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  1. Even though I said this, ill just throw some random stuff together (without thinking about its implementation) that you can review: local RW_TYPE = { -- print(decToHex(bytesToData("ui",string.char(0xFF, 0xFF, 0x03, 0x18)))) [1] = 'rwDATA', [2] = 'rwSTRING', [3] = 'rwEXTENSION', [6] = 'rwTEXTURE', [7] = 'rwMATERIAL', [8] = 'rwMATERIALLIST', [14] = 'rwFRAMELIST', [15] = 'rwGEOMETRY', [16] = 'rwCLUMP', [20] = 'rwATOMIC', [26] = 'rwGEOMETRYLIST', [1294] = 'rwMATERIALSPLIT', [39056126] = 'rwFRAME', }; local lBytesToData = bytesToData local lDecToHex = decToHex local lCreateCipher = createCipher local lCipher = cipher local function readChunkHeaderInfo(file, c) -- an exception is needed so that you are at the beginning of the chunk @c = current_position local c = c and c or 0 local ChunkHeaderInfo = { rwType = ''; bytes = ''; version = 0; buildings = '' }; file:setPos(c) ChunkHeaderInfo.rwType = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)); file:setPos(c+4) ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)); file:setPos(c+8) ChunkHeaderInfo.version = lDecToHex(lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4))); file:setPos(c+12) ChunkHeaderInfo.buildings = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)); local rwString = RW_TYPE[ChunkHeaderInfo.rwType] if rwString then ChunkHeaderInfo.rwType = rwString end return ChunkHeaderInfo end local function readGeometryInfo(file, c) -- an exception is necessary for you to be at the beginning of RWDATA GEOMETRY @c = current_position local c = c and c or 0 local rwGeometryInfo = { rwType = ''; bytes = ''; version = 0; FACES = 0, VERTEX = 0 }; file:setPos(c) rwGeometryInfo.rwType = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)); file:setPos(c+4) rwGeometryInfo.bytes = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)); file:setPos(c+8) rwGeometryInfo.version = lDecToHex(lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4))); -- skipping flags and some bull:~ file:setPos(c+12+4) rwGeometryInfo.FACES = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)) file:setPos(c+12+8) rwGeometryInfo.VERTEX = lBytesToData('ui', file:read(4)) local rwString = RW_TYPE[rwGeometryInfo.rwType] if rwString then rwGeometryInfo.rwType = rwString end return rwGeometryInfo end local function ENCODE(path, key) local file = fileOpen(path) -- local buffer = '' local pos = 48 + (readChunkHeaderInfo(file, 36).bytes) + 12 + 16 -- skip some initial data as well at FrameList. local data = { key = key, start = 0, size = 512, blocks = {} } -- encryption data -- fileSetPos(file, 0) buffer = fileRead(file, pos + 12 + 4) -- we read everything until the first geometry -- local newpos = pos -- local i = 1 local t = getTickCount() -- data.start = newpos+12+4 while true do local ChunkHeaderInfo = readChunkHeaderInfo(file, newpos) if ChunkHeaderInfo.rwType ~= 'rwGEOMETRY' then break else fileSetPos(file, newpos) if ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes >= 512 then local part = fileRead(file, 512) -- part=encodeCaesarXor(part, 128) local self = lCreateCipher('rc4') part = lCipher(self, part) buffer = buffer..part fileSetPos(file, newpos+512+12+4) buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, (ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes+12)-512) else buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes+12) end -- table.insert(data.blocks, { newpos, ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes }) newpos=newpos+(ChunkHeaderInfo.bytes+12) i=i+1 end end -- buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, file.size-newpos) -- fileClose(file) local file = fileCreate('1.dff') fileWrite(file, buffer) fileClose(file) -- local file = fileCreate('file.key') fileWrite(file, inspect(data)) fileClose(file) -- print('ms: '..