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  1. Hi, I'm here to see if anyone can help me. I have a peculiar problem with my mta, it happens that after a little more than an hour connected on a server that I play a lot (sx),There comes a moment where the game screen freezes, but only the screen because the game continues (I can hear the car accelerate or slow down, for example) and to fix it I must minimize and maximize, the thing is that happens very often and it's very annoying to play like this Can someone help me please? I would really appreciate it
  2. What is the problem with this system ? Why is not sql writing? mysql = exports.mysql function setetiket(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayerName, etiketLevel) local targetName = exports.global:getPlayerFullIdentity(thePlayer, 1) if exports.integration:isPlayerLeadAdmin(thePlayer) then if not targetPlayerName or not tonumber(etiketLevel) then outputChatBox("Kullanım: #ffffff/" .. commandName .. " [İsim/ID] [VİP]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14, true) else local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick( thePlayer, targetPlayerName ) if not targetPlayer then elseif getElementData( targetPlayer, "loggedin" ) ~= 1 then outputChatBox( "Player is not logged in.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0 ) else mysql:query_free("UPDATE `characters` SET `etiket`="..mysql:escape_string(etiketLevel)..", WHERE `id`='"..mysql:escape_string(getElementData(targetPlayer, "dbid")).."'") setElementData(targetPlayer, "etiket", tonumber(etiketLevel)) outputChatBox("[!]#ffffff".. targetPlayerName .. " adlı kişinin vip seviyesini " .. etiketLevel .. " yaptın.", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0, true) outputChatBox("[!]#ffffff"..targetName.." tarafından vip seviyeniz " .. etiketLevel .. " yapıldı.", targetPlayer, 0, 255, 0,true) end end else outputChatBox( "[!]#ffffffBu işlemi yapmaya yetkiniz yok.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0, true) end end addCommandHandler("etiketver", setetiket)
  3. Hello there, Recently I've been trying to change the handling of the rhino and beagle using setVehicleHandling. The problem is very simple, it doesn't work. When I change the vehicle ID to a regular car (infernus, banshee or what have you) it works perfectly Is it not possible to change the handling of aircraft and the rhino? or is there some other way to change it? For now I just want to alter the accelation and top speed of the vehicle (I took the script from the mta wikia) function vhandling ( ) for _,v in pairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do if getElementModel(v) == 432 then -- Rhino ID, any regular car ID works, rhino doesn't setVehicleHandling(v, "maxVelocity", 30000.0) setVehicleHandling(v, "engineAcceleration", 30000.0) end end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), vhandling ) Thanks in advance!
  4. Hello , I have a problem with the extension of Youtube in Mta , When I open Youtube in the script of "Cinema" , the window turn black and after white and no charge anything , is the same with the small windows of youtube , but I don't know why , I can put images .png , .jpg and .gif in the cinema , but when I put one video of Youtube the windows turn to white , Can you help me with this situation ? Regards.
