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Posts posted by WestCoast

  1. Hello. I need a bit help with my drugs script.

    i made a script that if i type !Drugs it says the drugs what i own

    that work perfectly

    but i have a problem with a !buyweed script

    i want that i want choose how much i want to buy


    !buyweed 1 to 100 etc.

    in my script i can only buy 10 Kg of weed.

    when i buyweed my cash goes to $-10000

    i want a pm says: You dont have enough money to buy weed.

    This is what i wrote:

    on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
     var %a = $iif($4 == $null,$2,$iif($mta.getid($1,$4) == -1,$2,$v1)) 
     if ($3 = !Buyweed) {
       if (Ryton Aide !isin $mta.area($1,$2)) mta.msg $1 $2 You Are Not At Ryton Aide
       else {
         mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Brought 10 Kg Of Weed.
         writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($mta.cash($1,$2) - 10000)
         writeini Drugs.ini Drugs $mta.name($1,%a) $calc($mta.drugs($1,%a) + 10)
    alias mta.cash !return $iif($readini(MTAScript.ini,Cash,$mta.name($1,$2)) == $null,0,$v1)
    alias mta.drugs !return $iif($readini(Drugs.ini,Drugs,$mta.name($1,$2)) == $null,0,$v1)

    Thnx :) WestCoast

  2. I Need To Know the Best Uploading Site to.

    It Says The Same At Me The:

    MTA Server for MTA 0.5

    Name: 'The WestCoast Customs RPG+DM'

    Port: 2003

    Game: Lisetening IP:

    Map: Vice City : Deathmatch

    Maximum Players: 10

    ERROR: Rich MOTD URLs must begin include the initial http://.


    Server successfully started on port 2003

    Press Q to shutdown the server.

    All Seeing Eye listing enabled. Port 2126 must be accessable from the internet.

    I Need A Good site Can Someone Help Me Plz.

  3. I Made A Casino Script.

    But Its Not Working So Good.

    If I Got $0 Cash And Lose With The Casino.

    It Goes To: -$2500

    Someone Plz Help Me With This.

    This Is What I Wrote:

    on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
     if ($3 = !spin) {
     if ($mta.area($1,$2) == Malibu) {
       var %a = $rand(1,2)
       .timer 1 0 mta.say $1 The Wheel Is Spinning !
       .timer 1 2 mta.say $1 The Wheel Is Starting To Stop !
       .timer 1 3 mta.say $1 The Wheel Stopped !
       .timer 1 5 mta.say $1 $iif(%a == 1,$mta.name($1,$2) Won ($5000),$mta.name($1,$2) Lost ($2500))
       !writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($mta.cash($1,$2) + 5000)
       else !writeini !writeini MTAScript.ini Cash $mta.name($1,$2) $calc($mta.cash($1,$2) - 2500)
    else {
    mta.msg $1 $2 You Are Not At Malibu.
    alias mta.cash {  
     !return $iif($readini(MTAScript.ini,Cash,$mta.name($1,$2)) == $null,0,$v1) 

    Plz Help Me.

  4. MeanpantheR

    Your Script Is Nice

    But I Found 1 Problem.

    When I Take $2000 From The Bank

    And Then Do:


    It Says It Must Be Numbers Without Points.

    I Did This:

    !Give SaitekX307 500

    PM From Admin: It must be numbers without points

    This is the problem.

  5. Hi Its Me Again Sorry.

    Is There A Script That Only The Guy/Girl Who Activates The Alarm

    He Can Only DeActivate It.

    And That If Someone Turns The Alarm On (In Car) That He Can DeActivate It (Out The Car)

    Cuz If I Use !Alarm On And Get In The Car It Slaps Me.

    Thats Why.

