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jvsh last won the day on November 6 2023

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About jvsh

  • Birthday 13/07/2004


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    Gang owner
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  1. Package includes: - Author's RPG gamemode - Author's player panel (vue + express) - Database (.sql) - Discord-MTA bot - Discord server (753 members) Package features: - Custom 3dtext - Administration system: - logging and reporting system - administrative commands system - punishment system - noclip - Custom animation system with an external editor - ATM system: - regular account - savings account (player receives 2% of their account daily) - organization account (if the player is in an organization and has permissions) - Autostart - Avatar system based on Discord-connected restApi - New custom blur system - Chat info - AUTHOR'S NEW SCRIPT CODING - Core: - Saving/loading vehicles and players - commands: /transfer, /givecash, /pm, /msg, /v (premium chat connected to Discord), /d (diamond rank chat connected to Discord) - ID system - player system - Custom colorful tire smoke system - New custom car system (custom IDs with functioning 4-door cars) - Dashboard: Tabs: - Account information: - Cash and bank balance - Registration date - Total playtime - Current session - Organization - Diamond status - Statistics: - Earned money - Spent money - Deaths - Kills - Vehicles: - Vehicle list - Vehicle information (maximum speed, acceleration, clutch, braking) - Skills: - Skills list - Crates: - Crate list: - Regular crate - Gold crate - Diamond crate - Sapphire crate - Crate opening - Shop - Linking Discord-MTA accounts - Account settings - Diagnostic system - Displays vehicle information - Discord-MTA API (sockets and http) - Administrative dryer system - Custom font system - Custom F11 with GPS - FPS counter - Stock market - Charts system - GUI system: - Checkboxes - Buttons - Editboxes with selection capability - Handling script for custom vehicles - HUD - Vehicle interaction - Jobs: - Trams: Coop: No Description: Classic AFK job - Courier: Coop: Yes Description: Choose whether to work solo or in coop, then choose courses from the computer (courses change only after completing the current one), load the delivery van, then select which neighborhood to start from under the K key, there is also the option to cancel a job, but then you get less money Upgrades: - Fast walking - Higher earnings - Adds one more neighborhood - Larger delivery van capacity - Gold package - Upgraded delivery van - Tow trucks: Coop: No Description: Start the job and choose whether to enable GPS, then go to the pickup and select from the list where you want to deliver the car and what. After selecting and waiting 10 seconds for loading, go to the destination, if you don't have an upgrade, you have to park perfectly in the parking line and then take the tow truck back to the base and get paid Upgrades: - Higher earnings - Fast unloading - Fast loading - Indestructible cargo - Removal of lines (during parking) - Upgraded tow truck - Golden courses - Warehouse worker: Coop: No Description: Classic package moving, there are several types of packages, e.g., electronics that are more expensive Upgrades: - Higher earnings - Fast walking - More valuable package (higher chance of getting a better package) - Golden package chance 1% multiplier + 2x - Lawnmower: Coop: No Description: Lawnmower job involves driving around designated areas and mowing grass. Each area has a difficulty level, which determines the amount of grass to mow and the bonus to earnings. The harder the area, the more grass to mow, but also the greater the reward. Upgrades: - Higher earnings - Better lawnmower (different vehicle and higher earnings) - Better lawnmowers x2 (different vehicle and higher earnings) - Mushroom picker: Coop: No Description: The mushroom picker job involves collecting suitable mushrooms into a basket. Depending on the type of mushroom collected, you will receive a larger or smaller bonus to earnings. By staying in the TOP 3 of the week, you will receive an additional bonus to earnings for the next week. Remember to pick edible mushrooms, additionally for collecting a poisonous mushroom you get a smaller bonus. Upgrades: - Sprinter - Higher earnings x1.2 - Basket enlargement - Sweepers: Coop: No Description: The sweeper job involves driving around the map and collecting garbage. Your goal is to tidy up the area by removing any debris and rubbish you find on your way. The more garbage you collect, the bigger bonus you get. Upgrades: - Higher earnings - Sweeper capacity - Faster sweeper - More garbage collection - Golden waste Transport companies: - There are 4 transport companies on the server, each with a different level and requirements. The better the company, the higher the earnings (it is possible to start your own company) Level system: - Each level has different requirements and rewards Resource loading/loading interiors Custom markers system Mechanic Model coding Custom name tags: - Ability to enable avatars in name tags in settings in the dashboard Login/registration system Login panel Notification system Announcement system: - Automatic announcement queuing - Cooldown Custom particles Player blips Terrain interaction Driver's license system: - Theory, practice Graphic coding/decoding system Graphic coding script so no one can steal them Fisher system (you need to buy a fishing rod, there is the possibility of renting a boat) Ghostmode system Turbo system with custom sounds Anticheat Advanced DM system Car models Building models Maps Organization zone system Custom player skins system Drug system (ability to buy drugs, sell drugs, process drugs, store drugs) Trailer synchronization system Taxi meter system (the client can choose a destination from a list or by selecting it on the map) Stereo system (music search based on custom restapi with YouTube) Custom station system (a station is a business that can be purchased, there is business management, the station owner can change fuel prices, and the station owner must deliver the fuel they buy from a local seller) Custom counter with gif or regular themes Drug selling system (local peds appear on the map to whom you can offer drugs, there is a chance that the ped will accept or reject the offer and then the SAPD will receive a notification) Showroom system with test drive capability Car RGB system (fluid RGB paintjob) Storage system RGB text system in nametags Visual tuner system Mechanical tuner system Component system Clean car system Factions: - SAPD (prison with the possibility of buying someone out, handcuffs, MDC panel, arrest system) - SAFD (firefighter system, fire extinguishers, hydrants) - SAMC (doctor system, first aid kits, defibrillator, animations) Faction management panel (faction statistics, member management, faction settings) Inventory system (with the ability to move items) Advanced tuning system: - MK1 - MK2 - MK3 - MK4 - Chiptuning - Turbo - Nitro - Variable drive - LPG - Taxi meter - Variable suspension - Traction control adjustment - Power adjustment - Tinted windows - Tinted lamps - Neons - Drift counter - Paintjob - Nitro - Steering angle adjustment - Brake adjustment - Mass adjustment Custom car config system, e.g., car can have config for drift and for speed (mechanic can set all of this) Office: Transferring vehicles to organizations, changing license plates, faction payouts Scoreboard Payment methods: Cryptocurrencies, BLIK, Bank transfer, Paypal, PSC SCREENSHOTS: https://imgur.com/a/IErYu3K (click link) VIDEO: https://streamable.com/hx8qzn VIDEO: https://streamable.com/fwmg7x VIDEO: https://streamable.com/rbg8uz VIDEO: https://streamable.com/ri6rk2 VIDEO: https://streamable.com/zngk4d VIDEO: https://streamable.com/4ve8fu DISCORD: .jvsh.
  2. Hello again, I come to you with a new version of the slaveMTA package: Original complete package Homepage + player panel (account information, owned vehicles, punishment history, account settings) Server-side API Discord bot connected to the server Maps and models The package includes: Login panel (login and registration) Dashboard: Account information Punishment history Owned vehicles Account settings Daily tasks Loot crates Friends system Daily reward Custom radar with GPS Custom F11 with GPS HUD with avatars Custom 3D text Administration system (punishment system, reports, logs, administrative commands) Custom animations with their own editor Advanced ATMs Autostart Avatar system based on custom REST API connected to Discord New custom blur system Button system with animations Clean car script Core (player and vehicle data storage, loading, ID system) Custom tire smoke New custom car system (custom IDs with working four-door cars) Daily tasks system Database script Discord integration (account synchronization, bidirectional Discord-MTA chat) Factions: SAPD (prison with the possibility of bail, handcuffs, MDC panel, arrest system) SARA (random road accidents, road potholes, oil spills) SAFD (firefighter system, fire extinguishers, hydrants) SAMC (doctor system, first aid kits, defibrillators, animations) Faction management panel (faction statistics, member management, faction settings) Custom font script Graphics