  5. okay, i downloaded MTA yesterday and joined server :CIT Cops 'n' Robbers, Gang Wars, Civilians | cit2.net | EN/AR/RU/+8 more languages IP : i registerd in it then when i went off my brother registerd too and played but when he made the account he named it headlord4 he started with my account name (zezothelord) idk how but afterthat he changed it and he went off then i tried to login found my account named headlord4 :0 but changed it back to zezothelord when i went off and my brother came back he couldnt login his account it said ur password is wrong but he was putting his password right then he made another account and same things happened untill he tried to put hhis password 10times and now we both cant login
  6. [Alright, first of all: I just joined the Forums, so if i do anything wrong, just tell me.] Ok, so i got a problem, it's about an event i want to trigger on a certain amount of zombie's, or on a certain timer, that's all fine and such.. But, i want to merge some event's into a resource called "zombies", like the 'onZombieWasted' event, but then for a seperated Event, What i mean with that is i want to have a new 'onNemesisWasted' event working together with the 'onZombieWasted', but they need to sync up with the (if possible exported) createZombie function from the "zombies" resource. And i am aiming to make it to a elementData trigger, that i locally created as for example: local Nemesis = export.zombies:createZombie(etc,etc..), So when i check for that element's data on the name 'Nemesis' by existence (as in: if ( isElement ( Nemesis ) ) then) and in combination on the 'onNemesisWasted'- event to check if that export of createZombie (ped works aswel) is dead or not, after all of that if the createZombie (ped) is actually dead, then i wan't it to trigger the reward system together with the other piece's of code. To clear out this idea and problem, i also recorded the ZTown Nemesis Event Script and also post the 2 main scripts that hold me from finishing the Nemesis: The Video of me, quickly explaining what, how, and showing the problem: "youtube" And the 2 script's, there both Server-Side, The Nemesis.lua is changed to test it's functionality and quick testing, but feel free to change the code and re-post it here to function with 'onNemesisWasted' additions!.. the first setTimer(function() is there to prevent complication problems from other zombie resource's and scripts, just delaying it for better run's. Also, the second setTimer(function() is just to delay it's Blip creation and Attaching to prevent the Blip not being attached to the createZombie named nemesis. Nemesis.lua (start/event): function nemesisON() setTimer(function() if ( not isElement ( Nemesis ) ) then local nemesis = exports.zombies:createZombie ( 2343, 57, 26.5, 90, 38, 0, 0, nemesis, 0, "hunting", true ) setPedHeadless(nemesis, true) exports.extrahealth:setElementExtraHealth ( nemesis, 150 ) setElementData ( nemesis, "nemesis", true ) setTimer(function() myBlip = createBlipAttachedTo ( nemesis, 23 ) outputChatBox ('#FFFFFF[#7CFC00ZTown#FFFFFF]: #00BFFF A #00FFFFNemesis #00BFFFHas been spawned inside ZTown! #FFFFFF(#7CFC00Nemesis Boss Event#FFFFFF)', root, 255, 255, 255, true) triggerClientEvent(root, "event", root, "start") end,2500,1) end end,2500,1) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getRootElement(), nemesisON) monemesi.lua (check/reward): addEvent ( "onNemesisWasted", true ) addEventHandler ( "onNemesisWasted", root, function ( killer ) if ( isElement ( Nemesis ) ) then givePlayerMoney(killer,math.random(5000,25000)) killer = getPlayerName(killer) destroyElement ( myBlip ) outputChatBox ('#FFFFFF[#7CFC00ZTown#FFFFFF]: #00BFFF The #00FFFFNemesis #00BFFFHas been killed! #FFFFFF(#7CFC00Nemesis-Boss Event#FFFFFF)', root, 255, 255, 255, true) triggerClientEvent(root, "event", root, "stop") end end ) I hope sombady could find a way to make this function correctly, because i have try'ed loads of ways, and the way to use slothbot together with zombies resource... nahh, won't work, they wil keep fighting together like d*cks. EDIT: if ( isElement ( Nemesis ) ) = nemesis, i already changed that, but right after i posted it, derp.. Gr.xboxxxxd
  7. Idea: Creating a marker on Map "Draqonlife" (gamemode play), which leads you to to another map. In this case "DraqonDocks" (gamemode race). known issues to be ignored: event triggers any marker known issues to be fixed: after gamemode change, the map wont change. Marker.lua : >Creates a marker (works) >Triggers player on entering and leaving any Marker (works) >Starts gamemode race (works) ! Does not start Map ! !! No error when map does not start !! !! ERROR: lobby/ChangeMode.lua:7: attempt to call global 'changeGamemodeMap' (a nil value) !! resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement() function onCurrentResourceStart(Draqonlife) local resourceName = getResourceName(Draqonlife) outputChatBox("Hello and welcome to " .. resourceName .. "!") Marker = createMarker (2860, -2115, 10, "corona", 4.0, 0, 0, 255, 255) -- create Marker end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, onCurrentResourceStart) //Create Marker function MarkerHit( hitElement, matchingDimension ) local elementType = getElementType( hitElement ) local resource = getResourceFromName ("race") -- | this works, startResource( resource ) -- | really good tho --local resource = getResourceFromName ("DraqonDocks") --startResource( resource ) // If I try to start the map Resource directly after the