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Posts posted by iiv03

  1. hello there I think that I am banned in Discord server mta cuz of what I really forgot about the problem i left from the game about 1.5 years due to circumstances and came back a month ago, but I would like to apologize to what I did previously of a problem that was banned  and I want to say I am v.sorry. I would like to request unbanned me and thx my discord account: ! Yukino 熱い#5613

  2. I tried created a road in using 3DS Max. when I finished I added Material Textures. On the way and after I extracted COL + DFF, since I don't have TXD, I tried to run COL + DFF by using functions on wiki mtasa. engineLoadCOL and engineLoadDFF but the problem did not come to me correctly really cracked my head I tried to discover a bug cuz the first time i'm use 3ds Max and did not find a solution, where trouble? how i fix that?

    Screenshot 3DS Max:


    Screenshot In-Game:


    Only inside a game I see a small object that is incomplete and I am sure that I extracted them



    Edit: when I just extracted cs_roadbridge04 and not specified them all and since I put all objects in -> cs_roadbridge04 I get the result, that's why. ?

    Screenshot in-game:


    Screenshot 3DS Max:


  3. 4 hours ago, Furzy said:

    Look this thread 



    4 hours ago, IIYAMA said:

    You could attach the camera to the ped, see example in this link:


    The example explains how to attach the camera to a vehicle, without the need of updating the camera with onClient(Pre)Render.

    ty guys I was needed a part of camera that followed ("Element") and found the solution

    addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, function()
    	local ox,oy,oz = getElementPosition(army1)


  4. hey i would like to make camera . on other position and i'm use setCameraMatrix and i created that ped start movements. but i want make cam follow ped when his move . what should i use on functions?

    --if this ->> setCameraTarget + attachElements? and how will be?


  5. 10 minutes ago, Tekken said:

    You should check

    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function(hitElement )

    if hitElement == pedveh1 and getElementParent(hitElement) == group then

    -- do it




    NOTE that "onMarkerHit" event have an argument in function called thehitelement == the element that hit the marker.

    trust me nothing happen :(


    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function(hitElement)
        -- get element 1 parent from group thats i created above
      if hitElement == pedveh1 and getElementParent(hitElement) == group then
          --part check if ped in vehicle try to hit marker
            if (isElement(pedveh1)) and (getElementType(pedveh1)=="ped") and (getElementModel(pedveh1)==0) then
            -- here problem text spam me 2 if second car behind firstly and also touching the marker
    			outputChatBox("vehicle touched 1")

    should I know hitElement for an item? like a car vehicle?

  6. 22 minutes ago, Tekken said:

    I don't quite understand your code but try this:

    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function(hitelm)
    	if getElementParent(hitelm) == group then
    		if getElementType ( hitelm ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( hitelm ) == 405 then
    			--print("vehicle touched 1")
    			setElementPosition(hitelm,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879) 
    		elseif  getElementType ( hitelm ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( hitelm ) == 547 then
    			--print("vehicle touched 2")
    			setElementPosition(hitelm,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)
    		elseif  getElementType ( hitelm ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( hitelm ) == 507 then
    			--print("vehicle touched 3")
    			setElementPosition(hitelm,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)
    		elseif  getElementType ( hitelm ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( hitelm ) == 585 then
    			--print("vehicle touched 4")
    			setElementPosition(hitelm, -414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)


    I didn't understand exactly where wrong please check my new code

    local group = createElement("pedsbots")
    setElementParent(pedveh1, group)
    --setElementParent(pedveh2, group)
    --setElementParent(pedveh3, group)
    --setElementParent(pedveh4, group)
    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function()
        -- get element 1 parent from group thats i created above
    	if getElementParent(pedveh1) == group then
          --part check if ped in vehicle try to hit marker
            if (isElement(pedveh1)) and (getElementType(pedveh1)=="ped") and (getElementModel(pedveh1)==0) then
            -- here problem text spam me 2 if second car behind firstly and also touching the marker
    			outputChatBox("vehicle touched 1")


  7. 35 minutes ago, Tekken said:

    Might be what you need: 


    i shortened everything first time i used setElementParent and createElement.

