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  1. I can't find any tutorial about something like this but I know it's possible because I searched if this question was made before in the forum and yes, I saw some codes and explanation from users and mods, but it doesn't work for me, because I'm using mysql and phpmyadmin, the examples doesn't match with my project, so I was wondering if someone could help me to understand how to save the data from the player's weapon and ammo... this is what I tried first: ---------this is inside of a function that saves all the player's info-------- local weapon1 = getPedWeapon (source) local weapon = getWeaponNameFromID (weapon) local ammo = getPedTotalAmmo(source) --------the info it's send to the table (this was simplified)----------- local sendInfo = exports.mysql:_Query("UPDATE characters SET weapon=?, ammo=? WHERE account=?", weapon, ammo, account) Since i've started, many problems as "getPedWeapons a nill value" appeared in the console, also "expected number, got boolean", etc. If there is a way to make a system like this without the getaccountdata/setaccountdata... I would like to know how to make it. I'm not asking for a full code, just some of knowlegde
  2. CoffeeDrift Vehicle mods, drift tracks and other maps, attach&vehicle components, drift battles&races, gangs, robs, missions etc.. Friendly players and helpful staff. If you have any questions, let me know! IP: mtasa:// Discord: https://discord.gg/KAzQwsH Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/coffeedrift Some pics of server: https://imgur.com/a/zaclm4N
  3. Hello, i'm working on editing IFP animations from GTA San Andreas, using Blender and the GTAToolsForBlender Addon, but I have a enoying problem. When I try to export my IFP file, an error message appears to me: https://imgur.com/gallery/1zINVGK It's an error from the addon or there is a step that I'm not seeing?
  4. Olá. Eu sei que a pergunta é meio boba, mas quando vocês pretendem lançar uma versão para linux? O GTA não é de código aberto, mas já existe versões de GTA usando OpenGL e outros meios de rodar no linux feito por terceiros. A própria Valve já implementou o Próton para rodar jogos do Windows no Linux. O próton é apenas um intermediador como o Wine que codifica o código do Windows para o Linux entender, mas mesmo assim, já existe versões feitas do GTA para Linux mesmo sendo feita por terceiros. OBS: O tópico talvez (Ou com certeza) está errado por que não dava para escolher a opção sugestão.
  5. Witam! Przychodzę tutaj do was z krótką "ofertą", którą chciałbym wam przedstawić. Mianowicie jestem Mapperem na scenie MTA od dobrych 7 lat i mam do zaoferowania właśnie tą usługę. Wielokroć pracowałem na różnych projektach, ale zawsze nie mogłem znaleźć tego odpowiedniego gdzie będę traktowany poważnie i zostanę w danym projekcie na dłużej. Dlatego zdecydowałem, że najlepszym sposobem będzie ogłoszenie się na GTAONLINE, jako usługi mapperskie. Jeżeli właśnie masz w planach otworzyć (nie pseudola), tylko projekt i to solidny projekt, który w przyszłości ma rywalizować z serwerami z czołówki lub od razu ich zmieść na samym starcie, a potrzebujesz dobrego, pełnego zaangażowania Mappera, który zapewni twojemu projektowi autorskie i wykonywane prace z wielką dokładnością, to dobrze trafiłeś! Obejrzyj moje portfolio i skontaktuj się ze mną poprzez Discord'a - Ƥαη#9309. Moje Portfolio: Interior Magazynu Szpital w San Fierro Spawn w Los Santos Sklep w miasteczku BB Ośrodek szkolenia kierowców w San Fierro Apteka w San Fierro Ulica Doherty w San Fierro Scena w Los Santos Interior więzienia Mechanik w San Fierro Spawn w Las Venturas Przechowywalnia pojazdów w Las Venturas Sweepery w Las Venturas *Mam wiele innych prac jeszcze do ukazania. Ale myślę, że tyle prac na moje portfolio wystarczy. Pozdrawiam cieplutko