race resource, // the Map resource wont load up end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", root, MarkerHit) //Should start gamemode race (and map) function MarkerLeave( leaveElement,matchingDimension) local elementType = getElementType( leaveElement ) local resource = getResourceFromName ("DraqonDocks") -- |Also not working, server ignores this line, startResource( resource ) -- |as it Ignores this line too. end addEventHandler( "onMarkerLeave", root, MarkerLeave ) ChangeMode.lua > My Idea to fix this problem --Thats why i want to import the mapmanager (or the function changeGamemodeMap) --Sadly I found no useful documentation for my case. --adding <exports.mapmanager:changeGamemodeMap/> to the meta.xml of the scripts didnt work function changeGamemodeMap() changeGamemodeMap("DraqonDocks", "race") -- this doesnt work end addCommandHandler("420", changeGamemodeMap) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ It would be very kind if someone could enlight me and give me a short introduction to using mapmanagers functions properly. Sadly the Mapmanager post in wiki didnt help me too much. If you find a fix for the existing (half working) Marker.lua, then I'd be really glad too I would love to get feedback and already thank everyone
  8. Hey community, I need some help. I host my server Today and everything was perfect. Then restart my server and there was a problem. For your information I have all the ports activated and verified, the firewall allows it A friend wanted to enter my server and could not. My server was not listed on the Internet. Right now I do not know what to do. I hope you can help me. In mtaserver.conf everything is perfect, try to verify it with another problem of another user and still not working. Thanks
  9. Hello there, I've been having some trouble with the DestroyElement function. (destroyHydraGun function, line 42-51) The rest of the script works fine. An uzi is created when a player enters a Hydra, but it doesn't seem to destroy the uzi when a player exits the vehicle. What am I doing wrong? function hydraFunctions() -- ignore this function local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if(vehicle)then if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then outputChatBox ("Hydra guns installed") toggleControl ( "accelerate", true ) toggleControl ( "brake_reverse", true ) toggleControl ( "vehicle_secondary_fire", false ) toggleControl ( "vehicle_fire", false ) setControlState ( "special_control_up", true) toggleControl ( "special_control_down", false) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) local weapon = createWeapon("uzi", x, y, z) attachElements ( weapon, vehicle, 0, 4, 1, 0, 0, 90) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", getLocalPlayer(), hydraFunctions ) function hydraFiring() -- ignore this function local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if(vehicle)then if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then setWeaponClipAmmo(weapon, 500) setWeaponFiringRate(weapon, 90) setWeaponState(weapon, "firing") outputChatBox ("guns activated") end end end function hydraStopping() -- ignore this function local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if(vehicle)then if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then setWeaponState(weapon, "ready") outputChatBox ("guns deactivated") end end end function destroyHydraGun -- This function doesn't work local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if(vehicle)then if getElementModel(vehicle) == 520 then local attached = getElementAttachedTo (vehicle) if ( attached ) then destroyElement ( weapon ) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerVehicleExit", getLocalPlayer(), destroyHydraGun ) bindKey("mouse1", "down", hydraFiring) bindKey("mouse1", "up", hydraStopping) bindKey("lctrl", "down", hydraFiring) bindKey("lctrl", "up", hydraStopping)
  10. Hello there, I am a total noob in scripting, but I thought I'd give it a try for the sake of learning new things. What I am trying to accomplish with this script is disabling the "standard" rustler guns (this works thanks to an example script of the wiki.) and make it fire "custom" projectiles when the player presses the left mouse button. For now I just want to check if the script recognizes a player inside a rustler pressing left mouse button (hence the outputChatBox) However, when I am inside a rustler and use the left mouse button to fire nothing pops up in the chatbox (luckily, as intended, the rustler doesn't fire its guns) What am I doing wrong? I'm sure I made some kind of noob mistake but hey, I am still learning function disableFireForRustler ( theVehicle, seat ) if ( getElementModel ( theVehicle ) == 476 ) then toggleControl ( "vehicle_secondary_fire", false ) else toggleControl ( "vehicle_secondary_fire", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerVehicleEnter", getLocalPlayer(), disableFireForRustler ) function addTracer (mouse1, press) if (press) then outputChatBox ("guns fired") end addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, addTracer)
  11. Hey. I upgraded my Windows 7 to Windows 10 correctly, but after this i get new problem with my MTA client (SAMP and Singleplayer works great). I can't read any text, cause i have odd font. It looks like that everywhere: (when i changed font in settings chat started works aright, in console i had real tex too, but on textdraws i still have strange stamps) Do someone know how to fix it? Thanks you for every support.
