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Found 10 results

  1. Ever wanted to replace vehicles, skins and objects in your server by simply dragging & dropping the mods to a folder? Now it's possible! With auto_modloader, you can configure certain directories that it will scan for all model IDs and names. These models are then sent to the client for replacing. The system is robust, optimized and minimalistic. It supports model files encrypted with NandoCrypt so no-one can steal your mods. GitHub Repository (Download & Documentation) : https://github.com/Fernando-A-Rocha/mta-auto-modloader#readme Community Page (Download) : https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18803 For support/questions please access my main thread: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/topic/139644-rel-nandos-resources/ I hope you enjoy! Happy modding!!
  2. Hello, everybody! I'm following this tutorial to make a GUI with a car spawning function. Copy/pasting everything works up until the gridlist. The click doesn't. Could there be a mistake? I recreated the script on my own following step by step: - Client-side - And here is the problematic part: The GUI elements are the same. The only thing that changes are the names. Naturally, it should work by simply replacing the names. However, I believe there might be a mistake on the original script. With everything as it is, I can show and hide the GUI, and click on any vehicle. If I purposely trigger an output, nothing happens. So, waddaya think?
  3. I've successfully created a marker that triggers 'givePlayerMoney' and 'outputChatBox' when 'onClientMarkerHit' in a client.Lua. Does the server see the amount of money the player now has? Do I have to sync the money to the server with some kind of 'getPlayerMoney' in a server.Lua? I'm planning on making a weapons GUI that works with the player's money.
  4. I tried to load a file, that is in a subfolder, nothing's happening, no errors in console. What's the problem (all code below)? Line of code in script, to load xml file: xml = xmlLoadFile("cars/saved.xml") meta.xml: <file src="cars/saved.xml"/> What's wrong? BTW, everything exists. IDK what's wrong with this, everything's is existing, file is assigned into xml. I clearly don't know what's worng.
  5. This is the dumbest question I've ever asked on this forum, but I have problem even not only with this. So, how can I add scripts from different folders in my meta.xml? And in these scripts, how can I load xml files from different folders, too? Any idea? If yes, please, show me example I know, that I would use xml = xmlLoadFile("filename.xml") But how to load xml in different folders? Same <script src="script.Lua" type="server"/> But how to tell MTA to load script from different folder?
  6. Oi pessoal eu to criando um servidor 100% RP , e para um servidor Rp eu acho que eu chat local não é necessário quando eu aperto a tecla "t" abre o chat queria saber como remover esse chat
  7. Hello, I'm trying to pass my server side settings defined in my meta.xml to the client. However, when passing the table of XML data to the client, the data does not persist. Here's my server side code: addEvent("onClientRequestResourceSettings", true) addEventHandler("onClientRequestResourceSettings", resourceRoot, function() local xml = xmlLoadFile("meta.xml") local settingsNode = xmlFindChild(xml, "settings", 0) if(settingsNode) then local settings = xmlNodeGetChildren(settingsNode) triggerClientEvent(client, "onServerProvideResourceSettings", resourceRoot, settings) end xmlUnloadFile(xml) end ) That above event is called client side when the resource starts. Here's the client side code: addEvent("onServerProvideResourceSettings", true) addEventHandler("onServerProvideResourceSettings", resourceRoot, function(theSettings) iprint("Settings provided: "..inspect(theSettings)) --Output: "Settings provided: { }" end ) However my settings table is not being passed to the client. When printing the output, it appears to be an empty table. I'm aware there is a limitation of passing xml data to the client, however as this is in fact a table data type, I wouldn't of thought there would be an issue? Can anyone point me in the right direction, or perhaps provide some better solutions for passing settings data from the meta.xml to the client? Cheers.
  8. The resource starts, but the bot does not spawn. function bot () team = createTeam ("AngryBots", 255,255,255) exports [ "slothBot" ]:spawnBot ( 2002.5241699219,1546.9384765625,13.5859375, 90, 124, 0, 0, 29, "waiting", true ) end addCommandHandler("bots",bot) <meta> <info author="Falke" version="2.0.0" type="misc" name="angrybots" description="This script will add Silent Hill to San Andreas" /> <script src="server.lua" type="server" /> <include resource="slothbot" /> </meta> Why does not the bot spawn?? Please, help me! Neither the "nemesi1" script is working now (it worked when i played MTA years ago...). I don't know what is happening ;-; *nemesi1: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=5722
  9. Hello. This is in my meta: <script src="../oop.lua" type="shared" /> So, why this isn't work? I want to include something outside my resource's folder. Is it possible?
  10. Hello. Please add compiler to meta.xml in later updates. <script src="sourceC.lua" extra_obfuscation="2" /> <!-- 0 - None | 1 = Some | 2 = More (From 1.5.2-9.07903) --> And when player join to the server and meta try to load (and extra_obfuscation is not nil) automatic compile the selected files. Thanks to read my idea.
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