  6. Olá estou aqui com uns mods de empregos que permitem ganhar exp sempre que conclui o trabalho porem estava a funcionar perfeitamente mas depois de colocar o servidor na host começou a aparecer este erro : "ERROR:[Agencia]/ir-lixeiro/Danilin_S.lua:147:attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value" e ja nao esta ganhando EXP Alguem sabe resolver? Apenas tem Server-Side local Marker_Emprego = createMarker ( 2182.86792, -1982.49438 +6, 13.55141 -1, "cylinder", 1.5, 16, 111, 231, 50) local Blip_Emprego = createBlipAttachedTo( Marker_Emprego, 11 ) local Veiculo = createVehicle( 408, 2178.33301, -1982.59888 +6, 13.55138 +0.5, 0, 0, 90 ) setBlipVisibleDistance(Blip_Emprego, 150) setElementFrozen( Veiculo, true ) setVehicleDamageProof( Veiculo, true ) setVehicleLocked(Veiculo, true) Marker_Aleatorios = { {2182.49585, -1996.44495, 13.54688}, {2190.50732, -2002.93738, 13.54688}, {2165.94678, -1986.73853, 13.55469}, {2193.5373535156, -2009.6970214844, 13.55469}, -- AS MESMA POS DA DE CIMA (PRA NÃO SAIR O MESMO TODA HORA) {2190.50732, -2002.93738, 13.54688}, {2182.49585, -1996.44495, 13.54688}, {2193.5373535156, -2009.6970214844, 13.55469}, {2165.94678, -1986.73853, 13.55469}, } --[[ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< Infos Trab >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< --]] local Blip_Marcar = createBlipAttachedTo( Marker_Emprego, 0 ) setElementVisibleTo ( Blip_Marcar, root, false ) function Infos_Emprego ( source ) local Emprego = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) if Emprego == "Lixeiro" then if isElementVisibleTo ( Blip_Marcar, source ) then setElementVisibleTo ( Blip_Marcar, source, false ) outputChatBoxInfo ( "Seu Local de Trabalho foi Desmarcado do Mapa!", source, 255, 165, 0, true ) else setElementVisibleTo ( Blip_Marcar, source, true ) outputChatBoxInfo ( "Seu Local de Trabalho foi Marcado no Mapa!", source, 255, 165, 0, true ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "infos", Infos_Emprego ) --[[ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< Carregar Lixo >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< --]] Object_Lixo = {} Marker_Entregar = {} function Pegar_Lixo (source) local Emprego = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) local Px, Py, Pz = getElementPosition( Marker_Emprego ) local Lixo = getElementData( source, "Lixo" ) local Random_Pos = math.random ( #Marker_Aleatorios ) if not isPedInVehicle ( source ) then if isElementWithinMarker(source, Marker_Emprego) then if Lixo == false then if Emprego == "Lixeiro" then setPedAnimation( source, "CARRY", "liftup", 1.0, false ) setTimer(function() if isElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) then destroyElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) end if isElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) then destroyElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) end setElementData(source, "Recompensa", 0) setPedAnimation( source, nil ) setElementData( source, "Lixo", true ) toggleControl( source, "jump", false ) toggleControl( source, "fire", false ) toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", false) setPedAnimation( source, "CARRY", "crry_prtial", 4.1, true, true, true ) Object_Lixo[source] = createObject( 1264, Px, Py, Pz ) Marker_Entregar[source] = createMarker ( Marker_Aleatorios[Random_Pos][1], Marker_Aleatorios[Random_Pos][2], Marker_Aleatorios[Random_Pos][3] -2.2, "cylinder", 2.5, 16, 111, 231, 50) setElementVisibleTo ( Marker_Entregar[source], root, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( Marker_Entregar[source], source, true ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Marker_Entregar[source], Fim_Emprego) exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(Object_Lixo[source], source, 4, 0, 0.4, - 0.6, -90, 0, 0 ) end, 1000, 1) else outputChatBoxError ( "Apenas lixeiros podem trabalhar aqui!", source, 255, 165, 0, true ) end end end end end addCommandHandler("lixo", Pegar_Lixo) function Mensagem_Aviso (source) local Emprego = getElementData ( source, "Emprego" ) if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then return end if Emprego == "Lixeiro" then if isElementWithinMarker(source, Marker_Emprego) then --outputChatBox ( "Digite /lixo para pegar no lixo!", source, 255, 165, 0, true ) end end end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", Marker_Emprego, Mensagem_Aviso) --[[ ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< >< Entregar Lixo >< ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>< --]] function Fim_Emprego (source) local Xp = tonumber(getElementData(source, "minutes")) or 0 local Lixo = getElementData( source, "Lixo" ) local Recompensa = math.random(25, 50) local Recompensaxp = math.random(25, 50) if not isPedInVehicle ( source ) then if isElementWithinMarker(source, Marker_Entregar[source]) then if Lixo == true then setPedAnimation( source, "CARRY", "putdwn", 1.0, false, false, false, true ) setTimer(function() if isElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) then destroyElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) end if isElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) then destroyElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) end setElementData( source, "Lixo", false ) toggleControl( source, "jump", true ) toggleControl( source, "fire", true ) toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", true) setPedAnimation( source, "CARRY", "liftup", 0.0, false, false, false, false ) --if isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Vip2")) then --setElementData(source, "Recompensa", Recompensa *2) --setElementData(source, "minutes", Xp + getElementData(source, "Recompensa")) --givePlayerMoney(source, getElementData(source, "Recompensa")) --triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "#106FE7[ #ffffffVIP#106FE7 ] #ffffffVocê entregou o lixo e ganhou: "..getElementData(source, "Recompensa").."$", "sucesso") --elseif isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Vip")) then --setElementData(source, "Recompensa", Recompensa *2) --setElementData(source, "minutes", Xp + getElementData(source, "Recompensa")) --givePlayerMoney(source, Recompensa) --triggerClientEvent(source, "addNotification", root, "#106FE7[ #ffffffVIP#106FE7 ] #ffffffVocê entregou o lixo e ganhou: "..getElementData(source, "Recompensa").."$", "sucesso") if isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Everyone")) then setElementData(source, "Recompensa", Recompensa) givePlayerMoney(source, Recompensa) setElementData(source, "minutes", Xp + getElementData(source, "Recompensaxp")) if ( getElementData(source,"minutes") > 999 ) then setElementData(source,"minutes",0) setElementData(source,"Level",(getElementData(source,"Level") or 0) +1) end end end, 1200, 1) end end end end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", root, function() if isElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) then destroyElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) end if isElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) then destroyElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) end end) addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", root, function() if isElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) then destroyElement( Object_Lixo[source] ) end if isElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) then destroyElement( Marker_Entregar[source] ) end setElementData( source, "Lixo", false ) toggleControl( source, "jump", true ) toggleControl( source, "fire", true ) toggleControl(source, "aim_weapon", true) end) function outputChatBoxInfo(text, player, ...) triggerClientEvent(player, "N3xT.dxNotification", root, tostring(text), "info") end function outputChatBoxError(text, player, ...) triggerClientEvent(player, "N3xT.dxNotification", root, tostring(text), "error") end
  7. Olá pessoal tenho aqui um script de Trancar veiculo porem se eu sair do veiculo e deixar ele trancado e entrar noutro veiculo e trancar ficam os dois trancados e tenho acesso para destrancar os dois, mas todos os player tambem tenhem ou seja eles podem destrancar os veiculos que eu tranquei alguem pode ajudar? Client Side function processLockUnlock(vehicle) local locked = isVehicleLocked(vehicle) if isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then if locked then playSounds("lockin") triggerServerEvent("vehicleLock", localPlayer,localPlayer, vehicle, false) else playSounds("lockin") triggerServerEvent("vehicleLock", localPlayer,localPlayer, vehicle, true) end else if locked then playSounds("lockout") triggerServerEvent("vehicleLock", localPlayer,localPlayer, vehicle, false) setVehicleOverrideLights ( vehicle, 2 ) setTimer ( setVehicleOverrideLights, 1000, 1, vehicle, 1 ) outputChatBox ( "\n#ff8c00✘ #ffffffINFO #ff8c00✘➺ #ffffffVeiculo Destrancado!\n", 255, 165, 0, true ) else playSounds("lockout") triggerServerEvent("vehicleLock", localPlayer,localPlayer, vehicle, true) setVehicleOverrideLights ( vehicle, 2 ) setTimer ( setVehicleOverrideLights, 1000, 1, vehicle, 1 ) setTimer ( setVehicleOverrideLights, 1500, 1, vehicle, 2 ) setTimer ( setVehicleOverrideLights, 2000, 1, vehicle, 1 ) outputChatBox ( "\n#ff8c00✘ #ffffffINFO #ff8c00✘➺ #ffffffVeiculo Trancado!