  12. local teamname = (getTeamName(playerTeam) or "Player") Bad argument @ 'getTeamName' [Expected team at argument 1, got boolean] The code have errors? -- Sorry bad english, i'm portuguese.
  13. Good Morning EveryBody I Have This Kind Of Problem Can You Help Me Please? it looks like this [Disconnected] [CD48] You Were Kicked from the Game (SD #16 021A) This Server Has Detected Missing Anti-Cheat Components.Try Restarting MTA Cause My problem is That Server is not working
  14. Help Me !!!! I have kick by : (Modified Copcarla .dff in gta3.img not allowed)
  15. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ي جماعه ابي حل لمشكلتي وهي اني لافتحت المود تجي اللوحة ومايجي المتصفح (Browser) الكود x,y = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor = { button = {}, staticimage = {}, browser = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() x,y = guiGetScreenSize() GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage( x*0.05, y*0.1, x*0.9, y*0.7, "tlo.png", false) local browser = guiCreateBrowser(x*0.113, y*0.045, x*0.673, y*0.605, false, false, false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) local theBrowser = guiGetBrowser(browser ) guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.staticimage[1], false ) GUIEditor.staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(1306, 286, 66, 53, "cancel.png", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(1284, 267, 109, 90, "X", false, GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.button[1], 0.00) end ) addEventHandler("onClientBrowserCreated", theBrowser, function() loadBrowserURL(source, "http://www.youtube.com") end ) addCommandHandler('youtube', function() local vis = not guiGetVisible(GUIEditor.staticimage[1]) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.staticimage[1],vis) showCursor(vis) end ) addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if (source == GUIEditor.button[1]) then guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.staticimage[1], false) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end )
  16. Hi, I have a problem starting mta I get the following message: "This version of MTA Requires Windows XP SP3 or later, Do you want to see some on-line help about this problem?" Here the image: http://imgur.com/a/WOjhz Does anyone know why I get this? From already thank you very much
  17. VespeR

    Mta crash

    hello , when i go to serwer , mta crash me. jpg here: http://scr.hu/2kg8/0mini plz help me :<
  18. Hello, When I try To Connect to a Server It Shows Me a Message Says "To Join this server you must update MTA" But i Already Have The Latest Version Of Game I tried to Reinstall The Game, but still The Same Problem. Please! Tell me How to solve this Problem. Photos Of The Problem
  19. Hi, it's me again. My problem is about that, that im wondering what is the function that makes something happen after that player clicks a chk from freeroam panel, like im trying to make something in freeroam and here's the chk: {'chk', id='Disable warping'}, and now, i dont know how to say that but how am i supposed to make some event happen after clicking it .. ? function disableWarping () ( blablabla.... ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerClick {'chk', id="Disable warping'} ", disableWarping ) should it be in addEventHandler or what ? dont have any freaking idea ...
