( file, k ) xmlNodeSetValue ( child, tostring(v) ) end xmlSaveFile ( file ) xmlUnloadFile ( file ) end function bindWindowTo ( button ) if keyTable[ button ] then guiSetText ( bindedit, button ) if options.bindbutton and options.bindbutton ~= "" then unbindKey ( options.bindbutton, "down", togglePM ) end bindKey ( button, "down", togglePM ) options.bindbutton = button else guiSetText ( bindedit, options.bindbutton ) end end function refreshList ( ) local name = guiGetText ( keres ) if name ~= lastSearch then lastSearch = name for i, v in pairs(players) do if string.find(v.name:lower(), tostring(name):lower(), 1, true) then v.hide = false else v.hide = true end end reCreateNameList ( true ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientResourceStop", resourceRoot, saveSettings ) function onClick ( ) --outputChatBox ( "a: " .. tostring(guiGetInputEnabled()) ) if source ~= keres and isTimer ( refreshTimer ) then killTimer ( refreshTimer ) lastSearch = "" end if source == keres then if guiGetText ( keres ) == "Keresés" then guiSetText(keres,"") end guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) if not isTimer ( refreshTimer ) then refreshTimer = setTimer ( refreshList, 1000, 0 ) end elseif source == grid then local r, c = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid) if r and r ~= -1 then kezoOldal ( false ) local player = guiGridListGetItemData(grid,r,1) if beszelget[player] then guiSetText(memo,beszelget[player]) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memo,string.len(guiGetText(memo))-1) end end elseif source == kuld then --outputChatBox ( "b: " .. tostring(guiGetInputEnabled()) ) local text = guiGetText(msg) if text == "" then guiSetInputEnabled(false) end local r, c = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid) if text and r and text ~= "" and r ~= -1 then local player = guiGridListGetItemData(grid,r,1) if not beszelget[player] then beszelget[player] = players [ localPlayer ].name .. ": "..text kijelol(player) else beszelget[player] = beszelget[player] .."\n".. players [ localPlayer ].name .. ": "..text end local leng = string.len(beszelget[player]) if leng > 3000 then beszelget[player] = string.sub(beszelget[player], leng-3000) end guiSetText(msg,"") if string.len(guiGetText ( memo ) ) <= 1 then guiSetText(memo,players [ localPlayer ].name .. ": "..text) else guiSetText(memo,guiGetText(memo)..players [ localPlayer ].name .. ": "..text) end if options.chatbox then outputChatBox ( "-> " .. players [ player ].name .. ": "..text, 255, 170, 0 ) end guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memo,string.len(guiGetText(memo))-1) guiBringToFront(msg) guiSetInputEnabled(true) triggerServerEvent("uzenet",getLocalPlayer(),player,text) --outputChatBox ( "c: " .. tostring(guiGetInputEnabled()) ) end elseif source == msg then guiSetInputEnabled(true) elseif source == color then options.colorCode = not guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( color ) reCreateNameList () elseif source == chatbox then options.chatbox = guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( chatbox ) elseif source == noti then options.noti = guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( noti ) elseif source == bind then if guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( bind ) then guiSetEnabled ( bindedit, true ) else guiSetText ( bindedit, options.bindbutton or "" ) guiSetEnabled ( bindedit, false ) end options.bind = guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( bind ) if options.bind then bindWindowTo ( options.bindbutton ) elseif options.bindbutton and options.bindbutton ~= "" then unbindKey ( options.bindbutton, "down", togglePM ) end elseif source == bindedit then guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) elseif source ~= memo then kezoOldal ( true ) end end function draw ( time ) if img.y >= h - img.h then img.y = img.y - (time * speed ) end dxDrawImage ( img.x, img.y, img.w, img.h, "fl.png" ) end function startAnim ( state ) if state == nil then state = true end if state == true then img = img_default speed = speed_default if isTimer ( hideTimer ) then killTimer ( hideTimer ) elseif isTimer ( backTimer ) then killTimer ( backTimer ) end if not drawing then addEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", root, draw ) drawing = true end backTimer = setTimer ( startAnim, 5000, 1, "back" ) elseif state == "back" and drawing then speed = -1 * speed img.y = img.y + ( h - img.h - img.y ) hideTimer = setTimer ( startAnim, 2100, 1, false ) elseif drawing then removeEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", root, draw ) drawing = false end end addEvent("uzenet_jott",true) addEventHandler("uzenet_jott",getRootElement(), function(text) local r, c = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(grid) local player if text and r and text ~= "" and r ~= -1 then player = guiGridListGetItemData(grid,r,1) end if player ~= source or not guiGetVisible(ablak) then guiSetText(gomb,"Privát üenetek\n ( Új üzenet! )") end if options.chatbox then outputChatBox ( "* PM from " .. players [ source ].name .. ": ".. text, 255, 100, 100 ) end if options.noti and not guiGetVisible ( ablak ) then startAnim () end text = "> ".. players [ source ].name .. ": "..text if not beszelget[source] then beszelget[source] = text kivesz(source) local row = guiGridListInsertRowAfter(grid,-1) guiGridListSetItemText(grid,row,column,players [ source ].name,false,false) guiGridListSetItemColor(grid,0,1,10,200,255) guiGridListSetItemData ( grid, row, 1, source ) else beszelget[source] = beszelget[source] .."\n".. text end if player == source then guiSetText(memo,guiGetText(memo)..text) guiMemoSetCaretIndex(memo,string.len(guiGetText(memo))-1) end if guiGetVisible ( msg ) then guiSetInputEnabled(true) end end) function onClick_gomb ( ) guiSetText(gomb,"Privát üzenetek") startAnim ( false ) togglePM ( ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", gomb, onClick_gomb) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerJoin",getRootElement(), function(arg) if grid and isElement(grid) then local row = guiGridListInsertRowAfter ( grid, guiGridListGetRowCount ( grid ) ) guiGridListSetItemData ( grid, row, 1, source ) players[ source ] = { name=options.colorCode and getPlayerName(source) or string.gsub(getPlayerName ( source ), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), blue=false } guiGridListSetItemText(grid,row,column,players [ source ].name, false,false) end end) addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function() kivesz(source) players[ source ] = nil end) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), function ( regi, uj) if grid and isElement(grid) then -- outputChatBox("nev") for i = 0, guiGridListGetRowCount(grid) do if guiGridListGetItemData(grid,i,1) == source then players[ source ].name = options.colorCode and getPlayerName(source) or string.gsub(getPlayerName ( source ), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '') guiGridListSetItemText(grid,i,1, players[ source ].name,false,false) end end end end ) function kivesz(player) if grid and isElement(grid) then for i = 0, guiGridListGetRowCount(grid) do if guiGridListGetItemData(grid,i,1) == player then guiGridListRemoveRow(grid,i,1) break end end end end function kijelol(player) if grid and isElement(grid) then players[ player ].blue = true kivesz ( player ) local row = guiGridListInsertRowAfter ( grid, -1, 1 ) guiGridListSetItemText(grid,row,1,players[ player ].name,false,false) guiGridListSetItemColor(grid,row,1,10,200,255) guiGridListSetItemData ( grid, row, 1, player ) guiGridListSetSelectedItem ( grid, row, 1 ) --triggerEvent("onClientGUIClick",grid) end end function reCreateNameList ( noRescan ) guiGridListClear ( grid ) if not noRescan or not players then players = {} lastSearch = "" for i, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do --if v ~= localPlayer then players[ v ] = { name=options.colorCode and getPlayerName ( v ) or string.gsub(getPlayerName ( v ), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', ''), blue=beszelget[v] and true or false } --end end end for k, v in pairs ( players ) do if not v.hide then if not v.blue then local row = guiGridListAddRow(grid) guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, column, v.name, false, false) guiGridListSetItemData ( grid, row, column, k ) else local row = guiGridListInsertRowAfter(grid, 0) guiGridListSetItemText ( grid, row, column, v.name, false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(grid,row,column,10,200,255) guiGridListSetItemData ( grid, row, column, k ) end end end end function kezoOldal ( state ) if state then guiSetText ( memo, "Légy üdvözölve kedves Játékos!