\n", 255, 165, 0, true ) end end end local klikkTimer = false function setVehicleLockState() --Função trancar o carro if klikkTimer then return end if isTimer(klikkTimerRun) then return end klikkTimer = true klikkTimerRun = setTimer(function() klikkTimer = false end,500,1) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if vehicle then processLockUnlock(vehicle) else local int2 = getElementInterior(localPlayer) local dim2 = getElementDimension(localPlayer) local mx,my,mz = getElementPosition(localPlayer) for k,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("vehicle")) do local x,y,z = getElementPosition(v) local int = getElementInterior(v) local dim = getElementDimension(v) local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,mx,my,mz) if dist <= 10 and int2 == int and dim2 == dim then processLockUnlock(v) return end end end end bindKey("l", "down", setVehicleLockState)
  8. function cancel(source) local emprego = getElementData(source, "Emprego") if emprego == "Carnicero" then if isKeyBound(source, "fire", "down", cortarCarne) then hits[source] = nil tick[source] = nil removeEventHandler("onElementClicked", caixa[source], onClick) removeEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", source, reset) removeEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", source, reset) if isElement(carne[source]) then destroyElement(carne[source]) carne[source] = nil end if isElement(caixa[source]) then destroyElement(caixa[source]) caixa[source] = nil end if isTimer(timerEsteira[source]) then killTimer(timerEsteira[source]) timerEsteira[source] = nil end if isTimer(timerEntregar[source]) then killTimer(timerEntregar[source]) timerEntregar[source] = nil end toggleAllControls(source, true) unbindKey(source, "fire", "down", cortarCarne) setPedAnimation(source, "CARRY", "liftup", 0.0, false, false, false, false) setElementVisibleTo(empacotar, source, false) setElementVisibleTo(entregar, source, false) end end end addCommandHandler("cancelar", cancel) Do you have any idea why I get this waring, and how to solve it? Thank you very much gentlemen WARNING: Bad argument @ 'removeEventHandler' [Expected element at argument 2, got nil]
  9. Olá pessoal enviei recentemente um servidor para a host porem, eu tinha um mod de custumizaçao de skins o SQH_characters mas infelizmente deixou de funcionar assim que enviei o servidor para a host não sei porque se alguem poder ajudar agradecia
  10. TUSERVER.AR MTASA.HOST is a hosting company that focuses on MTA:SA server hosting. We run each game server on an isolated docker container with minimum privileges offering maximum security when it comes to script and data protection. The docker images that we run were tailor made for running MTA servers with little to no overhead, making it one of the most compact and resource efficient ways to run a MTA Server. We started about 5 years ago initially under another name(Global Gaming Hosting), when we offered more game services other than MTA, but we realized that MTA needed a more dedicated hosting company like there already is for some other major games, like Minecraft, so we changed our business model to accommodate most of our efforts on hosting MTA Dedicated Servers. Our business model is resource usage based and not slot based, meaning we charge for resource usage rather than predefined slot amount. The amount of slots that you want to actually have, depends on you, as long as you are in within the resources you hired for the services you'll be all set. Some key features that we have: Resource based usage(not slot locked) Upgrade your plan anytime Game DDoS Mitigation Geo-routed frontend panel with fallbacks in case a region goes offline with a very good UI Fast support via discord SFTP MySQL Databases included with every plan Scheduled Tasks Data vault for backups Automatic MySQL backups No overselling(we keep our dedicated machines with a low load average to ensure max performance at all times) Instant activation after payment for all our payment methods Locations: North America, Europe, Latin America You can find a more detailed overview of our plans at our Website and custom plans may be made via a support request. Bellow some pictures of our panel: Visit our website at Link Disclaimer: TUSERVER.AR is a privately owned company and is in no way affiliated with MTA:SA in any way, nor it is affiliated with GTA: San Andreas or its stakeholders. All rights are reserved to their respective owners.