  20. Hello again. I have problem with table.insert. I have vehicle shop that saves data to tables and tables to element data. Always when you buy new vehicle, it should add sub-table to main-table and fill sub-table with data that i want to save. I also have panel where you can control your vehicles. Instead of showing data, the gridlist shows only number 1 in first column. Part of my code: [Server] local data = getElementData(client, "wangcars.data") if not data then setElementData(client, "wangcars.data", {}) end local data = getElementData(client, "wangcars.data") local ids = #data + 1 local x, y, z = getElementPosition(wangvehicle[client]) local rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(wangvehicle[client]) local t = {} table.insert(t, getVehicleName(wangvehicle[client])) table.insert(t, tonumber(id)) table.insert(t, tonumber(ids)) table.insert(t, tonumber(price)) table.insert(t, c1 .. ", " .. c2 .. ", " .. c3 .. ", " .. c4 .. ", " .. c5 .. ", " .. c6) table.insert(t, x .. ", " .. y .. ", " .. z .. ", " .. rx .. ", " .. ry .. ", " .. rz) table.insert(t, "indrive") table.insert(data, t) setElementData(client, "wangcars.data", data) [Client] function refreshlist() guiGridListClear(vlist) guiGridListAddColumn(vlist, "Vehicle name", 0.3) guiGridListAddColumn(vlist, "Sell price", 0.3) guiGridListAddColumn(vlist, "ID", 0.3) local table = getElementData(localPlayer, "wangcars.data") if not table then setElementData(localPlayer, "wangcars.data", {}) end for i=1, #table do local row = guiGridListAddRow(vlist) guiGridListSetItemText(vlist, row, 1, table[i][1], false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(vlist, row, 1, table[i][4], false, false) guiGridListSetItemText(vlist, row, 1, table[i][3], false, false) end end The values are tested and they're working fine. No errors in debugscript.
  21. i created a info panel, with scrollpane, and labels. but in 1440x900 resolution is working fine, but i tested in 800x600, and the labels with the text sticking out from the window.. how to fix this? here is my code: local GUIEditor = { window = {}, scrollpane = {}, label = {} } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(0.27, 0.21, 0.47, 0.59, "Segítség", true) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) GUIEditor.scrollpane[1] = guiCreateScrollPane(0.01, 0.04, 0.97, 0.94, true, GUIEditor.window[1]) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.01, 1.00, 0.04, "Infó:", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 255, 0, 0) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.04, 0.98, 0.06, " Név: [HUN]Magyar Play Szerver 1.5\n Játékmód: play", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[2], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.12, 1.00, 0.04, "Elérhetőségek:", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[3], 255, 0, 0) GUIEditor.label[4] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.16, 0.97, 0.10, " Facebook: www.tinyurl.com/magyarplay15\n TeamSpeak 3: -\n Skype: turboskype29", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[4], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[4], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[5] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.28, 1.00, 0.04, "GYIK:", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[5], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[5], 255, 0, 0) GUIEditor.label[6] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.32, 0.92, 0.21, "\n -Ahogy betöltött a szerver, a kocsik elérhetőek az F1 panel\n megnyitásával, kattintva a \"jármű lekérés\" menüpontra.\n Azon belül a repülők az \"aircraft\", a motorkák a \"bikes\", hajók a\n \"boats\", kocsik a \"cars\".\n A másik módja a kocsik lehívásához a /sv parancs. /sv <kocsinév>\n Pl. /sv infernus", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[6], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[6], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[7] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.31, 0.98, 0.06, " Hogyan tudok kocsit szerezni?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[7], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[7], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[8] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.54, 0.92, 0.03, " Hogy tudok fegyvert szerezni?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[8], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[8], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[9] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.58, 0.92, 0.21, " -Fegyvert venni, vagy F1-ből lehívni tudsz. De ha többet akarsz gyorsan\n egyszerre, akkor F2. Azon belül fegyvercsomag.\n Fegyvert szerezhetsz még más playerek megölésével.\n Amint meghal egy játékos, és volt nála fegyver, az kikerül a\n meghalt teste fölé és megjelenik az összes\n fegyver, amit Te felszedhetsz. Vigyázz! Ha meghalsz, te is\n elveszítheted azokat a fegyvereket.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[9], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[9], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[10] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 0.80, 0.92, 0.03, " Miért öltek meg?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[10], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[10], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[11] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 0.84, 0.92, 0.21, " -A szerver játékmódja \"play\", ami annyit mond, hogy a szerver\n próbál lehetőséget adni mindenkinek\n a szórakozásra. Így azon játékosok, akik passzív agresszív módon\n gyilkolással vezetik le\n feszültségeiket, szabad utat kapnak ennek megvalósítására. Szóval\n ha meghalsz, ne rinyálj, mivel\n megteheti, és ugyanúgy Te is megölhetsz bárkit.