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Everything posted by znajder

  1. Where is the rest of code?
  2. I write to you small stuff looks littlebit like some shiiit, but this is maximum what we can get from GTA Engine (i think). Code: -- created by l0nger local outlineForPlayers={} local DEFAULT_DRAW_DISTANCE = 50 local DEFAULT_COLOR = {255, 200, 100, 125} local DEFAULT_SPECULAR_POWER = 1.15 function createOutlineForPlayer(player) if outlineForPlayers[player] then return false end outlineForPlayers[player]={} outlineForPlayers[player].shader=dxCreateShader("fx/outline.fx", 1, DEFAULT_DRAW_DISTANCE, true, "ped") if not outlineForPlayers[player].shader then -- we cant make shader, problem with memory? return false end dxSetShaderValue(outlineForPlayers[player].shader, "sColorizePed", {DEFAULT_COLOR[1]/255, DEFAULT_COLOR[2]/255, DEFAULT_COLOR[3]/255, DEFAULT_COLOR[4]/255}) dxSetShaderValue(outlineForPlayers[player].shader, "sSpecularPower", DEFAULT_SPECULAR_POWER) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(outlineForPlayers[player].shader, "*", player) engineRemoveShaderToWorldTexture(outlineForPlayers[player].shader, "muzzle_texture*", player) if getElementAlpha(player)==255 then setElementAlpha(player, 254) end return true end function removeOutlineFromPlayer(player) if not outlineForPlayers[player] then return false end if not isElement(outlineForPlayers[player].shader) then return false end engineRemoveShaderToWorldTexture(outlineForPlayers[player].shader, "*", player) destroyElement(outlineForPlayers[player].shader) outlineForPlayers[player] = nil return true end -- and creating for local player createOutlineForPlayer(localPlayer) And code from outlife.fx https://pastebin.com/r2rD9ss4 Regards and hf.
  3. what? Try this code local markercords={ {1945.20874, -1778.62756, 13.39060}, {1944.33765, -1773.98657, 13.39060}, {1944.09851, -1771.35437, 13.39060}, {1944.29260, -1767.30762, 13.38281} } addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() for i, data in pairs(markercords) do local marker=createMarker(data[1], data[2], data[3], "cylinder", 2, 255, 255, 0, 100) end end)
  4. { "languageCode": "pl", "friendlyName": "Polski", "helpButton": "Tryb pomocy", "l10nButton": "Język", "loadButton": "Wczytaj link", "removeSong": "Usuń piosenkę", "clearList": "Wyczyść listę", "gridlistURL": "Link", "gridlistNP": "Aktualnie gra", "prevSong": "Poprzedni", "nextSong": "Następny", "pauseSong": "Pauza/Odtwórz", "vehiRadio": "Pojazd", "walkRadio": "Walkman", "boomRadio": "Boombox", "artistLabel": "Artysta", "albumeLabel": "Album", "songLabel": "Piosenka", "tooltips": { "helpButton": "Włącz/wyłącz podpowiedzi", "l10nButton": "Zmień język", "inputField": "Umieść tutaj link do odtworzenia...", "loadButton": "Załaduj link podany w polu tekstowym", "removeSong": "Usuń piosenkę z listy", "clearList": "Wyczyść listę", "playlist": "Lista piosenek do odtworzenia", "prevSong": "Odtwórz poprzedni utwór, lub zrestartuj biężący, jeżeli upłynęło 5 sekund", "nextSong": "Odtwórz następną piosenke z playlisty", "pauseSong": "Wstrzymaj lub wznów odtwarzanie wybranego utworu/radia", "vehiRadio": "Synchronizuje radio z pojazdem...", "walkRadio": "Synchronizuje radio z walkmanem...", "boomRadio": "Synchronizuje radio z boombox'em" } },
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