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Posts posted by Michael_Sund

  1. function showLoginWindow() 
        outputChatBox("DEBUG 1 PASSED") 
        if(wdwLogin ~= nil) then 
            guiSetVisible(wdwLogin, true) 
            outputChatBox("An unexpected error has occured and the login GUI could not be created.") 
    addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), showLoginWindow) 

  2. This doesn't seem to be calling my function "showLoginWindow()". It's client-side and the script is included in meta.xml as client type script.

    addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), showLoginWindow) 

  3. Well michael you can help a server named: TTown . Because we have only 1 scripter (its not my server). well you could help us a lot (if you have excelent ideas). the server owner wants to make the server kinda cool.

    Ok, sorry for the late answer I've had it hard with some buddies in a SA-MP clan LOL.

    Ok I could need your msn and stuff and I'll check it out someday :P

  4. Hi I just wanted to say hi, and tell everyone that I'm gonna be active again.

    I had a harddrive failure on the partition where my server was and it is gone now but I'm downloading my RP Game Mode to use and edit that in my new server :)

    Want help with scripting?, I may be able to help you! :P

  5. just tell you on here? So you want us to copy and paste large chunks of stuff from the wiki because you're too damn lazy to look yourself? Your server = EPIC FAIL because it's owner = EPIC FAIL. Sorry sunshine, but round here, you only get rewards when you put in some effort yourself. Otherwise you WILL get shot down in flames. Nobody is going to help you unless you're willing to help yourself. The reason? We're all too busy with life, and our own projects to help people with their every little question that they need answering, when the answers are already available to them somewhere else.

    So how about you start by reading up the MTA DM server and the introductions to scripting, etc, and then at least TRY to answer those questions yourself. When you come unstuck and have demonstrably tried to make things work yourself, then we'll be more inclined to help.

    I'm afraid most of the replies below will now say the same thing, with you replying "GTFO meanies, I just want some help, if you're not willing to help, FO"...because no-one will pander to your laziness.

    Yeah like i did, ppl help me because they don't need to copy and paste 100000 lines of code.

    I do the most stuff myself and get help by people with small codes and if it's big then they send links or just tell me how to do, try do like me and you'll get respect and friends.


    Don't act like a 13 year old
    Dude i think gamesnert is 14 and i'm too LOL you got pwned to death man.
  6. Or we just use .xml :)

    Am already using for skin. :P

    About the skin: I've been working on it. Green light! Or well... It works. I guess, doesn't give anymore errors and the GUI loads, so it should atleast be positive. :)

    But to go back on topic: I can do it in XML. I'll try it. :P

    LOL why didn't you think about this earlier? :D

  7. OMG i had my gm in my sa-mp server all in MySQL i got it working but today nothing that had to do with localhosted mysql worked :o:(

    Eh... Is that related to this topic? Well maybe that the first few REAL versions may require MySQL... But what exactly is your point of telling this? :P

    That i won't install MySQL 5times the same day adain -.-'

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