    but I have a problem with the vehicles not moving now when i touch the marker and btw I used the triggerClientEvent to call the onControlState function and my code I did above correct or no? it did not give me any error

    --client side
    addEvent ( "onControlState", true ) 
    addEventHandler ( "onControlState", resourceRoot, function () 
    setPedControlState ( source, "accelerate", true ) 
    end )
    --server side
    marker_auto_teleport_botscars = createMarker(-759.40002441406, 126.5, 41,"corona",4,0,0,0,0)
    teleport_part = createMarker(-757.400390625, 109.099609375, 41.400001525879,"corona",4,0,0,0,0)
    function parts(teleport_part) -- take element hit from marker
    	if teleport_part then
    triggerClientEvent ( root, "onControlState", pedveh1 ) -- start make vehicle walk 
    triggerClientEvent ( root, "onControlState", pedveh2 ) -- start make vehicle walk 
    triggerClientEvent ( root, "onControlState", pedveh3 ) -- start make vehicle walk 
    triggerClientEvent ( root, "onControlState", pedveh4 ) -- start make vehicle walk 
    		print("touched by player")
    addEventHandler ( "onPlayerMarkerHit", root, parts)
    local group = createElement("VehicleBots")
    setElementParent(botvehicle1, group)
    setElementParent(botvehicle2, group)
    setElementParent(botvehicle3, group)
    setElementParent(botvehicle4, group)
    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function(group) -- take hit elements from group
    	if  getElementType ( botvehicle1 ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( botvehicle1 ) == 405 then
    	print("vehicle touched 1")
    	setElementPosition(botvehicle1,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879) 
    	elseif  getElementType ( botvehicle2 ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( botvehicle2 ) == 547 then
    	print("vehicle touched 2")
    	setElementPosition(botvehicle2,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)
    	elseif  getElementType ( botvehicle3 ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( botvehicle3 ) == 507 then
    	print("vehicle touched 3")
    	setElementPosition(botvehicle3,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)
    	elseif  getElementType ( botvehicle4 ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( botvehicle4 ) == 585 then
    	print("vehicle touched 4")
    	setElementPosition(botvehicle4,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)


    when i add setElementParent vehicles not move? why and i put if player touche the marker makes vehicles start moving 



  8. hey i did not understand here, why vehicle "3" and "4" if it hit marker, nothing happens? only vehicle "1" and "2" work? I tried to make it through the ped that did not work for me, but if I changed botvehicle 2 -to-> botvehicle 3 it would work 3 I would like them to work all also i didn't get any error in debugscript

    my line:

    marker_auto_teleport_botscars = createMarker(-759.40002441406, 126.5, 41,"corona",4,0,0,0,0)
    botvehicle1 = createVehicle( 405, -688.45050048828, 132.56692504883, 41.400001525879, 0, 0, 95.99853515625)
    botvehicle2 = createVehicle( 547, -651.70001220703, 135.69999694824, 41.400001525879, 0, 0, 95.99853515625)
    botvehicle3 = createVehicle( 507, -615.09997558594, 138.89999389648, 41.400001525879, 0, 0, 95.99853515625)
    botvehicle4 = createVehicle( 585, -581.40002441406, 141.69999694824, 41.400001525879, 0, 0, 95.99853515625)	
    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function(botvehicle1) -- element hit take from createVehicle.
    	if  getElementType ( botvehicle1 ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( botvehicle1 ) == 405 then
    	print("vehicle touched 1")
    	setElementPosition(botvehicle1,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879) 
    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function(botvehicle2) -- element hit take from createVehicle.
    	if  getElementType ( botvehicle2 ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( botvehicle2 ) == 547 then
    	print("vehicle touched 2")
    	setElementPosition(botvehicle2,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)
    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function(botvehicle3) -- element hit take from createVehicle.
    	if  getElementType ( botvehicle3 ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( botvehicle3 ) == 507 then
    	print("vehicle touched 3")
    	setElementPosition(botvehicle3,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)
    addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", marker_auto_teleport_botscars, function(botvehicle4) -- element hit take from createVehicle.
    	if  getElementType ( botvehicle4 ) == "vehicle" and getElementModel ( botvehicle4 ) == 585 then
    	print("vehicle touched 4")
    	setElementPosition(botvehicle4,-414.1000061035, 157.19999694824, 41.400001525879)


  9. hello I would like to know how should I check if ped while inside a car and touched marker and then something happens?