encoding script to prevent theft FPS counter Expanded marketplace Charts system Custom GUI system (edit boxes, scroll bars, buttons, grid lists, checkboxes) Custom vehicle handlings Vehicle interaction Environment interaction Inventory system (with item transfer capability) Jobs: Courier (ability to choose neighborhoods for package delivery, loading packages into vehicles, delivering packages, neighborhood management panel for admins): Upgrades: - Fast walking - Higher earnings - Adds one more neighborhood - Larger capacity delivery vehicle - Golden package - Upgraded delivery van Tow truck (ability to choose which vehicle to tow, lines to park the vehicle perfectly for unloading): Upgrades: - Higher earnings - Fast unloading - Fast loading - Indestructible cargo - Line removal (during parking) - Upgraded tow truck - Golden courses - Tow truck nitro Warehouse worker (regular warehouse work with package classes we carry, unlocking package upgrades makes them better, and at the 3rd job level, a forklift is available): Upgrades: - Higher earnings - Fast walking - More valuable package (higher chance of receiving a package) - Golden package with a 1% chance multiplier + 2x Mushroom picker (we get a basket and walk through the forest collecting mushrooms, mushrooms grow for 30 seconds to their initial growth phase): Upgrades: - Sprinter - Higher earnings x1.2 - Basket enlargement - Golden mushrooms Street sweepers (we drive around the map with a sweeper, we get trash just by driving, and for collecting trash lying around the map. The trash selling system is extensive because we can choose which trash we want to sell and how much, every hour trash prices change, there is a chance that the price will be higher or lower, the latest trash prices are shown in a GUI chart): Upgrades: - Higher earnings - Sweeper capacity - Faster sweeper - More trash collection - Golden waste Transport companies (There are 4 transport companies on the server, each with a different level and requirements, so there are different earnings): Upgrades: - Higher earnings - Faster unloading - Faster loading - Larger capacity - Golden transport - Vehicle nitro Level system Custom markers system with animations Mechanics system Visual tuner system Mechanical tuner system Model encoding system Custom nametag system (avatars in nametags can be enabled in player panel settings) RGB text system in nametags Custom notification system Announcements system Player blips system Driver's license system (theory, practice, exam) Storage system Bus stop system RGB car system (smooth RGB paint job) Showrooms system with test drive capability Drug dealing system (local pedestrians appear on the map to whom drugs can be offered, there is a chance that the pedestrian will accept or reject the offer, and then SAPD gets a notification) Snake mini-game system (while loading resources) Custom counter with themes in GIFs or regular Custom gas station system (a business that can be purchased, business management, the business owner can change fuel prices and must deliver the fuel they buy from a local seller) Stereo system (song search based on custom REST API from YouTube) Taxi meter system (client can choose a destination from a list or mark it on the map) Custom shader system (proprietary) Trailer synchronization system Drug system (ability to buy drugs, sell drugs, process drugs, store drugs, smoke drugs, drink alcohol) Custom weapon system Custom skin system Organization system (ability to create organizations, add members, remove members, change organization name, change organization tag, change organization color, change organization theme, change organization ranks, change organization permissions) Organization zone system Car models Weapon models Skin models Item models Building models Advanced deathmatch system Green zone Anti-cheat Turbo system with custom sounds Ghost mode system Fisherman system (you need to buy a fishing rod, there is a possibility to rent a boat) Screenshots from the resources With the package, the buyer receives the entire server's graphic design project. For an additional fee, there is the possibility of customizing the package with your name and color scheme. Package price: 50 USD (there is a possibility of selling the package exclusively, in which case the price is higher). Only serious inquiries are welcome. NOTE: NOBODY HAS THIS VERSION OF THE PACKAGE, SO DON'T LET YOURSELF BE SCAMMED BECAUSE I'VE ALREADY SEEN SEVERAL PEOPLE SELLING THIS PACKAGE, BUT IN REALITY, THEY DON'T HAVE ANYTHING. The gamemode is available in the following languages: Polish, English, Russian, Brazilian, Portuguese. Contact only through Discord: .jvsh.