(getTickCount()-t)) end ENCODE('infernus.dff', '1') -- table from file data = { blocks = { { 8287, 492453 }, { 500752, 164001 }, { 664765, 88344 }, { 753121, 52054 }, { 805187, 356965 }, { 1162164, 1675 }, { 1163851, 521 }, { 1164384, 2997 }, { 1167393, 6039 }, { 1173444, 18268 }, { 1191724, 1519 }, { 1193255, 88956 }, { 1282223, 21275 }, { 1303510, 12068 }, { 1315590, 48581 }, { 1364183, 12180 }, { 1376375, 90521 }, { 1466908, 48349 }, { 1515269, 17305 }, { 1532586, 9920 }, { 1542518, 8002 }, { 1550532, 1342 }, { 1551886, 1339 }, { 1553237, 7030 }, { 1560279, 4238 }, { 1564529, 7986 }, { 1572527, 7986 }, { 1580525, 41149 }, { 1621686, 42308 }, { 1664006, 89259 }, { 1753277, 89259 }, { 1842548, 32581 }, { 1875141, 120775 }, { 1995928, 106716 }, { 2102656, 192384 }, { 2295052, 2858 }, { 2297922, 195903 }, { 2493837, 2857 }, { 2496706, 199616 }, { 2696334, 2858 }, { 2699204, 186695 }, { 2885911, 57242 }, { 2943165, 162669 }, { 3105846, 148930 }, { 3254788, 3673 }, { 3258473, 47286 }, { 3305771, 29240 }, { 3335023, 3498 }, { 3338533, 200358 }, { 3538903, 39399 }, { 3578314, 99764 }, { 3678090, 75284 }, { 3753386, 99764 }, { 3853162, 75284 }, { 3928458, 5839 }, { 3934309, 5958 }, { 3940279, 1778 } }, key = "1", size = 512, start = 8303 } local function DECODE(path, key) local file = fileOpen(path) -- local buffer = fileRead(file, data.start) -- we read everything until the first geometry -- local newpos = data.blocks[1][1] -- local i = 1 local t = getTickCount() -- data.start = newpos+12+4 for i, v in ipairs(data.blocks) do fileSetPos(file, newpos) if v[2] >= 512 then local part = fileRead(file, 512) -- part=decodeCaesarXor(part, 128) local self = lCreateCipher('rc4') part = lCipher(self, part) buffer = buffer..part fileSetPos(file, newpos+512+12+4) buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, (v[2]+12)-512) else buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, v[2]+12) -- fileSetPos(file, newpos+12+4) end -- newpos=newpos+(v[2]+12) i=i+1 end -- buffer = buffer .. fileRead(file, file.size-newpos) -- fileClose(file) local file = fileCreate('2.dff') fileWrite(file, buffer) fileClose(file) -- print('ms: '..(getTickCount()-t)) end DECODE('infernus.dff', '1')
    1 point
  2. local yourtick = getTickCount() local alpha = 0 function yourFunctionRendering() local progresstick = getTickCount() - yourtick local progress = progresstick/500 if progress >= 1 then progress = 1 end alpha = interpolateBetween(0,0,0,1,0,0,progress,"Linear") --NOW YOUR FUNCTION guiSetAlpha ( yourWindow, alpha ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,yourFunctionRendering) Something like this. Remember that eachtime you need to update the animation you have to restart 'yourtick' And deal with the condition to fadeout. I've just give you an example of fadein without the condition. Regards.
    1 point
  3. Most animations are driven by an easing function - the simplest of which is Linear, but you could write your own easing equation - for example, y = x+math.sin(6.29x) if you want to, but most likely you won't need it. If you want something to appear smoothinly, use the return of an easing function as the alpha parameter; if you want it to slide onto the screen, use it for x or y position.
    1 point
  4. اي جرائد عندك مانع ؟ غريبه الناس غريبا الدنية ذيا اعز الناس والله نسيتها الاغنية ض1 على العموم رمضان كريم
    1 point
  5. local rootElement = getRootElement() --define what rootElement is (that's probably your main problem) local NPC = createPed(124,0,0,5) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() --you don't need to get this every frame, it will not change function NPCnametag() local sx,sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition (getElementPosition(NPC)) if sx then --this will check if the ped is actually on screen (without this check you would have many errors in your debug log) dxDrawText("Bob",sx,sy,screenWidth, screenHeight,tocolor ( 255, 255, 0, 255 ), 2,"sans") --I'm not sure if the text was supposed to be invisible but I think I'll just change that too end end function HandleTheRendering() addEventHandler("onClientRender",rootElement, NPCnametag) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",rootElement, HandleTheRendering)
    1 point
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