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[11], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[11], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[12] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 1.06, 0.92, 0.03, " Mi az a \"gift\" az F2-ben?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[12], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[12], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[13] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 1.10, 0.92, 0.21, " -Nagy köszönet érte turbesznek (főadmin, szerótulaj), aki\n megalkotta a \"Gift\" menüpontot az F2 panelben.\n A gift jelentése \"ajándék\".\n Ezzel a \"kattintással\" lehetőséged nyílik arra, hogy olyan dolgokat\n használj, amiket más esetben nem\n tudnál. Például tank, minigun 3000 tölténnyel, halhatatlanság, halhatatlan autó, nagy\n fegyvercsomag és egyebek. A giftet 12 óránként használhatod.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[13], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[13], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[14] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 1.31, 0.92, 0.03, " Mi az a [M] a játékos neve előtt?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[14], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[14], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[15] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 1.35, 0.92, 0.21, " -Ha látsz egy playert, akinek a neve előtt [M] vagy [A] van, az\n vagy Moderátor, vagy Admin. Ezek a játékosok\n ügyelik a szervert, moderálnak, szerveznek meg mindent, ők\n segítenek másokon és ők azok, akik irányítják a\n szervert. Ezek a játékosok színesen írnak. ( ! Ha valamelyik játékos\n előtt [M] van, de nem ír színesen, az nem rangos!)\n A moderátoroknak lehetőségük nyílik mások kikelésére,\n bannolására és mute-olására, Mivel ők tartják fenn a rendet\n a szerveren, a rájuk eső feladatokat el is végzik.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[15], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[15], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[16] = guiCreateLabel(0.00, 1.57, 0.92, 0.03, " Hogy tudok admin/moderátor lenni?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[16], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[16], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[17] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 1.61, 0.92, 0.21, " -Sokszor felmerül a kérdés, de a választ nehéz rá megválaszolni. Ezt\n turbesz dönti el (NEM MÁS), és az ő\n követelései határozzák meg modira való lehetőséged. Az esetek\n 99.9%-ban a játékosoknak nincs esélyük\n moderátornak lenni, azonban próbálkozni nem\n törvénybeütköző.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[17], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[17], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[18] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 1.80, 0.92, 0.03, " Hogy tudok színesen írni?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[18], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[18], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[19] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 1.84, 0.92, 0.21, " -Két (2) módja van annak, hogy Te színesen tudj írni. Az egyik,\n hogy rangod van (vip, modi, admin), a másik,\n hogy veszel a giftben. A giftben fehéres-zöld szín van, ami\n megmarad addig, amíg turbesz el nem veszi.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[19], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[19], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[20] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 1.97, 0.92, 0.03, " Hogy tudok gyorsan menni?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[20], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[20], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[21] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 2.01, 0.92, 0.21, " -Ha kocsiban vagy, az ALT nyomva tartásával gyorsíthatod a kocsid\n maximum sebességre.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[21], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[21], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[22] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.08, 0.92, 0.03, " Írok a chaten, de csak ezt dobja ki: \"You are muted!\"", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[22], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[22], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[23] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.12, 0.92, 0.21, " -Ez azért van, mert mute-olva lettél, tehát valami szabálytalanságot\n követtél el a chatben.\n Mute = letiltás a chatbe írás lehetőségéről\n Mute jár: spam, flood, idegesítő mondatok, szavanként elküldött\n szövegek, durva káromkodás...\n", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[23], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[23], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[24] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.28, 0.92, 0.03, " Hogy tudok vízen menni és/vagy repülni?