  11. Could everyone help me with radio and telephone voice chat script?
  13. Здравствуйте, дорогие обитатели форума Multi The Auto San Andreas. Не давно открылся сервер в просторе : MTA:SA Этот проект мы назвали: Sworld Project. На проекте вас ждёт бонус: 100k SworldCoin В Донате это 1кк. Панель управления игрока: F1 Интерфейс сервера! Хорошая оптимизация, хороший автопарк проекта, всем удачи хочется видеть онлайн 100 человек) Наша группа VK: https://vk.com/sworld_rpg IP: mtasa://
  14. Minha musica do MTA esta parando sozinha, eu já desistalei o MTA e o GTA e mesmo assim continua bugada, eu entro em um server, coloco minha musica e ela toca so por uns 10 segundos e para sozinha, mais todos escutam menos eu, e tambem as musicas dos players param pra mim e todos ficam ouvindo menos eu. quero ajuda já fiz de tudo e não consigo resolver vou colocar um link de um video mostrando o que acontece comigo abaixo! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXMstZtcpo8 é isso que acontece comigo, simplesmente o som para da radio pra mim, mais todos os outros players escutam menos eu.
  15. Hello ! Let me tell you about TOUGH RP , what is it ? Well its a project created by "Skinny" This server is hard Rp, And is different from other servers This server will bring European Rp style and USA Rp style together forming a harmony. The server is not opened ! Its still in progress, we need Players, staff, anyone who wants to join us ! Just to mention that this server is not recommended for new MTA players, We suggest you start with a server that is not or is not trying to be HARD RP . For more details and info we will wait Everyone on our discord Server ===New players will benefit from an RP school run by the Founder=== https://discord.gg/CscwDs2XqM
  16. Quando tá baixando, dá erro final. ao finalizar o download, ele se cancela sozinho, comete um erro.
  17. Hi there. I'm releasing all the maps I have created over the past 7 years (2016 - 2022) for the RACE Game Mode FOR FREE!. This pack contains 149 race maps including circuits, offroad, motorbikes, fun and normal city maps. Please don't adjust the respawn or other settings as this is the way I intended them to be played. You all can freely use them in your server, but no re-releasing or claiming as your own. Anyways I hope you like them, and enjoy playing as well. Comments are aswell welcome. VIDEO: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MAP LIST: MORE MAPS FOR FREE: [RACE] RG's Map-Pack [RACE] Custom Racing Circuit Map-Pack [MAP] Custom City Island
  18. Let me introduce my self, I am Skinny for 3-4 moths i am working with LUA language. and these days i saw the fall of Great OwlGaming Mta Roleplay Server(i am late). i saw so many sad people, and a ideea just pop out, i was wondering there is no mta english roleplay servers! And i just want to know, what players expect if a new mta server will come, and it will be the next big project in memory of OwlGaming. So, what are your expectations, motions and thoughts about it?
