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Posts posted by stylo

  1. hi i wrote an script but can you guys please help me with this 1 ??

    it wont work correctly

    on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
     var %a = $iif((!$4),$2,$iif(($prs.getid($1,$4) == $null),$2,$v1)),%race = $replace($mta.race($1),$chr(32),$chr(45))
     if ($3 == !recs) mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,%a) $+ 's recs: $IRC.recs($1,%a)
     if ($3 == !rec) IRC.rec $1 $2 %a $5-
    alias IRC.recs !return $iif($readini($scriptdir $+ IRCrecs.ini,RECS,$nick),$readini($scriptdir $+ IRCrecs.ini,RECS,$nick)),0)
    alias IRC.rec {
     if ($3 == $null) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: !rec 
     elseif ($3 == $2) mta.pm $1 $2 Error: Cannot rec yourSelf
     else {
       !writeini -n " $+ $scriptdir $+ IRCrecs.ini" RECS $mta.nick($1,$2) 1 $+ $calc($iif($hget(IRCrecs,$1) == $null,1,$v1) + $2)
       mta.text $1 $mta.nick($1,$3) has got an rec by $mta.nick($1,$2) $iif($4 != $null,Reason: $4-) 

    would be glad if you guys can help me

  2. I need an rangeban script verry fast since i got some people who every day join and i want to ban couse they inpersonate admins and cheat

    but the rangeban script i had dont works

    i would be happy if you guys can make 1

    and i also need an script that you must be logged in into IRC otherwise you got kicked so you must be logged in with nickserv etc,,

    E.G :

    JB_Frozen joined

    JB_Frozen you are not logged in into IRC go to IRC and login

    JB_frozen kicked

  3. this is verry simple -_-

    on *:TEXT:!say*:*: {
    /mta.text 1 $nick @ IRC - $+ : $3-
    on *:JOIN:%echochan: {
    /mta.text 1 $nick joined IRC
    on *:PART:%echochan: {
    /mta.text 1 $nick left IRC

    tryout and you will know that it works but only with an IRC where you not loaded the scripts in and the bot with the scripts must be on the same channel as you are :P

  4. Srry, i made like you said a new .mrc file .. but still same problem,.

    and i dont have that script twice ...

    Well nvm can be im to stupid -_-'

    srry for wasting ur time

  5. I think its better to put a warning with: You have reached your votekick limit. Because being kicked when you want to kick someone else is not such a good idea :roll:

    I agree

    If you got kicked then.. they proberly wont come back.....

  6. It doesnt work good!

    !lol does work half it says: is laughing out loud and it should be:

    !lol dave

    is laughing out loud @ dave

    and it says:

    I type: !lol Dave

    it says: is laughing out loud

    and again: is laughiong out loud.. it says it 2 times :D

  7. well.. have you asked to scoob and tommis that you may use that scriptS?

    otherwise you are an illigal criminal :P

    couse its not good to steel other people thair script couse you get the tickets for it or other things but.. tommis and scoob maded them and you mix them (probarly without asking)

    so no fair

  8. here just copie paste and edit

    on *:START:{
     set %echoserverid 1
     set %echochan #yourchan
    on *:SIGNAL:PART:{
     if ($chan == %echochan) /mta.text %echochan [iRC] $chan $nick has left the IRC channel!
    on *:SIGNAL:JOIN:{
     if ($chan == %echochan) /mta.text %echochan [iRC] $nick has joined the IRC channel!
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.text:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [msg] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2)  $+ : $3-
    on *:!.SIGNAL:mta.command:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [msg] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2)  $+ : $3-
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.echo:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [msg] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2)  $+ : $3-
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.login:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [login] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2)  logged in
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.msg:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [msg] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2)  $+ : $3-
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.echo:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [Admin] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2)  $+ : $3-
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.join:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [Join] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2)  has joined the game.
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.part:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [Disconnect] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)  has left the game.
    on *:SIGNAL:Mta.ban:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [ban] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)  Banned by remote admin	
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.Freeze:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [freeze] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)  Frozen by remote admin
    on *:SIGNAL:Mta.mute:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [mute] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)  succesfull Muted by remote admin
    on *:SIGNAL:Mta.unmute:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [unmute] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)  succesfull unmuted by remote admin
    on *:SIGNAL:Mta.unfreeze:(
    if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [unfreeze] 3 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)  succesfull unfrozen by remote admin
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.Command:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [command] 10 $mta.nick($1,$2)  $+ : $3-
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.death:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [Died] 10 $+ $mta.nick($1,$2)  just died >
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.endrace:{
     if ($1 == %echoserverid) /msg #yourchan 4*14 [endrace] 10 $+ $mta.race($1,$2)  Just ended!

    edit the #yourchan to your channel

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