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[24], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[24], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[25] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.32, 0.92, 0.21, " -Ha kocsiban vagy (kivéve motor) és beírod, hogy /fly azzal repülni\n fogsz. Kikapcsolásához beírod mégegyszer.\n Ha vízen akarsz menni, arra ott a /water parancs. Ha ki szeretnéd\n kapcsolni, beírod mégegyszer.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[25], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[25], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[26] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.45, 0.92, 0.03, " Mi az a \"Privát üzenetek\"?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[26], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[26], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[27] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.49, 0.92, 0.21, " -Ezzel a funkcióval privát üzenetet küldhetsz. Rákattintásal kidobja\n a szerveren található összes játékost,\n és kiválasztva a neked megfelelőt, külön üzenetet küldhetsz neki,\n amit csak Ti ketten láttok.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[27], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[27], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[28] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.62, 0.92, 0.03, " Hogy lehet színes a nevem?", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[28], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[28], 254, 254, 254) GUIEditor.label[29] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.66, 0.92, 0.21, " -Színkóddal. Beírod Google-ba, hogy színkódok és kidob egy\n csomót. 6 jegyből áll és a jegyek előtt van egy # (rács) jel.\n Úgy működik, hogy a színkód utáni rész a színes. Ha pl. a neved\n ADMIN és a piros színkódot (#FF0000) az ADMIN elé rakod,\n az egész ADMIN szó piros lesz. Viszont ha csak az IN elé, de az ADM\n után, csak az IN lesz piros, az ADM nem. Pár színkód a színkód panelben: /szinkod", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[29], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[29], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[30] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.85, 0.92, 0.03, " Fontos:", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[30], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[30], 255, 0, 0) GUIEditor.label[31] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 2.88, 0.92, 0.21, " Kedves proletár!\n Tisztelettel megkérlek arra, hogy:\n -Ne káromkodj! Vannak fiatalabbak, akik előtt hanyagolni kell az\n obszcén szavak használatát!\n -Nem Role Play (RP) szerver. Ami azt jelenti, hogyha ezen a szerveren\n játszol,\n kapcsold ki a bindjeidet! Pl. XY beveri a fejét, de nem esik nagyobb\n baja\n Vagy gondolok itt a XY beköti az övét, eszik, iszik és egyéb más irritáló\n tevékenységekre.\n -Tartsd tiszteletben a más nyelvet beszélő elvtársaidat! Ne szidd le,\n csak mert török vagy angol.", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[31], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[31], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[32] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 3.08, 0.92, 0.03, " Rangosok:", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[32], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[32], 255, 0, 0) GUIEditor.label[33] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 3.11, 0.92, 0.21, " [ADMIN]\n -turbesz", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[33], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[33], 61, 161, 254) GUIEditor.label[34] = guiCreateLabel(0.01, 3.17, 0.92, 0.03, " Modok:", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[34], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[34], 255, 0, 0) GUIEditor.label[35] = guiCreateLabel(0.02, 3.20, 0.92, 0.21, " Ezeket megtalálod az f1-ben!\n\n .\n\n A szerveren sok játékosok által készített mappolás található. (Külön\n köszönet turbesznek!)", true, GUIEditor.scrollpane[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[35], "clear-normal") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[35], 254, 254, 254) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) function helpm() if guiGetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ) == false then guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], true ) showCursor(true) elseif guiGetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1] ) == true then guiSetVisible ( GUIEditor.window[1], false ) showCursor(false) end end bindKey ( "F9", "down", helpm) fileDelete("c.lua")
  22. Hello, I created a topic because I would like to set up a give panel mtasa dayz me I would not get there would it possbile to help me (here is the panel I want) https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/73789 -release-dayz-admin-panel /
  23. CertER

    Chat Problem

    Hi all. So, I have a problem with global chat in game. On my server only members with acl group Admin, Moderator, SModerator and VIP can use global chat. I don't know why but normal players can't use chat. Need Help. Any Ideas? PS. Please of fast answer. Thanks. -CertER
  24. Please help me when i try to join a server it says MTA CLIENT VERIFICATION FAILED (Error CD19) I Need Help Fast
  25. Hi! I have a faction panel, and I want to do that I have a list of faction vehicles with label, and when I click one of these, give me informations of the clicked vehicle. With the members(players) I can do it, because there is a getPlayerFromName. But with vehicles how can I do this?
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