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Posts posted by kevuwk

  1. I hate hackers. They can all burn and rot in hell. The little feckers ...

    Why people have to hack fries me. And then, when they do hack and are caught its "Noooo i isn't hax0r i stupid so must use cheats i suck im n00b tosser" etc, etc (fine I made some of that up, does it matter ... :)).

    Some people really must have their heads lodged too far up their arses. Seriously, some people couldn't find their anus with two hands and a flashlight ...

    Bunch of tossers. I hate hackers. :redhotevil:

    Rant over. :)

    you mean it was their 'brother', they told their 'brother' not to do it but he still went ahead and did it, blah blah blah

    hackers don't realise that when they don't something like spawn a gun on hay they might aswell just announce to everyone that they are hacking, they will learn soon enough

  2. think it only bans IP and serial, not the name of people, not sure how the admin panel works but if it bans IP then people with a dynamic IP will be able to come back on when the reconnect to the internet and get a new IP but serial bans should stop people getting on

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