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  1. u want to delete the vehicle without sitting in it? you have to get that vehicle somehow like: GetNearestVehicle. And also you have to make an else statement after your elseif.
  2. yeah, i needed a timer thx for help
  3. still not working it works with players but not with peds, ped are stay stand like nothing happend
  4. local dolls = {}; dolls[1] = createPed ( 120, 1695.2199707031,-2278.3200683594,-1.2447323799133,0,false); setElementFrozen(dolls[1],false) setPedAnimation(dolls[1], "ped", "floor_hit", 1000, false, true, false); If animation are not looped it wont work, but if i turn the 4th arg true it will work local dolls = {}; dolls[1] = createPed ( 120, 1695.2199707031,-2278.3200683594,-1.2447323799133,0,false); setElementFrozen(dolls[1],false) setPedAnimation(dolls[1], "ped", "floor_hit", 1000, true, true, false); But i need a standstill ped that is lies on the floor. Can someone explain how can i do it?
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