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Showing content with the highest reputation on 28/09/16 in all areas

  1. NssoR صحيح الموضوع كبير و اغلبيته ردود مجاملة لو يحذفوهم و يخلو الوظائف فقط عشين الواحد يقدر يدور على الاشي يلي بده اياه
    3 points
  2. المنتدى لا يوجد به خدمة تجهيز الأكواد
    2 points
  3. Yeah, I don't know what you mean by hacking. What did he do? And what do you expect MTA Team to do about it?
    2 points
  4. This resource (Player Geolocation) was created by Tails from G&T Mapping. Check us out on Facebook: https://fb.com/gtmapping About: Player Geolocation is a replacement tool for the MTA:SA default (/whois) function. This tool gives you much more information about a player with an interactive Google Maps feature (see pictures). Installation: Give the resource access to fetchRemote and your server needs to have HTTPS support (MTA:SA 1.5.2). How do I do that? Open the admin panel > resources tab > Manage ACL (upper right corner) under Groups select Admin then Add Object and name it: resource.geolocation That's it. How to use it: /lookup [name or domain name] in e.x. /lookup Jimmy or /lookup google.com Press escape to close the panel Press X to toggle the panel Download: Player Geolocation Tool 1.0
    1 point
  5. كذا بيفتح لجميع الاعبين اللي عندهم تحميل addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerHit',marker1, function ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement and getElementType ( hitElement ) == 'player' ) then if isPedInVehicle ( hitElement ) then return outputChatBox ( 'Exit from the vehicle!',255,0,0 ) end guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1],true ) showCursor( true ) guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) end end ) يصير كذا addEventHandler ( 'onClientMarkerHit',marker1, function ( hitElement ) if ( hitElement == localPlayer) then if isPedInVehicle ( hitElement ) then return outputChatBox ( 'Exit from the vehicle!',255,0,0 ) end guiSetVisible( GUIEditor.window[1],true ) showCursor( true ) guiSetInputEnabled ( true ) end end )
    1 point
  6. تبي سيرفرك ينجح اصبر ثلاث سنين على الأقل ووزع ادمن وبس
    1 point
  7. For drawing stuff on player join/quit/logout or anything, use the events in combination with dxDrawText and dxDrawImage.
    1 point
  8. getPlayerTime طبعا هالوظيفة تجيبلك وقت اللاعب مثلا بعض اللاعبين يقولك بعطي شخص رتبه وبتحقق اذا ساعاته 50 وفوق فـ هالوظيفة بتفيدك Syntax : Hour Minute getPlayerTime ( player ) Returns : Hour : الساعات الخاصه باللاعب Minute : الدقائق الخاصه باللاعب Example | مثال المثال الذي سيتم عرضه في الاسفل لن يسمح للاعب بالتحدث بالشات الا إذا كان لديه 5 ساعات و اكثر , ويتم عرض ساعاته و الدقائق بجانب اسمه function getPlayerTime ( Player ) local TimeData = getElementData(Player,'PlayTime') or '0:0'; if ( TimeData ) then return tonumber(split(TimeData,':')[1]) , tonumber(split(TimeData,':')[2]); end end addEventHandler('onPlayerChat',root, function (Message,MessageType) if ( MessageType == 0 ) then local hour , mintue = getPlayerTime ( source ) -- نجيب ساعاته if ( hour >= 5 ) then -- نتحقق ان الساعات 5 او اكثر outputChatBox('['..tostring(hour)..':'..tostring(mintue)..'] '..getPlayerName(source)..': '..Message,root) else -- في حال الساعات اقل من 5 لن يسمح له بالتكلم outputChatBox("Sorry, you can't speak because your time less than 5 hours",source) cancelEvent() end end end) والصراحه مادري اذا فيه احد مسويه من قبلي او لا, لأن الموضوع كبير ويبيلي وقت لو بشيك ع الصفحات . واتمني اني افدت بعض الاخوان , وبالتوفيق يارب
    1 point
  9. You can search for it in admin resource files.
    1 point
  10. Then you will have to edit the admin and killmessage resource so if he get a mute or whatever a gui message appear and edit the kill message add a new pictures and make exports i think it's easy to do it.
    1 point
  11. Most of the time you can get away by doing what @KariiiM did, in that you change the scale depending on the resolution. Depending on the font and how much smaller the resolution is, it may or may not work.
    1 point
  12. Kind of hard to help you when I don't know how the file's structured. You'll just have to do a bit of trial and error, use outputChatBox to debug, see what values you are getting - use that to try and pin-point where in the file you are. Remember that children can have children and so on, XML is like navigating in a spider-web or finding a needle in a haystack sometimes
    1 point
  13. قريبا سترى الأنجازات ان شاء الله أعمل على تطبيق عالمي يشبه لعبه يدعم 7 لغات فتره العمل المتوقعه من 8 اشهر الى سنه والله ولي التوفيق
    1 point
  14. Tried looking at some of the custom radars available and see how they sync things? Other than that, all I can really think of is getElementData. If I recall correctly you can get the posX, posY and posZ values via their element data. Though, I don't really see why this would be updated differently.
    1 point
  15. I'm assuming MTA uses prediction and/or interpolation for vehicles to minimize network load, probably in co-junction with whether they're streamed in or not. Tried getting the position via the server(the server should know where they are at any given time) and then passing it on to clients, alternatively maybe using element data? Not the most efficient way of doing things, but works for testing purposes. Is this something you need to do every frame?
    1 point
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