    I used these functions in the client side because at beginning i put it if the player touched the marker and then do movement Vehicle Ped, and now I would like to know how to check if the ped hit marker something happens?


    client side:

    teleport_part = createMarker(-757.400390625, 109.099609375, 41.400001525879,"corona",4,0,0,0,0)
    function parts()
    pedveh1 = createPed(0,0,0,0,0)
    setPedAnalogControlState(pedveh1, "accelerate", 1)
    pedveh2 = createPed(0,0,0,0,0)
    setPedAnalogControlState(pedveh2, "accelerate", 1)
    pedveh3 = createPed(0,0,0,0,0)
    setPedAnalogControlState(pedveh3, "accelerate", 1)
    pedveh4 = createPed(0,0,0,0,0)
    setPedAnalogControlState(pedveh4, "accelerate", 1)
    addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", teleport_part, parts)

    do i need to use event "onMarkerHit"? + function "getPedOccupiedVehicle"? in server side how do I know vehicles in getPedOccupiedVehicle because I put them on a client side path. do I need to use the triggerClientEvent, how i do way?

  10. 17 hours ago, SpecT said:


    I wrote some stuff I think it might help you out.

    local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize()
    local progress = 0;
    local borderY = 0;
    local animState = 0
    local panelTick = getTickCount()
    function animatePanel()
    	local tick = getTickCount() - panelTick
    	local progress = tick/1000
    	if progress >= 1 then -- anim finished
    		--togglePanel() -- uncomment if you want it to go back down once the animation finishes
    	if animState == 1 then
    		borderY = interpolateBetween ( sy/1, 0, 0, sy/1.15, 0, 0, progress, "Linear")
    		borderY = interpolateBetween ( sy/1.15, 0, 0, sy/1, 0, 0, progress, "Linear")
    	dxDrawRectangle ( 0, borderY, sx, 100, tocolor(0,0,0,255),false) -- panel
    function togglePanel()
    	if animState == 0 then
    		animState = 1 -- opening
    		animState = 0 -- closing
    	panelTick = getTickCount()
    addCommandHandler("tog", togglePanel)


    hey mate I have tried this:

    		if progress >= timeSpeedBorder then
    			anim = 0
    			borderTick = getTickCount()
    			removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root,borderRender)
    			addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,borderRender)

    but it keeps giving anim = 0 an end repeating how I should stop getTickCount without setting "setTimer" on removeEventHandler? because I think if i try remove line  addEventHandler animation will bug In the last move btw i gave addEventHandler out line function cuz after i will setting function with marker.

    EDIT: well maybe i fixed. I gave the timing to removeEventHandler if the anime value 0

    	if anim == 1 then
    		borderY = interpolateBetween ( sy/1, 0, 0, sy/1.15, 0, 0, progress, "Linear")
    		borderY = interpolateBetween ( sy/1.15, 0, 0, sy/1, 0, 0, progress, "Linear")
    			removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root,borderRender)

    If you have an idea or a second simple solution can u tell me

  11. 4 hours ago, SpecT said:


    I wrote some stuff I think it might help you out.

    local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize()
    local progress = 0;
    local borderY = 0;
    local animState = 0
    local panelTick = getTickCount()
    function animatePanel()
    	local tick = getTickCount() - panelTick
    	local progress = tick/1000
    	if progress >= 1 then -- anim finished
    		--togglePanel() -- uncomment if you want it to go back down once the animation finishes
    	if animState == 1 then
    		borderY = interpolateBetween ( sy/1, 0, 0, sy/1.15, 0, 0, progress, "Linear")
    		borderY = interpolateBetween ( sy/1.15, 0, 0, sy/1, 0, 0, progress, "Linear")
    	dxDrawRectangle ( 0, borderY, sx, 100, tocolor(0,0,0,255),false) -- panel
    function togglePanel()
    	if animState == 0 then
    		animState = 1 -- opening
    		animState = 0 -- closing
    	panelTick = getTickCount()
    addCommandHandler("tog", togglePanel)



