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Posts posted by IIYAMA
2 hours ago, lgeri000 said:
Probably i dont know something about mysql or JSON
Please show the JSON, that is the easiest way of checking why the conversion is failing.
Also don't use the following array formatting:
{ [1] = {}, [2] = {} }
Keep it clean, no gaps if possible, if you do have gaps add a false value or an empty table:
{ {}, {} }
The conversion between Lua and JSON is rather sensitive if you do not follow the JavaScript Object Notion rules.
Another golden rule:
Don't mix keys of different key types, it is either strings or integer each (sub)table. If one of them is a string, all of them become strings. There is no such thing as a table in JavaScript, there is only an default object(key strings) or an array(key integers).-
1 hour ago, Salchy said:
but what does each of them mean?
A matrix is a mixture of a position and orientation(rotation). With as main purpose able to calculating offset. For example you want to place a ramp in front of a vehicle, a matix helps you with that.
But you do NOT need to know how a matrix works, don't waste your time XD.
I prefer to use the Matrix class(without oop), instead of getElementMatrix:
local x, y, z = getElementPosition(vehicle) local xr, yr, zr = getElementRotation(vehicle) local vehicleMatix = Matrix (Vector3(x, y, z), Vector3(xr, yr, zr)) -- build your matrix with position and rotation local offset = Vector3(0, 0, 0) -- fill in! local newPosition = matrix:transformPosition(offset) iprint(newPosition.x, newPosition.y, newPosition.z)
See docs:
Utility function:
function getMatrixFromElement (element) return Matrix (Vector3(getElementPosition(element)), Vector3(getElementRotation(element))) end
17 hours ago, kukimuki said:
it says again again the same.
Is the error it still at this line? Or a different line? (note the resource has to be restarted)
for i, item in pairs(inv) do
21 hours ago, kukimuki said:
nono, I just want to know that where I need to write this code?
Directly after getting the element data:
On 12/07/2023 at 16:49, kukimuki said:local inv = getElementData(localPlayer, "char:items");
On 24/06/2023 at 09:10, Raizel said:
I'm trying to detect if a player is afk
There is also this serverside function:
QuoteThis function gets the amount of time in milliseconds that a players position has not changed.
Or check when the player is pressing a button:
25 minutes ago, kukimuki said:
can you explain me how is it works?
How validation works?
When data comes from an external source, in this case element-data, there is no way of knowing that it is valid. Therefore checking if the data is OK is essential.
For example if the script tries to get the element-data under the key "char:items" before it has an value assigned to it, the script without data validation will most likely end up with an warning or error at a certain point.
25 minutes ago, kukimuki said:and what you written me code is good for me?
Are you suggesting that it is not good for you? Well this is more or less the format in which you receive help in this forum section.
If I misunderstand you, please let me know.
2 hours ago, kukimuki said:
I inserted the client file.
Always validate your element-data before you are going to do something with it:
local inv = getElementData(localPlayer, "char:items"); ----------------------------------------------- assert(type(inv) == "table", "inv must be a table") -- hard error -- or if type(inv) != "table" then -- outputChatBox("OH NO, I need a table to put my head on...") return end
If element data is not set, the variable inv does not contain a table, but false instead.
Another way would be manually modify the ACL:
<right name="command.theCommand" access="false" /> <right name="command.theCommand" access="true" />
And set restricted to true (this is the syntax for addCommandHandler):
bool addCommandHandler ( string commandName, function handlerFunction [, bool restricted = false, bool caseSensitive = true ] )
This will restrict specific commands based on the ACL.
The choice depends where you want the restriction/validation being placed. During executing the command or in the function of the script.
5 hours ago, scolen said:
What is the reason for that ?
You might consider using another filename. Also stopping the resource on onResourceStart is a good way for error handling, since this resource is not very useful without a databasse.
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, function () vehDB = dbConnect( 'sqlite', 'veiculosdatabase.db' ) if not vehDB then return cancelEvent (true, "Unable to connect to database.") end dbExec( vehDB, ' CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `VehiclesSystem_Players` (pSerial, vehID, vehName, vehPrice, Subscription) ' ) end, false)
2 hours ago, Burak5312 said:
I'm undecided between these two but do you have a better idea?