  19. Olá pessoal Gostaria de saber se alguem pode me ajudar com isso, esse codigo faz parte de uma concessionaria, que estou editando as mensagens mas essas mensagens dai (voce nao tem dinheiro para comprar esse carro!) (voce pode comprar apenas 10 carros) ficam floodando aparece umas 20 vezes nao sei porque alguem consegue me dar uma ajuda aqui porfavor? Lembrando que esse mod foi retirado da Net não é meu function(Model, cost, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) abc = false local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))), -1) for i, data in ipairs (data) do if data["Model"] == Model then abc = true break end end if #data >= 10 then outputChatBox("Você pode comprar apenas 10 veiculos!", source, 38, 122, 216, true) return end if abc == true then return end if getPlayerMoney(source) >= tonumber(cost) then takePlayerMoney ( source, cost ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(source) local _, _, rz = getElementRotation(source) local shopID = getElementData ( source, "atVehShop") local color = r1..","..g1..","..b1..","..r2..","..g2..","..b2 if shopID and shopsVehSpawns[shopID] then vehicle = createVehicle(Model, shopsVehSpawns[shopID][1], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][2], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][3], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][4], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][5], shopsVehSpawns[shopID][6]) else vehicle = createVehicle(Model, x-5, y+5, z, 0, 0, rz) end setVehicleColor(vehicle, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2) setElementData(vehicle, "Owner", source) local NewID = getFreeID() local Placa = getElementData(vehicle,"Placa") if Placa == nil or not Placa then local NewPlate = getFreePlate(vehicle,id, source) end local Placa = getElementData(vehicle,"Placa") setElementData(vehicle, "ID", NewID) dbExec(db, "INSERT INTO VehicleList VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", NewID, Placa, getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), Model, x-5, y+5, z, rz, color, "", 3, false, cost, 1000, 0) updateVehicleInfo(source) setElementData(vehicle, "ownercar", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, vehicle ) vv[vehicle] = setTimer(function(source) if not isElement(source) then killTimer(vv[source]) vv[source] = nil end if isElement(source) and getElementHealth(source) <= 255 then setElementHealth(source, 255.5) setVehicleDamageProof(source, true) setVehicleEngineState(source, false) end end, 150, 0, vehicle) addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", vehicle, function(loss) local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(getElementData(source, "Owner"))) setTimer(function(source) if isElement(source) then dbExec(db, "UPDATE VehicleList SET HP = ? WHERE Account = ? AND Model = ?", getElementHealth(source), account, getElementModel(source)) updateVehicleInfo(getElementData(source, "Owner")) end end, 100, 1, source) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", vehicle, function(player) if getElementHealth(source) <= 255.5 then setVehicleEngineState(source, false) else if isVehicleDamageProof(source) then setVehicleDamageProof(source, false) end end end) else outputChatBoxError ("Você não tem dinheiro suficiente para esse carro!", source, 38, 122, 216, true) end end)
  20. Olá pessoal, estou com um problema aqui com esse código, basicamente é um Painel da Policia, só que só funciona se o policia clicar com o rato no jogador, porem assim não funciona bem eu queria adicionar um comando por id, por exemplo: /policial (id) e abrir o painel desse jeito Alguém pode me ajudar to quebrando a cabeça com isso... Lembrando esse painel peguei na net não é meu! addEvent("N3xT.onClickPolicial", true) addEvent("N3xT.onAlgemar", true) addEvent("N3xT.onViatura", true) addEvent("N3xT.onAgarrar", true) addEvent("N3xT.onMultar", true) addEvent("N3xT.ItensPM", true) addEvent("N3xT.takeWeaponPM", true) addEventHandler("N3xT.onClickPolicial", root, function(click) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Policial")) then triggerClientEvent(source, "N3xT.onPainelPolicial", resourceRoot, click) end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.onAlgemar", root, function() local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) and not isPedInVehicle(receiver) then if not getElementData(receiver, "Algemado") then setElementData(receiver, "Algemado", true) message(source, "O jogador foi algemado.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi algemado!", "info") else setElementData(receiver, "Algemado", nil) setPedAnimation(receiver, false) message(source, "O jogador foi desalgemado.