    3 hours ago, Tekken said:

    I always recommend using default MTA variables like root instead of getRootElement() as it’s faster

    thank u guys v.much

  12. how should I move position dxdraw rectangle if try to check progress time has end up ?

    	borderY = interpolateBetween ( sy/1, 0, 0, sy/1.15, 0, 0, progress, "Linear")
    	dxDrawRectangle ( 0, borderY, sx, 100, tocolor(0,0,0,255),false) -- panel
    	if progress >= 1 then
      	-- i want move position Y goes down but how??
      	-- tired: borderY = borderY-50 It didn't work for me


  13. On 30/07/2020 at 21:19, Tete omar said:

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    ...أو التكرار بالعربي الخ for loop أو الوظيفة بالعربي وال function اولاً وقبل كل شيء: يجب أن تتعلم أشياء أساسية في البرمجة عموماً, مو في ام تي اي فقط, فمثلاً يجب ان تعرف ما هي ال

    يمديك تبحث على اليوتيوب "أساسيات البرمجة" لكي تتعلم هذه المصطلحات الأساسية


    انت قلت انك تبي تتعلم فانا ما بعطيك أكواد جاهزة, لأن هذا ما بيعلمك, وكما تقول الحكمة, لا تعطني سمكة لكن علمني كيف أسطاد, لكن بقولك انت وش تحتاج عشان تحقق الي تبيه


    1- {} حط اسماء التيمات الي تبيها في جدول زي هذا

    2- أو متغير بالعربي وحطه في وظيفة إنشاء التيم variable وخذ اسم التيم الي طبعاً بيكون في  for loop سوي تكرار

    3- استخدم جدول وحط فيه إحداثيات الريسبون حقت كل تيم, وطبعاً بتربطهم بأسماء التيمات الي بالجدول الي برقم 1

    4- أو حدث بالعربي ينفذ وظيفة معينة بنتكلم عنها تحت عندما يموت اللاعب + حدث آخر عندما يسوي سباون event حط

    5- الوظيفة هذي فيها كل الي تبيه, انت تقرر وش يصير لمن اللاعب يموت أو يسوي سباون, وتفاصيل هذي الوظيفة تحت

    6- الوظيفة تتحقق من تيم اللاعب, ثم تبحث عن المكان المخصص للنزول حسب تيمه من الجدول الي تكلمنا عنه برقم 3 ثم تستخدم وظيفة الإنزال (السباون) وتنزله بالإحداثيات المرتبطة بالتيم الذي ينتمي إليه اللاعب


    أدري ان الكلام هذا صعب عليك, لكن اعلم جيداً اني كنت مثلك ويمكن أسوأ بعد, لكن مع الإصرار والمثابرة ان شاء الله بتعرف تسوي الي تبيه, ولمن تحقق الي تبيه بتحس انك تبي تسوي أكثر من كذا وان شاء الله بتكون البرمجة أسهل كلما أنجزت شيء


    بالتوفيق وكل عام وانتم بخير

    احب ذا شخص مدري ليش:oops:

    • Like 1
  14. هاذي وظيفه تلغي الحدث

    اذا استخدمت انت addEventHandler

    مثال كلينت

    addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), function() cancelEvent() end )

    ضفنى حدث الي هو يدمج الاعب "onClientPlayerDamage

    فتحنا فانكشن بعدين نحط بداخله كنسل يعني اذا لاعب يدمج راح يلغي الحدث.

    نفس شيئ ب سيرفر بس في 

    ارجيمنت اول بيكون bool

    يعني true او false

    اذا true = راح يكنسل الحدث 

    واذا false = مراح يكسنل الحدث

    وارجيمنت ثاني السبب.

    راجع ويكي


    مو كل شيئ فيديوات

    + قسم غلط

    11 hours ago, AdnanMadi said:


    و الي بعرف يعني اشي يعلمني برمجة ال  Lua الخاصة ب MTASA

    ياريت يقلي اذا كان موقع او اشي ثاني  

    لو عندك وقت او اجازه شيك علي ويكي مراح تخسر شيئ

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