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Posts posted by 1LoL1

  1. Hey guys,

    I want to ask you a question, I scripted a script, and my problem when I do an action the message out put too slow, it takes about 5 to 10 seconds to appear at the chatbox.

    Can you guess to me from where that can be caused?

    Post the code.

  2. I want to check and see if a new player registered, how would I do it?

    Because I want to give money if it's a new player registered. But on my login, you register then it takes you back to login and press login.

    If anyone can help it'll be helpful!

    addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), 
       function (_, acc) 
          if getAccountData(acc, "wb") then 
             outputChatBox("Welcome back!") 
             setAccountData(acc, "wb", "test") 
             outputChatBox("Welcome new player!") 

  3. I drew an image on my login screen but the image does not work for every resolution.
            local Width,Height = 350,350 
            local x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
        local px, py = 1980, 1080 
        local sx, sy = (x/px), (x/py)    
            Image = guiCreateStaticImage( x/2-640, y/2-360, 1980, 1280, "login_bg.png", false) 

    Can anybody help me how do I make it work for every resolution?

    Try this but start in 800x600 resolution.

    x, y = guiGetScreenSize() 
    rx, ry = (x/800), (y/600) 
    image = guiCreateStaticImage(rx*640, ry*360, rx*1980, ry*1280, "login_bg.png",false) 

  4. It's marker not market.

    marker = createMarker( x, y, z, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 170 ) 
    function () 
    moveObject(marker, 1500, x, y, z) 

  5. Instead of

    You can just use


    He used in all setAccountData so why givePlayerMoney? and setAccountData data is saved in account.

  6. Try this:

    addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", getRootElement(), 
        function(msg, type) 
        if type == 0 then 
            local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) 
            local msg = msg:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") 
            outputChatBox(string.gsub(getPlayerName(source),"#%x%x%x%x%x%x","")..": #FFFFFF"..msg, getRootElement(), r, g, b, true) 
            outputServerLog( "CHAT: " .. name .. ": " .. msg ) 

  7. Hello,

    I created bases and want to teleport to them by a simple command

    what can I do ?

    teleporting need to be per groups


    addCommandHandler("go", function (source) 
    if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)),aclGetGroup("Group")) then 
    setElementPosition(x, y, z) 
    outputChatBox("text...", source, 255, 255, 255, true) 

  8. You first have to get the account with getPlayerAccount. Then use getAccountName to get the account name from the account you got with getPlayerAccount.

    You can't use getAccountName with the player element because an account is required in that function.


  9. Just use event parameter for get the account
    addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), 
    function ( _, currentAccount ) 
        local account = getAccountName(currentAccount) 
        local searchForAPlayer = executeSQLQuery("SELECT TEST1, TEST2, TEST3 FROM Avengers WHERE Account = ?", account) 
        if #searchForAPlayer == 1 then 
            setElementData(source, "TEST1", searchForAPlayer["TEST1"]) 
            setElementData(source, "TEST2", searchForAPlayer["TEST2"]) 
            setElementData(source, "TEST3", searchForAPlayer["TEST3"]) 

    i used this too but save or load not work :(

  10. Hello, i tried save and load with executeSQLQuery but idk why not work. :(

    Errors / Warnings:

    Warning: Bad argument @ 'getAccountName' [Expected account at argument 1, got player]

    Error: Database query failed: no such column: false

    addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), 
    function () 
        if isGuestAccount(getPlayerAccount(source)) then return end 
        local account = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) 
        local TEST1 = (getElementData(source, "TEST1") or 0) 
        local TEST2 = (getElementData(source, "TEST2") or 0) 
        local TEST3 = (getElementData(source, "TEST3") or 0) 
        local searchForAPlayer = executeSQLQuery("SELECT TEST1, TEST2, TEST3 FROM Avengers WHERE Account = ?", account) 
        if #searchForAPlayer == 0 then 
            executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO Avengers (Account, TEST1, TEST2, TEST3) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", account, TEST1, TEST2, TEST13) 
            executeSQLQuery("UPDATE Avengers SET TEST1 = ?, TEST2 = ?, TEST3 = ? WHERE Account = ?", TEST1, TEST2, TEST3, account) 
    addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), 
    function () 
        local account = getAccountName(source) 
        local searchForAPlayer = executeSQLQuery("SELECT TEST1, TEST2, TEST3 FROM Avengers WHERE Account = ?", account) 
        if #searchForAPlayer == 1 then 
            setElementData(source, "TEST1", searchForAPlayer["TEST1"]) 
            setElementData(source, "TEST2", searchForAPlayer["TEST2"]) 
            setElementData(source, "TEST3", searchForAPlayer["TEST3"]) 

  11. function whenPlayerChangeNick(_, newNick) 
        local newNick = removeHexColorCode(newNick) 
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) 
        local q = dbQuery(database,"SELECT * FROM Nick WHERE Serial = ?", serial) 
        local result = dbPoll(q, -1) 
        if (result) then 
            local actualNicks = poll["Nicks"] 
            if string.find(actualNicks, newNick) then 
                local addNewNick = actualNicks .. ", " .. newNick 
                dbExec(database, "UPDATE Nick SET Nicks = ? WHERE Serial = ?", addNewNick, serial) 
            dbExec(database, "INSERT INTO Nick VALUES(?,?)", addNewNick, serial) 
    addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), whenPlayerChangeNick) 

    It's fixed.. and poll["Nicks"] ? where is poll?

  12. Hello, can anyone help me why i have this error? :(

    ERROR: attempt to index local 'q' (a userdata value)

    function whenPlayerChangeNick(_, newNick) 
        local newNick = removeHexColorCode(newNick) 
        local serial = getPlayerSerial(source) 
        local q = dbQuery(database,"SELECT * FROM Nick WHERE Serial = ?", serial) 
        local poll, rows = dbPoll(q, -1) 
        if (rows == 1) then 
            local actualNicks = q["Nicks"].nicks 
            if string.find(actualNicks, newNick) then 
                local addNewNick = actualNicks .. ", " .. newNick 
                dbExec(database, "UPDATE Nick SET Nicks = ? WHERE Serial = ?", addNewNick, serial) 
    addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", getRootElement(), whenPlayerChangeNick) 

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