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Posts posted by crismar

  1. Howdy there,

    I've a similar laptop, except mine's got GT 940M. It's an Asus from what I can tell (as mine). Installing your nVidia drivers should open a new option while right clicking on the .exe: "Run with graphics processor". Select "nVidia High Performance Graphics" instead of "Intel HD Graphics" (which for unknown reasons is set to default to some high-end games). Good luck.


    Good luck.

  3. Ai postat 2 intrebari legate de GM-ul de RP, chiar vrei sa-ti pierzi urmatoarele 2 luni incercand sa-l faci sa mearga ?

    E cel mai complex gamemode de pe tot MTA-ul, nu poti sa-l faci sa mearga cerand resurse, trebuie configurate anumite chestii etc.

  4. Nu inteleg exact cum inaptii care nu pot sa lege doua propozitii in romana au fost capabili sa faca un server de RP sa functioneze ?...

    As avea o explicatie da' tre' sa arunc cu maro in Axel, desi cred ca e si el constient de asta.

  5. O investie de genu' asta, nu e rentabila.

    1. Dezvoltatorul o sa aiba o copie de la gamemode, in eventualitatea in care e de succes o sa poata sa apara un al 2lea server.

    2. RPul e acaparat de incapabili in Romania, nu poti face un server de RP serios, in conditiile in care exista 9 servere de RP cu 100 000$ + la inceput.

  6. Take PSerial outside the 'for' loop, you're not going to need to get the serial every time you loop. Doesn't have a large impact on perfomance, but it's better to learn to write optimised code directly.

  7. Nu poti concura cu Euphobia lui Raileanu si Mihailescu. N o sa vina.mai mult de 10 persoane diaspuse sa munceasca 100 ore cand exista servere cu bani de inceput, detinute de 2 semi-analfabeti.

  8. triggerServerEvent provides a sends to the server the client (element) that triggered the event in the form of the 'client' variable. Replace your 'source' with 'client' in order to get it working properly.

  9. Wrong solution by @ mihayy5

    Anyways lets come on point? Are there any errors in /debugscript 3 when you restart or do this command? If so please, tell.

    Is superman event added even?

    I don't think so

    If the event is not added how do you expect the script to work ?

  10. I don't advise using 'isElementWithinAColShape' in the DayZ gamemode, there's a huge number of colshapes in that gamemode, to get an idea just do:

    /run #getElementsByType("colshape")

    For further reference do:

    /crun setDevelopmentMode(true)

    /showcols 1

    You will see almost everything has a colshape thus making the script a CPU-eating beast.

    Edit: De ce ai amestecat resursa cu protectia bazelor cu resursa cu interactiunea ? :shock:

  11. If you have a set of colshapes created by a resource and want to constantly check if a player is inside a colshape you can do the following:

    local colShapes = {} 
    -- As you create your colshapes, include them in your colShapes array. 
    -- Complete this part on your own. 
    function checkColShapeOnLogin() 
        for i, v in pairs(colShapes) do 
             if isElementWithinColShape(source, v) then 
                   setElementData(source, "withinColShape", v) 
    addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin", root, checkColShapeOnLogin) 
    function assignColShapeOnEnter(theElement) 
        for i, v in pairs(colShapes) do 
             if isElementWithinColShape(theElement, v) then 
                   setElementData(theElement, "withinColShape", source) 
    addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", root, assignColShapeOnEnter) 
    function assignColShapeOnExit(theElement) 
        local currentShape = getElementData(theElement, "withinColShape") or nil 
        for i, v in pairs(colShapes) do 
           if v == currentShape then 
               setElementData(theElement, "withinColShape", false) 
    addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", root, assignColShapeOnExit) 

  12. Are you sure you aren't calling OnPlayerUnCuff from another resource ? And does your error spam something like 'Stack overflow' before aborting the script ?

    If so, please remove the last two lines of your current script and run it. It should display an error when the resource that calls it no longer finds it.

  13. E posibil ca zona de IP sa fie blocata direct din hostul serverului (e.g CSF - Linux). Serverul ofera informatii despre playeri deoarace probabil accesul zonei e restrictionat doar pe portul de conectare, nu si pe 22125 (parca asta era cel cu informatiile despre server).

    Problema nu e solutionabila, si intru-cat apare si la tine si la prietenul tau e clar ca portul nu va accepta conexiunea. O alta probabilitate ar fi ca voi sa fi dat refresh foarte des si din nou, sa fie sesizata chestia asta de softul de securitate. Intuiesc ca serverul e hostat pe un VPS, cele hostate de la companii in general nu sunt cine stie ce in termeni de securitate.

    Edit: Pentru a test asta incearca sa intri pe un Proxy/VPN si sa te conectezi. Daca merge clar ipoteza mea e corecta.

  14. Ti-as sugera sa te uiti la functia:


    Trebuie sa modifici suspensionUpperLimit si suspensionLowerLimit, daca nu ma insel (n-am folosit functia pt. suspensii, mai degraba pt. viteza si franare).

    Cat despre a doua chestie cu teava de esapament, nu exista o functie prestabilita, daca chiar vrei sa faci asta o sa-ti trebuiasca un adevarat arsenal de functii si handlere.


    Functie: createEffect - creezi fum de la teava de esapament (exhale). 
    Functie: destroyElement - distrugi fumul. 
    Functie: attachElements - atasezi efectul de fum la masina (nu uita sa calculezi offsetul). 
    Functie: addEvent - pt. eventul chemat de server la sincronizarea cu un vehicul care trebuie sa aiba 2 tevi de esapament. 


    Event: onElementStartSync - pt. chemarea eventului care creeaza fumul pe client-side. 
    Event: onElementStopSync - pt. chemarea eventului care distruge fumul pe client-side. 
    Functie: triggerServerEvent 
    Functie: getElementType - verifica daca elementul sincronizat era o masina inainte de a creea fumul. 

    Nu e chiar un script usor de facut, personal nu cred ca merita osteneala pt. niste fum.

  15. Yes, when you freeze an element it cannot be moved unless you change it's state.

    function toggleFreezeState(thePlayer, theSeat) 
        if(theSeat == 0) 
           if(isElementFrozen(source)) then 
               setElementFrozen(source, false) 
               setElementFrozen(source, true) 
    addEventHandler("onVehicleExit", root, toggleFreezeState) 
    addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", root, toggleFreezeState) 

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