  3. no co dzieciaku

  4. Dlaczego oszukujesz ludzi

  5. new price and new discord
  6. Discord is not sold, it is added to the package when the buyer wants it
  7. Hello, as I had to close the slaveMTA project for personal reasons, the following items are now available for sale: Original complete package Homepage + player panel (account information, owned vehicles, penalty history, account settings) API for the server Discord bot connected to the server Maps and models The package includes: Advanced taxi meter (ability to mark on the map where you want to go) Advanced drug system (cocaine and marijuana) Advanced drug selling system (NPCs roam the map to whom you can propose drug sales; there's a chance the NPC will reject the offer and call the police, notifying the SAPD) Advanced counter (with GIF and PNG themes, 4 RGB patterns) Advanced dashboard (Account information, Owned vehicles, Lockers, Friends system with an advanced chat, Reaction emojis for messages, Message editing, Referral codes, Penalty history, Account settings, Two-step verification, and more) Driver's license system (theoretical and practical exams) Advanced inventory system (ability to move items under the inventory and drop items that can be picked up later) Vehicle interaction HUD Stereo system with a YouTube search feature (instead of the classic stereo where you have to convert everything, here you just enter the song title and the results will be fetched from YouTube and automatically converted after selection) Scoreboard Bus stops Faction panel Expanded factions Gas stations Dealerships Advanced ATMs Elaborate job system (with charts) Advanced login panel Custom F11 with GPS Radar with GPS Mechanic Tuner Vehicle market (various types) Storage Advanced custom paintjob system (smooth RGB) Very extensive vehicle customization options 4 elaborated jobs with cooperative mode possibilities (warehouse worker, security, courier, lawnmowers) Screenshots of the resources As a bonus, a Discord server with 260 members and 33 boosts is included with the package. The buyer will also receive the entire graphical design project for the server. For an additional fee, there is an option to customize the package with your name and color scheme. Price: 20USD Contact only through Discord: .jvsh.
  8. Hello, I offer advanced Discord/MTA/frontend/backend services. I offer: Advanced resources. Advanced gamemodes. Graphic design for resources and customization for your server. Debugging and fixing errors in resources. Creating databases for your resouces. Setting up forums on IPS/MyBB and a player panel. Selling old resources and ready-made. Website development (frontend - Vue, backend - Express). Developing Discord-MTA bots (whatever you need). Creating various APIs (Express), for example, avatars retrieved by Discord user IDs and a YouTube search engine for stereo. The price depends on the service, and I approach each task individually. You can contact me on Discord: .jvsh. I DO NOT RESPOND ON FORUM Portfolio: https://imgur.com/a/MChy1AM https://streamable.com/5dxy4v https://streamable.com/rr2twy https://streamable.com/sezcb2 https://streamable.com/upqgrl https://streamable.com/1fevxc https://streamable.com/iecug7 https://streamable.com/mixxoj https://streamable.com/fh5r8w https://streamable.com/bw8ezr https://streamable.com/iy1ee3 https://streamable.com/y1c6ch https://streamable.com/fxaicz https://streamable.com/yizhxc https://streamable.com/6592k7 https://streamable.com/98n9jn https://streamable.com/xhcvbg https://streamable.com/rahvmm https://streamable.com/hysv19 https://streamable.com/26i9ni https://streamable.com/o3xgz0 https://streamable.com/xdqh0h https://streamable.com/4nvs49 https://streamable.com/nwrrj9 https://streamable.com/wrfwyu
  9. Hey, I got very advanced RPG/RP gamemode, it contains: - Scoreboard - Loading panel - Nametags - Notifications - Garage system - Speedometer - Youtube searcher -NPC system + missions - Radar - 2FA authentication - Admin/duty system with panel - API that connects with discord bot/forum and can receive packets - Authentication (login panel) (screenshots) - Avatars from connected discord/forum account - 4 jobs - Vehicle interaction - GUI system - HUD - Help panel (F1) - Core - Gang zones - DM - Organizations - DB more... Screenshots (make sure to click load more!!): https://imgur.com/a/7CYGhid https://streamable.com/hysv19 https://streamable.com/26i9ni https://streamable.com/o3xgz0 Gamemode is currently in Polish language, but I can assist (or translate on my own) whole gamemode to English I answer ONLY on Discord, dm me: .jvsh. Please DM me with your price offer, I accept PayPal and more
  10. Hello, I offer custom-made services for various tasks. I offer: Resources for MTA servers (Lua) Discord bots, moderation, Discord-MTA integration, and much more (JavaScript/TypeScript) Various types of APIs (Express.js) I also have many ready-made scripts/gamemodes available for sale I don't respond on forum, text me on discord: .jvsh. Here are some examples of my recent resources: https://streamable.com/70qwkg https://streamable.com/cxuvr6 https://streamable.com/y6qj4z https://streamable.com/cgqvfv https://streamable.com/wmom6d
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