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Posts posted by Outback

  1. I want to kick Angel Studios' (now part of Rockstar West, from what I understand) sorry arse for giving the sh*t end of the stick to PC-Only games (ie. Midtown Madness 2, which was developed in parallel with Midnight Club yet "somehow" was nowhere near as good [in the few areas that MC was actually good]).

  2. I think we all should start poking at the GTAWO people to get their Liberty City update done, because then, instead of a different engine for the two cities, you have both under the same (VC) engine, which would be a big load off the MTA guys' shoulders.

    I like Liberty City alot, but the difference in the engines (meaning the actual physics...the lack of choppers and bikes makes no difference to me) makes it unenjoyable now that I've played Vice City.

    Edit. Sorry for the double-post. I replied to a message on the second page then went back to the first.

  3. 2.) Ingame Menu

    This doesn't mean cheating automatically, what if the person views the map or changes the options?

    Maybe the player model should be removed while looking at the map.

    Disappearing would be an even better way to cheat. But yes, some sort of an indication would be a good idea, maybe just some sort of big red X over the person's head would suffice.

    Another idea is for there to be some sort of delay when going in and out of Pause, and/or an automatic death (or disablement alltogether) if you try to Pause while in the process of either shooting someone or being shot at.

  4. Sometimes it's a bug, sometimes it's not.

    I was spotted once in a flying Mr. Whopee (when I was actually in a Hunter, IIRC).

    But this guy was definitely cheating...


    PS. There's no map and stuff cuz my capture program didn't catch them for some reason. But it is MTA.

  5. He could have like, ya know, denied it...

    I dunno...I think his parents would have believed their own son over someone from East Chuckaf*ck, who got the name and phone number off the internet somewhere.

    Anyway, I feel both bad for the guy and totally amused. Yet another vicitim of their own stupidity...

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