\n\nVálassz egy nevet oldalról a listából akivel beszélgetni szeretnél, és írj neki!\nHa úgy szeretnél a rendes chat-be írni, hogy közben ez az ablak is nyitva van, nyomj úgy entert vagy kattints a Küldés gombra, hogy nincs beí­rva üzenet. Ezután írhatsz (t-vel általában...) a chatbox-ba, majd ide visszakattintva újra ide." ) guiSetSize ( memo, 0.75, 0.40, true ) guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) else guiSetSize ( memo, 0.75, 0.7324, true ) guiSetText ( memo, "" ) end guiSetVisible ( color, state ) guiSetVisible ( chatbox, state ) guiSetVisible ( noti, state ) guiSetVisible ( bind, state ) guiSetVisible ( bindedit, state ) guiSetVisible ( kuld, not state ) guiSetVisible ( msg, not state ) guiSetVisible ( help, state) end function init() ablak = guiCreateWindow ( w*0.275, y, 550, 340, "PM ablak", false ) guiSetVisible(ablak,false) guiWindowSetMovable( ablak, false ) guiWindowSetSizable( ablak, false ) grid = guiCreateGridList ( 0.017, 0.0706, 0.1989, 0.8265, true, ablak ) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(grid,false) guiGridListSetSelectionMode ( grid, 2 ) bindedit = guiCreateEdit(128, 296, 130, 23, options.bindbutton, false, ablak) guiEditSetMaxLength ( bindedit, 16 ) loadSettings () column = guiGridListAddColumn ( grid, "Játékosok", 1.2 ) reCreateNameList ( ) keres = guiCreateEdit ( 0.017, 0.9176, 0.1989, 0.0559, "Keresés", true, ablak ) --guiSetEnabled(keres, false) help = guiCreateLabel ( 0.2348, 0.0765, 0.7311, 0.0706, "Válassz egy játékost, akivel beszélgetni szeretnél. Akivel már van megkezdett beszélgetésed, azt a lista elején, kék szí­nnel kiemelve találod.", true, ablak ) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign ( help, "left", true ) guiSetFont ( help, "default-small" ) memo = guiCreateMemo(0.23, 0.16, 0.75, 0.40, "Légy üdvözölve kedves Játékos!\n\nVálassz egy nevet oldalról a listából akivel beszélgetni szeretnél, és írj neki!\nHa úgy szeretnél a rendes chat-be írni, hogy közben ez az ablak is nyitva van, nyomj úgy entert vagy kattints a Küldés gombra, hogy nincs beí­rva üzenet. Ezután írhatsz (t-vel általában...) a chatbox-ba, majd ide visszakattintva újra ide.", true, ablak) guiMemoSetReadOnly ( memo, true ) color = guiCreateCheckBox(0.23, 0.59, 0.69, 0.04, "Színkodok elrejtése a nevekben (Hide color codes in names)", true, true, ablak) guiCheckBoxSetSelected ( color, not options.colorCode ) chatbox = guiCreateCheckBox(0.23, 0.66, 0.69, 0.04, "Üzenet kiírása a chatboxba (Output messages to the chatbox)", true, true, ablak) guiCheckBoxSetSelected ( chatbox,options.chatbox ) noti = guiCreateCheckBox(0.23, 0.74, 0.68, 0.04, "Feltűnőbb üzenetjelző használata (More visible notification)", true, true, ablak) guiCheckBoxSetSelected ( noti, options.noti ) bind = guiCreateCheckBox(0.23, 0.81, 0.71, 0.04, "Ablak megnyitása a következő gombbal (Bind opening this window)", true, true, ablak) guiCheckBoxSetSelected ( bind, options.bind ) help = guiCreateLabel ( 260, 300, 270, 25, "Nyomj entert a mentéshez (Press enter to save)", false, ablak ) guiSetEnabled ( bindedit, options.bind ) msg = guiCreateEdit ( 0.2292, 0.9147, 0.6364, 0.0588, "", true, ablak ) guiEditSetMaxLength ( msg, 128 ) kuld = guiCreateButton ( 0.8693, 0.9059, 0.1136, 0.0676, "Küldés", true, ablak ) kezoOldal ( true ) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIAccepted", root, function( theElement ) if theElement == msg then --guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) guiBringToFront ( msg ) triggerEvent("onClientGUIClick",kuld) elseif theElement == bindedit then local text = guiGetText ( bindedit ) if text then guiSetInputEnabled ( false ) guiMoveToBack ( bindedit ) bindWindowTo ( text ) end end end ) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", ablak, onClick, true) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(),init) addCommandHandler ( "pm", togglePM ) --server addEvent("uzenet", true) addEventHandler("uzenet", getRootElement(), function(toplayer, text) triggerClientEvent(toplayer, "uzenet_jott", source, source, text) end ) What wrong? client.lua:228: attempt to concatenate local 'text' a userdata value
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