    I Just Edited The Script With Only 1 Slap.

    on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { 
     if ($3 == !alarm) { 
       if (($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == foot) || ($mta.vehicle($1,$2).name == Unknown)) mta.msg $1 $2 Error - you need to be in a car 
       elseif ($4 == on) { 
         mta.say $1 Car Alarm Activated 
         !writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ alarm.ini" alarm $mta.vehicle($1,$2) on 
       elseif ($4 == off) { 
         mta.say $1 Car Alarm DeActivated 
         !writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ alarm.ini" alarm $mta.vehicle($1,$2) off 
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.enter:{ 
     if ($readini($scriptdir $+ alarm.ini,alarm,$mta.vehicle($1,$2)) == on) { 
       mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) Has Triggered An Car Alarm 
       $+(.timer,$1,.,$2) 1 1 bla.kill $1 $2 
    on *:SIGNAL:mta.exit: { 
     $+(.timer,$1,.,$2) off 
    alias bla.kill .timer 1 0 mta.slap $1 $2

    Can Any One Help Me?

  6. Hi All.

    I Made this script for making money

    but when i do !spin and if i win the cash,

    and type !cash my cash is still at 0

    maybe something is wrong in my script or maybe in MeanpantheR's Script i dont know

    This is wht i wrote

    on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: {
    if ($3 = !spin) {
       var %a = $rand(1,2)
       .timer 1 0 mta.say $1 The Wheel Is Spinning !
       .timer 1 2 mta.say $1 The Wheel Is Starting To Stop !
       .timer 1 3 mta.say $1 The Wheel Stopped !
       .timer 1 5 mta.say $1 $iif(%a == 1,$mta.name($1,$2) Won ($7500),$mta.name($1,$2) Lost ($2500))
       if (%a = 1) !writeini ("MTAScript.ini") $mta.name($1,$2) Cash $calc($readini(MTAScript.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),Cash) + 7500)
       else !writeini ("MTAScript.ini") $mta.name($1,$2) Cash $calc($readini(MTAScript.ini,$mta.name($1,$2),Cash) - 2500)

  7. I'm Not So Gooed In Scripting.

    Sorry If I Disturb You Guys.

    What I Need Is:

    1) Only Cops Can Do !Suspect

    2) If A Cop Kills The Suspected Person They Get $1000 Cash

    3) Ppl Can Watch Who Is Wanted.

    I already wro this.

    its a bit hard to make it lol

     if ($3 == !Suspect) {
    mta.say $1 $4 Is Suspected For: $5
    !writeini " $+ $scriptdir $+ wanted.ini" $mta.nick($1,$2) Is Wanted
     if ($3 = !Wanted) {
    ($readini($scriptdir $+ wanted.ini,Wanted Peoples,$mta.ip($1,$2)) == 2)

    its realy hard for me to make this :P but thnx.

  8. Hmm. I Made This Script. But When I Do:

    !P (Point(s) Set.)

    !S (Area Saved As )

    !Area (Says The Location)

    the problem is that when i do !p and save some points and then do !s to save area then it just says Vice-City :S

    this is what i made:

    on *:SIGNAL:mta.command: { 
     if (!clear == $3) { 
       !unset %area 
       mta.say $1 Area cleared. 
     if (!p == $3) { 
       %area = %area $+ $chr(44) $+ $round($mta.location($1,$2,x),4) $+ $chr(44) $+ $round($mta.location($1,$2,y),4) 
       mta.say $1 $calc($count(%area,$chr(44)) /2) point(s) set 
     if (!s == $3) { 
       var %a 
       if ($did(mta,$1 $+ 33) == GTA:3)  !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA1 $right(%area,-1) $4- 
       elseif ($did(mta,$1 $+ 22) == Stunt) !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA2 $right(%area,-1) $4- 
       else { 
         !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA2 $right(%area,-1) $4- 
         !writeini " $+ $scriptdirmta.data.ini" AREA3 $right(%area,-1) $4- 
       !unset %area 
       mta.say $1 Area saved as " $+ $4-" 
     if (!a == $3) { 
       mta.say $1 $mta.area($1,$2) 

    Plz can someone help me.

    it doesnt saves the area when i do !p and then !s :S

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