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi desalgemado.", "info") end end end ) local carros = {} function salvacarro(vei, assento, vitima) carros[source] = vei end addEventHandler("onPlayerVehicleEnter", root, salvacarro) addEventHandler("N3xT.onViatura", root, function() local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") local vtr = carros[source] if (receiver) and (vtr) then local vrx, vry, vrz = getElementRotation(vtr) local px, py, pz = getElementPosition(vtr) if not getElementData(receiver, "NaViatura") then if not isPedInVehicle(receiver) then setElementData(receiver, "NaViatura", true) message(source, "O jogador foi colocado na viatura.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi colocado na viatura!", "info") attachElements(receiver, vtr, 0.2, -1.5, 0, 0,0,90) setPedAnimation(receiver, 'ped','CAR_dead_LHS') setElementRotation(receiver, vrx, vry, vrz + 83) end else setElementData(receiver, "NaViatura", nil) message(source, "O jogador foi retirado da viatura.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi retirado da viatura!", "info") detachElements(receiver, getElementAttachedTo(receiver)) setElementPosition(receiver, px + 2, py + 2, pz) setPedAnimation(receiver) end end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.onAgarrar", root, function() local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) and not isPedInVehicle(receiver) then if not (getElementData(receiver, "Agarrado") == true) then setElementData(receiver, "Agarrado", true) message(source, "O jogador foi agarrado.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi agarrado!", "info") attachElements(receiver, source, 0, 1, 0) else setElementData(receiver, "Agarrado", nil) message(source, "O jogador foi desagarrado.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi desagarrado!", "info") detachElements(receiver, source) end end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.onMultar", root, function(motivo, valor) local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) and not isPedInVehicle(receiver) then local money = getPlayerMoney(receiver) if (money >= tonumber(valor)) then message(source, "A multa foi aplicada com sucesso.", "success") message(receiver, "Você foi multado no valor de #00ff7fR$"..valor.." #ffffffpelo motivo: #a9a9a9"..motivo.."#ffffff.", "info") takePlayerMoney(receiver, tonumber(valor)) else message(source, "O jogador não possuí o valor da multa!", "error") end end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.ItensPM", root, function(value, item, quantia) local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) then local next = exports.n3xt_inventario if (value == 1) then local itemTable = next:getAllItens(receiver) triggerClientEvent(source, "N3xT.refreshGridItemPM", resourceRoot, itemTable) elseif (value == 2) then next:takeItemS(source, receiver, item, tonumber(quantia)) triggerClientEvent(source, "N3xT.setWindowPM", resourceRoot, 1) end end end ) addEventHandler("N3xT.takeWeaponPM", root, function(arma) local receiver = getElementData(source, "ReceiverPM") if (receiver) then local id = getWeaponIDFromName(arma) takeWeapon(receiver, id) triggerClientEvent(source, "N3xT.setWindowPM", resourceRoot, 1) message(source, "A arma foi retirada com sucesso.", "success") message(receiver, "Foi retirado de você a arma #00ff7f"..arma.."#ffffff.", "info") end end ) function message(player, message, type) triggerClientEvent(player, "N3xT.dxNotification", resourceRoot, message, type) end
  21. I have a problem with my MTA. When I try to enter a server the following error appears: Kicked (AC #4 File Locker). I've tried everything, erased everything, reinstalled both GTA San Andreas and MTA, but the problem remains. I greatly appreciate anyone who can help me.
  22. JohnDoom

    AC #4 File Locked

    Hello!! Today i was playing and them i had been kicked from the server, and the message was: AC #4 File Locked! I spend the entire day trying to solve this problem, but i couldn't... Someone know how to solve it? Pls, i need help!! And i am developing a server too, so i need to fix it ASAP!!! Thanks for the attention!
  23. Hi, today I show this model to you. This model changes the Come a Lot Hotel, by a mall with interior and business. My Discord: Andrewss2#2404, information here on Discord! Payment: Paypal. Images:
  24. Hi everybody, I'll start to publish my creations here in this forum. Today I show off this modelling. Replaces the circus hotel of Las Venturas by a cinema based on a real life building. The cinema screen is a resource called: Loki's Cinema Experience, you can find it in the mta community. Please contact me by Discord: Andrewss2#2404. UNIQUE DISCORD!!!!. Images:
  25. n consigo configurar acl alguem me ajuda prfv necessito de ajuda pois n consigo configurar os cargos certinhos ex queria q o moderador edite somente os grupos de bases mas n consigo pois n consigo limitar isso ex moderador consegue se auto upar para dono(console) caso alguem saiba como resolve eu agredeceria mt de coraçao 2 dias tentando fazer isso
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