2 hours ago, Burak5312 said:local allpeds = {} local testped = createPed(0, 0,0,3) allpeds[testped] = true
For easy and fast management.
2 hours ago, Burak5312 said:local allpeds = {} local testped = createPed(0, 0,0,3) table.insert(allpeds, testped)
For looping speed. (complexer management)
Note: you can also go for both.
Or you could go for this one:
https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/CreateElement (as parent)
- No need to clean up after a ped is deleted.
- Able to get specific streamedin peds at clientside.
- Attach eventHandlers to all your peds and only those.
- (Whipe all peds with just one destroyElement call > propagation.)
53 minutes ago, Burak5312 said:
maybe I don't know my way of thinking is wrong but right now I can't see any way out
AI thinking is not linear unfortunately. But some tasks are, and yet those probably can be interrupted in some way. Therefore it is important to run some of the checks every cycle.
You could give something like this a try:
local dataStorage_AI = {} -- Give the ped a brain if it hasn't one yet. function init_AI (ped) if dataStorage_AI[ped] then return end dataStorage_AI[ped] = { controls = {}, -- pressed controls maybe? (since serverside is not aware) element = ped } end -- Run the main update cycle function update_AI(ped) if not dataStorage_AI[ped] then return end -- no storage, no brain... if isPedDead(ped) then return end if isElementInWater(ped) then return runPedInWaterInstructions (ped) end end -- If the ped is in the water, do stuff here function runPedInWaterInstructions (ped) local pedData = dataStorage_AI[ped] -- do something here end
10 hours ago, Erfanice said:
Is there a way to show where the problem is?
You can inspect resource usage with the performancebrowser:
(It will ask you to login with your ingame admin account)10 hours ago, Erfanice said:Is it because of spamming players?
Might be, it also depends what is spammed. For example a command (attached to a synced database query) can be more impactful than just a chat message.
On 15/04/2023 at 16:17, Kitsada said:
I want to use datalist in html, I tried it and it doesn't work.
I tested your code and it works fine.
But keep in mind that in your current setup it is used as an auto complete feature. Typing `Jo` makes auto complete John available. Also when you press your arrow-down key, it should act more as the options tag as @FLUSHBICEPS referring to.
52 minutes ago, chris1384 said:
How do you make a function loaded with loadstring() that also supports parameters?
When loading code, you are putting a kind of chunk/function around it.
So basically this:
function(player) return getPlayerName(player) == 'owner' end
Looks more or less like this:
-- pcall(loadstringed) is calling this chunk/function: function () function(player) return getPlayerName(player) == 'owner' end end
So in order to solve this:
return function(player) return getPlayerName(player) == 'owner' end
local success, theFunc = pcall(loadstringed) local success2, isOwner = pcall(theFunc, testPlayer)
See also xpcall for better error handling:
16 hours ago, Ahmedos said:
I mean Multi Game Mode
The generic answer is, you need to create a resource that serves as manager
> and rewrite each gamemode, so that their usage can be scoped(data/elements/events) for specific players.Best is to get inspiration from an already existing Multi Game Mode resource. Since this is really a lot of work and complexity. Explaining the process from A to B would take too much of my time (sorry).
2 hours ago, MTA.Castiel said:
Our client event "runOurClientEvent" is currently being triggered for everyone in the team, including myself.
Try this:
triggerClientEvent ( (function () local players = getElementsByType("player") for i=1, #players do if players[i] == source then table.remove(players, i) break end end return players end)(), -- IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) "runOurClientEvent", root )
20 hours ago, itsHasaN said:
then the handlers will stop working on other resources!
When the resource starts a new resourceRoot element will be created. This element is destroyed when the resource stops.
It is therefore not a good idea to attach eventHandlers to the resourceRoot's of other resources. (Unless you keep track of start/stop resources)
In your current example you mentioned the eventName onPlayerFirstSpawn.
The player makes it's first spawn. From a semantic perspective, the player is therefore the one activating the event. And I expect it therefore to be used as the source of that event. The element above a player is the root element and should be used for the eventHandler of that event. The root element is not deleted when restarting resources.
But never the less, here is how to solve the resource validation issue:
addEventHandler("<eventName>", root, function () local resource = getResourceFromName( "<resourceName>" ) if not resource then return end if source == getResourceRootElement(resource) then -- The source is from the correct resource end end)
Another way to keep the resource start up in order is to use the tag: <include resource="resourceName"/>
46 minutes ago, Molvine said:
I tried to do something similar.
Looks nice! Just some side notes, feel free to ignore those.
I recommend not do these kind of animations serverside. You are basically sending data to the client/player every 20 milliseconds, which might causing network trouble on a not local server. Just set the end-value serverside. And trigger an even clientside + do the animation there.
Also the GTA default money animation can be displayed with setPlayerMoney (unless of course you want to use a custom transition): https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPlayerMoney
20 hours ago, MTA.Castiel said:
tried using the weapon muzzle position as the forced lookAt position
Try this one instead:
Note: The returned values can be nil. -
2 hours ago, relvarten said:
And in this moment I'm stuck
I understand that you want to do the calculations your self.
But if you are using a matrix, you really do not have to think about all that complex and brain exploding stuff.
local x, y, z, rx, ry, rz x, y, z = getElementPosition(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) rx, ry, rz = getElementRotation(getPedOccupiedVehicle(source)) local vehicleMatrix = Matrix ( Vector3(x, y, z), Vector3(rx, ry, rz) ) local offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ = 0, 0, 0 local newPosition = vehicleMatrix:transformPosition ( Vector3(offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ) ) SpawnedObject = createObject(987, newPosition.x, newPosition.y, newPosition.z) setElementRotation(SpawnedObject, rx, ry, rz, "ZYX")
Note: You can do all of this with less lines.
Just a note.
Instead of doing a source validation.
-- The source for this event is always 'resourceRoot' if source ~= resourceRoot then reportNaughtyness( eventName, client, "source" ) return end
You can also disable propagate:
addEvent("onRaiseTheRoof", true) addEventHandler("onRaiseTheRoof", resourceRoot, function(arg1, arg2) end, false -- < disable propagate )
While it does not report naughtiness, it is very easy to add.
1 hour ago, sadvely said:
What is this code for?
It is called a Wrapper function.
It is used to add extra functionality too an existing function.
For example the setElementPosition function. It's syntax is now:
--[[ Syntax: setElementPosition ( element theElement, float x, float y, float z [, bool warp = true ] ) -- https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementPosition ]]
All arguments except for warp are required.
An example wrapper function:
local _setElementPosition = setElementPosition -- Re-define original function (so that it is still accessible) function setElementPosition (element, x, y, z, warp) -- Overwrite the existing setElementPosition with your wrapper function (it is overwritten, because the function name is the same) if not x then x = 0 end if not y then y = 0 end if not z then z = 0 end return _setElementPosition(element, x, y, z, warp) -- calling the original function end
The x, y, z parameters do not have to be filled in any more. They are by default set to 0.
The new syntax would be now:
--[[ Syntax: setElementPosition ( element theElement, [ float x = 0 ], [ float y = 0 ], [ float z = 0] [, bool warp = true ] ) -- https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetElementPosition ]]
Is this wrapper function useful? Not really.
18 minutes ago, uj3BanY said:
in line 112 it turns out that there is an error in defining
Change isMapVisible() to isPlayerMapVisible().
isMapVisible is an OOP method. Used like this (if OOP is enabled):
5 hours ago, Trust aka Tiffergan said:
"This" refers to the object that the script is attached to, which is equivalent to the "source".
Just a side note (you probably already know this:
this can be the same as source, but it doesn't have to be.For example here:
local myButton = createButton(0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1, "Click me!", true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", resourceRoot, function() outputChatBox("Button clicked!") end)
this is always resourceRoot
While source in this set-up is always a GUI element of this resource.
For @Xwaw
See image below, is the element tree, where you can see some of the main parent elements in MTA.
root at the very top is the parent for ALL elements within your game:
This includes players,
resources(resourceRoot's) > maps/'scripted created elements' and everything that hangs directly under those.resourceRoot is the main parent of each resource. Which can be used to listen to events created by elements that are part of a specific resource.
Info: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Element_tree
Help ! acl
in Scripting
You can give this utility function a try (untested). It is important to know that you can only check this information serverside.